Chaos Caverns Created by: IcedFrappuccino & Shedder2500 Link to Map: Chaos Caverns Link to Gametype:Cave Madness The Story You and your group of loyal spartans have finally reached Voi. You are searching for a keycard that has a virus that will completely obliterate any, and all of the covenant technology. Your intel tells you that the keycard is located in an abandoned cavern in the outskirts of Voi. You know you will probably encounter some covenant resistance and are well prepared for a battle, but little do you know, that it won't be normal covenant enemies that you will be battling against. Back in the day, the covenant ran these secret caverns, for smuggling and other various things. But, one day a plauge that had been going around killing people all over the world finally reached Voi. The plauge killed most of the covenant, but some had an immunity to it, but it did affect them. The plauge caused certain covenant creatures to become less visible, faster, and alot more clever than they were before. Years later, a group of cartographers, were exploring Voi and mapping it, when they came across the caverns. They decided to go into the caverns and map those out too. They had know idea what they were about to encounter. The infected covenant silently and viciously slaughtered all of the cartographers that entered the caverns. You and your allies start your trek into the caverns. You are all tense and are ready for anything. You get to a point where you have to crouch to move around. You come to an area that has two paths, you decide to go one way with some other spartans and the rest of your group went into the other one. You told them to radio you if they saw anything. You had to keep crouched through the whole pathway on bothsides. Your radio starts to crackle and you hear "Chief, Chief, I think we see something. It looks like...*screams*...HELP! *gunshots* *more screams*...." silence. The radio crackles on again and you hear heavy and rasping breathing. You tell your teamates to turn around and go see if there are any survivors, while you head on by yourself. After a little bit you radio your mates' and ask if they had found anybody...they don't respond. You continue to call them on the radio, but all you hear is the echo of the radio static bouncing off the walls of the cavern. You feel somthing brushing against the back of your neck and you turn around and don't see anything. Then it happened, the active camo on the creatures turned off and you saw multiple covenant in front of you. They had blood on their energy swords. They start to edge toward you. You back up into a wall. They have you cornered. What will YOU do to keep yourself alive? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zombie Spawn! Human Spawn! A Way for the zombies to get to the cavern! Choose wisely humans! Descend! Left Route SHH! A secret! Another Secret?!? Split Road! If you download please rate and comment on Bungie! Chaos Caverns supports 2-16 players. Notes: -You are basically crouched the whole time during the match in the caverns, unless you find the secret areas that will allow you to stand up for a little bit. -There are no weapons on the map, but the humans start off with a BR. -It is best to keep moving around during the whole match and if you see a little shimmer of light aim for the head! -Zombies have poor camo
Usualy cavern means a wide open area. Like waterworks from Halo 2 and the caves area in avalanche are both caverns. What we have here are tunnels or tunnel systems.
I was going to say miss leading....... you beat me to it. Its an average map. Names count alot for me its like saying heres a cherry popsical and you give me grape.
Pics show me what I needed to see to judge it. I love that its required to add pics at this website. Average is not a bad thing, its better than below average now isn't it.
Here, let me go take a picture of EVERY thing on the map, just for you because I actually have the time to do that! /sarcasm.
Hey your pics are supposed to impress me to download the map if you choose not to pick the best pics or more pics to give me an overall look at the scale of the map thats not my problem. I cant tell if the maps big small or medium sized which affects gameplay alot.
THATS NOT A CAVERN, jk, awsome map, well interlocked, looks like it could have some fun gameplay value.
well from the pics it looks really fun. i like the choice of which way to go, looks good! but i wouldn't name it cavern like the other people were saying
Thank you guys for the positive comments, except for Eyeless Sid. EDIT: Guys, this map is pretty big. The only reason I didn't fill it up with screenies is because I have like 45 screenshots and so I can't add that many more.
Nice looking map. I made one like this and I found it worked really well. Heaps of suspense. I will DL and check it out.
If it is all just tunnels than you should maybe fix that. Make some checkpoints for humans to all hide at or something. If you have that than Congrats.
Nah, we don't have that because then the humans could just camp and pwn all the zombies wayyy to easily. Me and Shedder2500 tried to make it so that there was two ways to all of the places you can go. That will prevent the human just tunnel camping and winning everytime. Just makes it a little more fair I guess.
So the zombies won't get spawn camped at the teleporter or at corners or in the long tunnels. Why not add checkpoints all good tunnel maps use them like "tunnel rats" and "ghost tunnels" it would add more gameplay to the map.