Mine would probably have to be the time I threw a sticky at someone and their buddy assassinated me and got blown up with his partner. I got a showstopper, double kill, revenge, killjoy, and stick. I was so confused. Either that, when I got stuck inside a wall on forge world, or any one of the several fails that I have on my file share. So tell me, what's the strangest thing that's happened to you on Reach?
I shot a grenade launcher, it bounced off a rock went behind me and killed my bro who spawned on me in those few seconds. Luckily I was playing with a friend and we were both like OMGWTFBBQ rather than OMGWTF--boot...
Strangest thing I've had happen was planting the bomb in Grifball and then walking out of the explosion as if nothing happened, while everyone around me died.
That thing where the kill trade means you can melee someone who's assassinating you and get the showstopper on yourself. Seen it happen to a couple of other people so it's far from unheard of, but I still lol'd pretty hard.
Getting splattered by a Falcon mid-assassination, setting my victim free. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, any HLG experience. I still have to try to get a team together and HLG the other team with bro slayer on Paradiso (which isn't a horrible map, btw).
HLG is so terribly terrible. I agree with you on Paradiso though. Initially I thought the map was stupid, and I do still think it has problems - it needs a little more space for land-bound vehicles to move around on, and it has significant spawn-killing problems if the enemy tank or banshee decides to set up camp on your side of the map. But ultimately I've played a lot of enjoyable games on it, and the combination of that big mountain plus jetpacks actually makes the jetpack into something other than a way to break map flow.
Just the other day Nibbles and I were playing, I shot my grenade launcher, which promptly bounced off him and blew up in my face.
Was driving a mongoose top speed, jumped out as I got to a cave on hemmorage, it splattered someone. someone's grenade went off and threw the mongoose back at me, splattering me.
Hmmm... I've had my mongoose randomly sink into the ground and I died from going under the map, had random banshee bits splatter people and have splattered people in midair + on ground after being EMP'd in a banshee.
lol seen that. also, ever been killed by a very large explosion and your body dies somewhere else on the map, REALLY far from where you got hit? usually back at your teams spawn. EDIT: just remembered once i boosted in the wrong spot in the wraith, got flipped out of the map. on hemorrhage. once i find and render the vid i'll post it
Got sniped in Bro Slayer on Boardwalk the instant I spawned on my bro. Obviously the bullet wasn't meant for me, but I've never been spawn killed so quickly. The screen has literally just refreshed. I've also stuck someone with a frag grenade. He had hammer and I chucked a desperation grenade that got stuck in the geometry of his ankle. He blew up, I got a killjoy, and proceeded to tea bag him mercilessly.
trying to do the trick to get into the map geometery with a friend using the trick where one person armor locks on a forge piece that another guy phases into the wall of the colliseum but it screwed up and he went flying out of the colliseum and into the map boundaries which he went so far he suicided on the boundaries of the world but kept going and fell on the water whitch was weirdly solid.
I was shooting this guy and right before I killed him with a headshot he dd this wierd thing and punched the ground and became invincible.
Awesome That usually happens to me whenever I die in a vehicle, and it sends you back to where you got in the vehicle. Also: I killed a banshee with a DMR on Paradiso, the pieces then proceeded to splatter the enemy sniper on the mountain, getting me a double, they then proceeded to roll and splatter my teammate who immediately booted. EDIT: 117th post!
A lot of things but ones I remember are Driving a revenant or ghost on hemorrhage and randomly flying at top of the map at invisible roof for while then landing and exploding. A firefight one at bonus round the phantom that drops the bonus round grunts started flying crazy really far left then right also idk how common it is so just saved the film as proof.
I was playing firefight and killed a grunt, and this grunt proceeded to fly 50 metres into the air. Another strange is that without me hitting the Y button, my weapons would switch, disappear or just wouldn't shoot. I don't know if this has anything to do with my controller or lag, but I've never seen it in other games.
Wellll..... on swordbase a guy went into armor lock, stayed in it for like 10-15 seconds, then exploded.