Pistola is the best in the ****ing game!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Bye bye TD, bye bye higher-seed-trend ;).

    If Instinct go to the LB, get knocked out by SQ, and we see an FB vs. SQ final, then I would be incredibly happy.
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    These are my three favorite teams in the league. No matter who wins, I'm happy, though I'm torn between wanting Instinct or Final Boss to win it more. I've stood by Instinct all season, but seeing Ogre 2 take the last championship in Halo 1 2 and 3 would be incredible.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    FB just swept Instinct in the WBF.

    And so it begins. FB babeeeeeeeh.

    EDIT: Wham, bam, thank you ma'am. SQ vs. FB finals. You've genuinely gotta wonder how Elamite feels, being beaten by his little brother for the first time when he really needed the win. Kinda surprises me how flat Instinct seem to have come out, they showed such dominance in the first two events and it really didn't seem to just be down to lacklustre opposition. I guess SQ really are just that good right now.
    #63 Pegasi, Nov 7, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I've decided. I want Final Boss to win. SQ's about to get 3-0'd.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    You heard it here first, kids. FB with the first 3peat on H3 tourneys, and the 3peat on final Nationals of each Halo game.

    To reiterate the OP: Pistola is the best in the ****ing game!
  6. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I was not surprised. Everybody is all talking about FB and how they were the deadliest team out yet.

    Nice to see Heinz in the top ten again.
    #66 Frag Man, Nov 8, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2010
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Tbh I'd be a little disappointed if I was Heinz, Dynasty placed 3rd at DC. Though tbh it's not as if they got beaten by teams that didn't deserve their final placings.
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    #68 Frag Man, Nov 9, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2010
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Naded, Clutch, and Tsquared are the best. No exceptions.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    1) Mega-bump!

    2) Say whaaaaaaaat? You know the God Squad? The one destroying everyone online right now? You see how Pistola is going most positive (above Reach powerhouse Roy) pretty consistently?

    On the flipside, Str8 (T2 and Naded) are doing well enough online but roughly on a par with Agency etc. They got 8-0'd by the new FB in the last online scrim. 8. 0. And again Pistola was dropping insane numbers the whole time. Stats aren't everything, but when he's getting those stats whilst doing the dirty work (not grabbing Snipe off start, pushing the enemy base and even grabbing their Snipe etc.) then it's just testament to why he's so insanely good. He does everything there is to be done and still gets better stats than the best 'main slayers' in the league.

    Clutch, eh. He's really good, all of BtH are without a doubt, but still no Pistola.
  11. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Never kept track of Pistola since back in 2008. I guess he's somehow actually good now? Well, skilled I mean. He played smart before, but he didn't really win a true 1 on 1 BR battle often.

    I'd like to see another team being formed with (Tsquared/Walshy), (Naded/Snip3down/?Fearitself?), (Pistola/Cloud/Hysteria/?Gunshot?), and (Ogre 2/Clutch). Not sure exactly which combination I'd choose, though.
    #71 4shot, Apr 22, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2011
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Final Boss/Instinct, whichever name MLG makes them go as, is currently Ogre 2, Pistola, Roy, Lunchbox. On paper you almost can't build a better team. Maybe drop Ogre 2 for like... Enable? or something, but that team is a ****ing nightmare.

    SQ is still going to win the next event though.
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Sorry, are we talking about the same player? Absolutely dominated H2 FFA in 2007, got the first (I think, certainly the first I saw) Running Riot in H3 on the stream when on Ambush, and generally owned on that team and helped give them a name as an upset machine. Have you seen the video where they pull off an insane comeback against Str8 on Pit TS? Ya know, 2008 kings-of-everything-Str8? He won BR battles left right and centre, what he started to really gain on tD in '09 was a much better understanding of the team game over just the individual skill and innate smart play which had gotten him that far already.

    Sorry to be so emphatic here, but I genuinely feel like we're living in different worlds...

    Can't think of anything Gunshot has done since very early H3, but then on that same basis I haven't really seen him play Reach so I can't speak for how good he is. Still think you need to start watching new FB and keeping up with the current talent before you conclude exactly who would make the best lineups, though.

    And Ladnil, we shall see....
  14. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    You and I must have been watching different videos of Pistola, then. In the ones I saw, he was just helping out with teamshotting and he never really made a push. Plus, he and the rest of Final Boss got destroyed by Str8 in Prophet CTF. (I assume you've seen that video, since you have commented in the thread of the map.)

    And Gunshot is actually a pretty skilled player, but he's not one of those big names like Neighbor or Snip3down, so people often just say that he sucks before ever seeing him play.
  15. Matty the IV

    Matty the IV Forerunner

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    Big name MLG Pros are too overrated. The not-so-famous semi-pros and pros that play for lesser known teams are actually very good and some of them are much better than the pros even.

    On that note: Pistola is the best player and has the best hair in the curcuit!
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    One game proves little. I know I just gave another example using one game, but it was an example of what he was doing throughout his time on Ambush. As a counter to Str8 beating FB in that one game: FB attended two TLN LANs before Dallas. They won both of them.

    Even then, FB's old lineup weren't doing the work like this current one is, and Pistola is a big part of that. I'm genuinely mystified that you don't at least recognise his raw skill if you pay a decent amount of attention to MLG and see enough footage. He won best overall at the end of H3 and the only people who disagreed with this were people who thought Roy should have taken it (which, whilst I disagree, is a fair view to hold) and even the majority of those agreed that Pistola was definitely second if that was the case.

    I know he's done work before, I've just heard little to nothing about him in Reach.

    I agree that there is some really under appreciated skill out there in the AM level, you only have to look at how fast the guys on Impact went from being known kids and Combine names to getting top 2, same with teams like D=G that just made serious waves at Dallas. People do tend to only give respect once someone reaches the top 16, but for the majority of fans this is kind of understandable since top 16 players are the only ones they get to see play on a regular basis in situations that matter, so it's easiest to form informed opinions on them.

    And I will say this, talking about how good AM players are compared to pros is all very well, but if you don't take account of the experience that someone who's maintained top 16 across multiple seasons, even multiple games, has over someone currently making waves in AM then you're really missing a big part of what bring success. Mental game is incredibly important, and that's not just about keeping a clear head, not letting ego or frustration get in the way of a good team attitude and playing for the win, it's about having a proper attitude to strategy and what it takes to consistently place and even win tournaments. You could put forward plenty of players who have a better shot than T2, plenty in AM, but why haven't they stayed top 8 since H1? Aside from the factors that do influence solidifying pro placements obviously, it's because he knows what it takes to stay at the top.

    EDIT: If you want flashy, if you want leading pushes, if you want out-BR's (and bear in mind that this is just from the last 3 events of H3):

    YouTube - iGotUrPistola (An MLG Pro) - Mainstage Montage
    #76 Pegasi, Apr 23, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2011
  17. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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  18. Robbo

    Robbo Ancient
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    Pistola has been on fire so far in Reach, definately one of the top players. He's probably one of my favorite players to watch because of the amount of work he puts in for the team, playing objective, support and his ability to finish off kills is top draw. The best videos to watch are the Pucket's Picks of the Warriors v Final Boss LB games. He plays undeniably well in every game with constant praise from Ghandi and Shockwave.

    His main asset is probably his positioning. I havent seen anyone in Reach use positioning as well as Pistola, especially in big games.

    Great player to watch and up there with the top in Reach
    #78 Robbo, May 6, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  19. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    I still say he's way overrated. Roy deserved MVP much more so than him. Most players in the circuit are better than him, IMO.

    By the way, just to seem like a troll, I fixed your grammar.
  20. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    The thing is that most players on the circuit play for themselves. When he plays his aim is to make the rest of his team play better, and he does that effectively while managing to put up numbers of stat-whores like Neighbor. I don't recall seeing Roy play that style (I mean, obviously putting up huge numbers makes the team better, but putting up huge numbers while simply trying to ASSIST is a whole different game,) nor do most of the people you can list. And his hair is simply hawt!

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