Mortal Kombat 9

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by thesilencebroken, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    So, this isn't going to be a wildly popular thread, and thats okay, but I've gotten several messages asking me about it. Here's my review:

    The gameplay is like a mix-up of MK3 and Deception. There isn't a switching between fighting styles, and your weapon use is more like in MK3, but there is definitely still that essence of character style separation. No two characters are alike, which is both a great thing, and a bad thing.

    Some characters, (EX. Sonya, Cyrax) feel incredibly smooth, flowing from each hit to the next like you'll never get out of their assault alive. Playing with these characters is refreshing for a fighting game, and even my girlfriend who never played or saw the game before in her life won her fair share of matches.

    Other characters (EX. Kano, Sub-zero :() are much slower moving, and rely more on power hits. Sub-zero is a fan favorite, but is so handi-capped. Even his specials are incredibly slow. If you pick him and find yourself against a character as described above, you're screwed unless you're totally awesome.

    Story Mode is cool and eh at the same time. Its a re-telling of the first 3 tournaments with Rayden receiving visions of the future. To prevent Armaggedon, he must ensure certain things happen, and prevent others. One of these events that is prevented is the cyber changing of smoke, which I happened to wish still happened. While the story is cool to see all at once, back to back, it feels more like you assume the identity of each character and walk around looking for a fight. Any fight. At one point, Jax even beats Cage's ass for saying Sonya was hot. They are allies, and looking for a kidnapped Sonya... ya'd think they'd be more worried about finding her. It's 16 chapters long, each chapter being comprised of around 3-4 fights and cutscenes between each. Sometimes there will be a 1v2, just to piss you off good. Shao Kahn is a ****.

    Fatalities are back again, but this time they don't suck ass. After the last abomination of a game (DC Universe), they finally brought back what was so awesome about MKII. Realistic gore. There are the occasional babalities as well, but now they are fairly comical and worth doing. Some are pretty nasty... such as Kung Lao's classic hot-dog style cutting you in half. Couldn't be happier with this.

    The Krypt is back as well, but it blows pretty hard this time around. Very difficult to navigate, and everything is worth the same type of currency... which is very plentiful while playing story mode. I have made over 100,000 coins in 2 days of gaming. With nothing really costing over 1000 coins, you can see this not taking long to unlock everything... which consists of alternate costumes, them revealing how to do fatalities, and tons of concept art. "But what about unlocking the characters!"...

    All of the characters are unlocked from the first time you put the disc in.. with the exception of Quan Chi and Cyber Sub-zero. You unlock them by beating chapters 13 and 16 of Story Mode. Don't act all surprised about Sub-zero. It's everywhere and they don't try to hide him in the game at all. Anyways, this is mega disappointing to me, because half the fun to me was earning the characters.

    The Roster:

    Cyber Sub-zero
    Johnny Cage
    Kung Lao
    Liu Kang
    Noob Saibot
    Quan Chi
    Shang Tsung
    Sonya Blade

    Bosses: (not playable)
    Shao Kahn

    DLC: They have also announced that they will be releasing more characters as DLC that you can download right onto your harddrive. Such characters to be hinted at are Kenshi, Scarlet, Cyber Smoke & Rain. If they had a large following, you'll probably see them.

    The level design is fantasic.

    Arcade mode is about as classic as it gets. I beat it once, was pretty fun.

    Challenge Ladder is sorta like Arcade... except there are 300 challenges and they make you do some pretty ridiculous ****... like kill a person only by throwing your regenerating limbs at them, or complete a match with the screen flipped upside-down. I think this is my favorite. Complete all 300 and you can make Mileena an even bigger skank when selecting her as your fighter. (you get an alternate costume).

    Tag team mode has been done before, yes, but this game excells at it. I truly enjoy the tag games best. You can even have a buddy over and tag each other in and out in a Tag Team Ladder Match in Arcade mode. Fun stuff.

    So, I bitched about a lot up there. It may seem like I think the game is mediocre, but on the contrary, this is as Mortal Kombat as it gets. They made some poor choices with the krypt and keeping everything available immediately, but so far this game has been a welcome trip back to when I used to sit around playing Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 all day as a kid.

    If you are a fan of MK, or enjoy fighting games in general, I recommend picking it up, even if eventually. It was a pleasant surprise, and myself and my friends are really enjoying it.

  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    damn shao kahn to death a 1000x. cheap ass mofo. but i think i hate kano the most.
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I realized you have to be incredibly cheap with Kahn. I can only beat him by spamming projectiles as fast as humanly possible, or constantly jumping over him and uppercutting.

    Glad to see A response to my essay. lol
  4. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I've always been a fan of Mortal Kombat but I have always hated the Krypt, ever since it's introduction in Shaolin Monks. (I think.) I'm glad that they reverted back to their classic 2D plane and Challenge Ladder sounds like a lot of fun.

    I'll rent it once a copy is available.

    How is online mode?
  5. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    cant say, mine's on ps3 PSN is down
  6. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Live is okay. It's better if you have a buddy to challenge. If you run into someone with a shitty connection, it can be laggy.

    I like the idea of the Krypt... earning things to unlock, and having to be patient. I also like the idea of unlocking the characters in it. They are just doing it wrong.
  7. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I really want to get this game! Honestly, it's mainly because of how brutal the fatalities are and because it's a game I could actually play with my girlfriend (she only likes Sonic, and fighter games). I've barely even play MK during my lifetime, but I do remember playing it at the arcade here and there. I don't know much about it, but it looks awesome and I want it.
  8. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    I've always loved unlocking characters, art and what have you but the Krypt makes it more of a guessing game. I would prefer Mortal Kombat to have characters unlock as you beat them through the lore or something similar.

    I miss Mortal Kombat Chess too. lol
  9. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    yeah the krypt is a bit pointless. call of duty challenges is the style it should be.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I read your post, enjoyed reading your thoughts about the game. Didn't post because I hate fighting games. I played Mortal Kombat as a child on the N64, but I loved other titles such as Goldeneye, Mario 64, and Banjo Kazooie much better.

    I never much liked fighting games because of the huge learning curve behind them. It never helped that I always played against aficionados. Even when I was able to beat some opponents I never enjoyed the game play that much.

    I appreciate it for what it is though. They are the pure essence of fighting. No outside knowledge save for your library of moves and split-second decision making,
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Since the second game, I've poured many hours into the series. When I was very young, it was the only game I had.
  12. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
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    unlocking characters is all the fun. i remember when i got MvC2 on XBLA i was pissed cuz i couldnt do it all again. TSB sold me on this game when he told me it was like UMK3, and it didnt disappoint. I can see why subzero is weak, due to cyber sub zero being so bad ass (Cyrax/Subzero hybrid). I prefer the story the way it was but a new style subzero is a breath of fresh air to me because he is one of my fav characters. I agree with everything u said about shao kahn, including the cheesing with projectiles and jump kicks/ uppercuts. Just like the old days. The story was a little cheesy but i enjoyed it, the opening scene was badass (also see sindel rip in story). Overall, great game and im exciting about DLC for it.

  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Soon. I'll probably get my ass kicked. lol
  14. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I like the slow-moving characters you mentioned. Don't really have a problem with them, but I only played the game at a friends house and loved it. We played tag team and I had Sub-Zero and Noob as my team and we totally destroyed. The new X-Ray combos add a nice touch to the gore factor. I am planning on buying this some time in the near future.
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    Anyone have any Classic skin codes they wanna possibly trade?

    I have Mileena and Sub-zero for 360
    and Jade for PS3
  16. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    Wait, all the classic skins are pre-order codes or something? I thought you could unlock them in the Krypt?
  17. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    They'll be eventual DLC. They were store-based pre-orders.

    Subzero - Best Buy
    Scorpion - Gamestop
    Reptile -
    Ermac - Special Edition
    Kitana - Toys R Us
    Mileena - Walmart
    Jade (USA) - Blu Ray Movies (PS3)
    Jade (EU) - Inside (360)
  18. FxBreaker

    FxBreaker Forerunner
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    I got the game and it seems pretty solid.
    I usually dont like fighting games because you have to learn all the combos for each character, I might specialize in one or two guys..
    any suggestions? :surprise:
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Scorpion, Johnny Cage or Sonya are pretty easy learnings.
  20. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    ermac and noob are my mains. although nightwolf is pretty solid.

    i did the trophy for doing the tag ladder with cyrax and sectore, and they're both pretty good. x x o does a good kick combo for cyrax (or a a b)

    i hope they update sub zero to be a little faster with his animations and raiden to be stronger. is it me or does raiden do hardly any damage? that final fight with the netherworlders was annoying.

    Edited by merge:

    ok, nvm that raiden thing, he has really weak basics but his combos are tougher now i look :)
    #20 QKT, Apr 26, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2011

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