Thats step one of the ten step plan. 1) Admit it 2) Quit it 3) Spend some time separating yourself from it 4) make sure nobody remembers you listened to it 5) make fun of it 6-10) repeat 5
I never posted in the omnom thread because I was afraid people weren't going to think my pictures were funny
So uhhh... from what I gather, there be a FH Minecraft server. I so totally want in. I "caved" the other day and bought the beta. I had tried my hardest not to reindulge, because Penguinish got me hooked before the alpha even existed, and about two months of my life were consumed with making stupid hedge mazes in what is now "creative" mode.
You can go to MiningBros or to the GoO Server. Chuck, me, BT, Tusk, Furry, Devin, Mick, Sarge, Shuman, and many others..
you're telling me. this is a serious fail. it takes them two days to figure out whats happened. how stupid. and another two, so far, to repair it.