Have there been many of these built? Has anyone mapped which areas are buildable? I feel like I've explored and built in every square inch of Forge World by now, so even a slight change of scenery might serve as inspiration. I've seen tutorials on a few different ways to escape the barriers, but it's not clear how much room there is out there or what happens if you build a map in that territory.
There's an INSANE amount of area outside of Forge World. Problem? All of it's covered in death barriers.
Not all of it, from the tutorials I've seen. There seems to be at least some space right outside or above the "rubber" barrier that isn't inside a kill zone. The thing is, I don't know exactly how big, in any dimension, that area is.
Above the canyon is a huge area. Same size as the canyon idself, I think, but I don't think you have too much height. 25 FU maybe. Also, past the pillar out in the water is an area without a killbarrier, which is a decent size, I believe. I've never attempted making a map out there, so I don't know, really. But on the plus side, you can become fully submerged without dying, if that's of any interest to you. But yeah, that's about all I know of.
theres a bunch of space outside of tempest, i made a little guide about it sometime back if you recall
I remember seeing it - but weren't there problems with the map trying to pull people or objects back inside the normal boundaries? I vaguely recall something like that and it turned me off of the idea. (Actually I haven't done any forging on Tempest to date, except a little playing around; I just don't like the idea of making a map that some people can't play, and the reduced budget isn't tantalizing either, although I always try to come in under the full 10000 if I can possibly help it.)
just a question, whats the point of making a map there? Besides the big pillar structure, its just nature there which you can find all over forge world to make map on.
there's a couple bugs, yeah. u can work around them with patience, i never quite finished solving the puzzle. it was like some spots were buggy and some werent.
For me personally, I just like using different backdrops and aesthetic set pieces to make a map interesting. Forge World offers a lot of scenery but much of it is very familiar by now, especially to experienced forgers and anybody who downloads a lot of maps. Building outside of the normal spaces - as many of them as there are - might provide an interesting view, a unique atmosphere, something just a little different. I also get inspiration for maps from the landscape (even if the map is mostly enclosed), and having crawled over most of the standard areas in Forge World, my inspiration is at a low ebb. Maybe if I had an interesting view of some tree clusters or a mountain or something unfamiliar, it would inspire me with a new and different idea. Also in the case of Progenitor, it looks like they did it because forging above the canyon removes the sort of arbitrary lighting effects of Reach's engine. That means your map ends up with a different and more internally consistent look to it, instead of having some pieces randomly brown or darker in color.
Yes we did and the reason was because that pocket of space above forgeworld does not get affected by the light map. So in other words, every object will have the same lighting, no more darker objects and no more lighter objects. Edit: El Megapawn, you beat me to my own explanation . Can anyone elaborate on the section of buildable space past pillar in the water? I would like have a look at that area.