With this ****ed up boot system and people that just want to kill you for a Weapon thus only damaging your team instead of supporting it i seriously want Friendly Fire to be turned off in all Gametypes,(Maybe some exceptions but oh well) i know that one that's done people can be less careful with Nades and launch people across the Map in objective games but i prefer that that losing a Killionare and a Perfection. I was once playing Grifball and dropped the bomb when i was halfway the Map because there were a lot of sword rushers and i started fending off people that kept charging as soon as i spawned, when i was a Killtastrophe i was about to kill that one person that was going to give me that Medal(he had gone AFK right at that moment) when a teammate killed me. He did it completely on purpose because he didn't swung his hammer, he just pummeled me. In another game of Power Slayer there were 10 seconds left, i had 14 kills and 0 deaths and i picked up a Sniper. I saw(once again) a person that was AFK so i scoped in, aimed at his head, was about to press the RT button when i got betrayed by a teammate that just killed me with his Sniper. I didn't even got the option to boot. I nkow you people can't fix this but at least discuss or maybe tell me where i can contact Bungie. (I want my Legendary Medals so i can finally be recognised as a Pro, i'm a General Grade 1 yet i still haven't managed to get a Legendary Medal in MM)
I got I got betrayed out of a Revenant today so he could grab it and then later in that game he betrayed me again for my sniper. No boot option. However, I would not want friendly fire switched off. I just want the boot system to be fixed. Just make it simple, first betrayal for a warning, second gives you the boot option.
Then you just could betray a person once and don't do it again. And i don't care about Revenants and Snipers. I'm talking about a Perfection and a Killionare.
No offense bro but it sounds like someones a little mad and needs to remember it's just a game. A killionaire on afk players in grifball is not a big feat. The 14 kills no deaths I'll give ou credit for. Look I'm a general too and I havnt got any of those medals yet either. I was on 39 kill streak and then died before reaching the unfrigginbelievable medal and I didn't have a rage.
Yeah bro, just cuzz u got betrayed,no boot and u did'nt get any medals, there's only one thing to remember, it's just a game for ENTERTAINMENT, k? And getting the legendary medals does'nt mean ur a pro (even though I got an extermination and perfection even before i got to the rank of Brigadier). I'm brigadier grade 3 btw. If u get betrayed, it's ok. No need to rage. Just remember, at least u got 14 kills without a death, that already, is an achievement. Anyone agree?
If you took away friendly fire, there would be a mountain of other problems to deal with, most of them worse than the betrayal system.
As a disclaimer: I don't agree with the OP that friendly fire should be turned off in MM. However, the argument you just put forward is pretty senseless. If someone gets frustrated at being screwed over by incompetent/malicious teammates then the basic premise of being entertained is put in to question. Why would he complain if this wasn't impacting upon his enjoyment of the game, thus its ability to entertain? -.-..... In a sense I do agree, but I also think you're missing a large part of his point (though again I definitely think FF should stay on in MM). I always think it pretty narrow minded when people work on the premise that something doesn't annoy/frustrate them, thus it shouldn't for anyone else, as if others are somehow deliberately getting annoyed at something and just missing the obvious answer of 'deciding not to care.' A basic understanding of how other people work, even a basic sense of empathy, should make you realise how flawed this idea is.
there was this time in comunity btb where i get into a falcon, 3 people go to ride turret guy number 2 jetpacks a bit to high and gets killed on my rotors. betrayal, luckily the guy doesent boot me. later I get on the falcon one guy gets on turret, some guy splasers me, and somehow its a betrayal, BOOTED. **** the betrayal system
Without friendly fire, grenade spam would be even more prominent, with the motivation of grenades only being able to damage the enemy. Teammates would be able to walk through a fury of nades unscathed, while anyone who comes close would get completely murdered in close range encounters. I just wished betrayal had a whiplash effect, like in MW2's Hardcore Ricochet gametypes, but again, not the best solution to combat trollin'.
Friendly Fire forces a team to think in many situations. ex: If you have rockets and your teammates are in trouble because the enemy is right next to them, you can't just shoot a rocket at them. If friendly fire was off, you could be encouraged to mindlessly spam fire at your teammates to save them. Friendly Fire encourages people to think with their mind for a bit, not their gun.
Just earlier today, my teammate threw a grenade at an enemy and they armor lock bounced it back to us and it landed under me, blowing us both up and giving ME a betrayal. I got booted for "betraying" with their own grenade.
lol I can see how friendly fire should be turned off in a gametype like grifball where there are so many griefers that never seem to get booted, but in most gametypes just need a better system. I get booted for at least 90% of betrayals all of which are accidental, yet I get the boot option for less than 10% of the times I'm betrayed (almost all of which are malicious). Bungie really needs to fix it.
Like i said in my Post: I prefer more explosive spamming than betraying. And what if your team is rushing forward on a small enclosed Map like Sword Base and you meet a few rushing enemies, everybody starts spamming Grenades and spray their noob salt rifle and your team keeps rushing while you walk a bit back. You have a Concussion Rifle but you can't do anything about it. You are probably going to get killed because of all the Nade spam so all you can do is shoot your Concussion Rifle, but then you'll betray someone and het booted. So you think it's fair that peole shouldn't be able to shoot their Weapon in given situations and if they do, they get booted? And did you know that you can make somebody betray you on purpose, like in the example above, one of the enemie can use Evade to dive into the rain of Grenades so he can betray a Teammate just because he doesn't want to share Power Weapons. And how about people getting infront of Vehicles? Are people supposed to be 100% cautious?! What kind of **** is this? Maybe people could make the Game Type option: Team Launching On/Off which would prevent people launching Teammates with Vehicles or Explosions. I'm not sure what they could do with Vehicles but oh well. If in most MM Game Types Friendly Fire and Team Launching is off a lot of problems are fixed.
If you're stupid enough to run in and spam grenades when your team mates are in a room, then you deserve to get booted.
Maybe they should just reduce damage taken by friendly damage like damage dealt to team members is reduced by 50% or resistance to team mate damage is 3 times as strong. That way, it will be harder to betray and if its at 300% resistance, it takes more than 2 grenades to kill. But at the same time you cant be retarded with a tank or rocjet or any other power weapon because they can still kill.
Yes, that is exactly the point of the existing friendly fire and betrayal system. You can't just noobishly spray-and-pray. If your teammates or the enemy are making an area a high-explosive danger zone, either wait until it ends, move around to flank them, or switch off of your explosive ordinance weapon. It's called STRATEGY. This basically never happens, so I'm comfortable not caring about it. It doesn't require you to be 100% cautious. It requires you to use your peripheral vision and be aware of where your teammates are even slightly. Is that a lot for the game to ask? Every once in a while accidents will still happen, but that's why we need to fix the betrayal system, not just turn off friendly fire so idiots can fly around like mad in ghosts or warthogs and not worry about who gets in front of them. The correct answer is, if the betrayal system was overhauled, a lot of problems are fixed. I am personally in favor of a griefing system where damaging your teammates a lot can get you booted (even if you don't kill them) but one accidental betrayal never will, unless you have a player history of betraying and griefing a lot. It wouldn't be hard to implement, but it's extremely different from what has been in any previous Halo game. As for friendly fire though - no, it needs to be on, or this simply isn't Halo any more.
The biggest problem with grenades is that people decide to be stupid and run into them or do it just to get betrayed so they can boot. The same occurs although not as often with vehicles (standing in front of the tank gun or in front of a wraith so it can't boost). I airburst most of my grenades and I'm a careful driver so it's not too big of a problem, but it's still way too much of a problem.