Has anyone ever gotten a message after finishing a matchmaking game saying "Good game"? I personally haven't, but send them out to everyone who doesn't leave after the game is over. In Halo: CE on the PC almost every game atleast 1/2 of the players would say good game after every single match.
Ive sent out quite a few GG messages myself, usually to the enemy team after a good game of doubles. Ive gotten a few too, again usually after a good game of doubles.
I got 2 the other day playing FFA, one of which was from I guy I felt I kinda robbed of the win, he was doing better than me for the whole game then I just got a string of easy cleanups to win 25-24. That was pretty nice since I tend to get pretty frustrated when that kinda thing happens to me, but he was a good sport about it. Sent out one myself as well since me and this one guy were miles better than everyone else and just had epic encounters every time we met, he owned me at the end for the win but it was a great game. In general, not nearly as often as rage messages, but when it happens it's a nice feeling. EDIT: Just remembered, got one in MLG from BuK 20 off Power as well.
I get gg messages usually on rumble pit or doubles. Nowhere near as much as the rage messages i get when playin MLG but its a good feeling to see other gamers that are good sports in Halo win or lose. On that note i got a gg message in living dead from a 2 year old sounding kid. It made me lol for about an hour!
I frequently send out good game messages in Firefight Limited, when players play the right way. I also tell them it's refreshing to find players that play Limited the right way. I even give them good reviews and usually tell them that if they play well. Quitters, kamikazees, and people that just play to annoy you usually get unsportsmanship conduct bad reviews. Hopefully that let's them know to play the damn game the right way.
I say good game when someone on their team keeps playing when everyone quits. Once that happened to me Me vs. 2 Blues in SWAT Magnums, I think we tied. I sent a gg message to one but couldnt remember the other.
I get them pretty rarely since i mostly get teamed up with stupids or no-lifes that are just lone wolving with Power Weapons. In Invasion i do tend to send those messages as well as receiving them.
On the rare occasion I'm in game chat I tell them 'good game' so long as they weren't being unsportsmanlike or if they were camping or something. I've received...one I think, and afterwards we partied up and played a few rounds. He's on my friends list now. It was a nice feeling.
Those games are fun I remember one where we where rolling everyone else then whenever we met we would fight for ages like hiding when low health behind trees/rocks/hill's just long enough to get shields back would be epic fight's over long distances sometimes we would end a battle without a kill because someone intervened and had to kill them. Way funner then rush with AR then Beatdown 3second battle. But if its a fun fair game and there not jerks i will usually say GG and so will they but actual messages would have to be something special like the previously mentioned statement. Which sometimes ends up with a friend request.
I've sent out a couple, never gotten one. PS: before you ask, I don't camp, grief or any of that, it just seems the general population of people I play with either don't send messages or are griefers/kids/trolls etc. EDIT: no nvm, just looked through my messages on xbox.com and found 2 from about 3 or 4 weeks ago. My memory is horrible lol.
I remember once when my friend who likes to trash talk was doing doubles with me and we were in the post game lobby and he and this other guy were laying into each other and they eventually stop and I'm thinking "why isn't my friend taking us out of this? We're all just sitting here in silence now" But it turned out I was the leader and my friend had to actually say to me "you know you're leader right" And so I made some small talk about how embarrassing this all was. It was such a harmless funny thing that I think we all became freinds because of it. It's like, we're all fragile humans who make mistakes and under this veneer of machismo badassitude we're all just people trying to have fun with each other. Makes you think. :happy:
I send good game messages when its normally me and 1 other person from the other team who hasn't quit. Seriously, Id start a 4v4 and it would be me and 1 other left towards the end so I deem a 'good game' message worthy. I always get good replies and feels good to not be a total ass sometimes on xbl.
I only send them out on particularly close games, or when I face off with one person over and over for some close calls
I sent one very recently to this one person that was rivaled only by me in the game. It's the kinda person that you have long, fun battles with, but this was SWAT so that didn't happen. Anyways He's now pn my friends list and we play together quite often. It's amazing what 2 little words can do.