The biggest d-bags on Reach matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Gazzaverage, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Same here...just an N64 instead. But hey, it's the internet. It's their choice to possibly be yelled at for their non-mature-squeaky-ness...
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i dont get the point of hating on the squeakers...
    i mean, i hate that sound too, that's why i just mute them and be on my merry way.
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I feel as though I presented myself very maturely when I was a squeaker. That being said, I don't mind the sound so much as the maturity.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Titmar is always on a very "merry" way :D
  5. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    I hate kids who aren't good enough to play the actual game, in the sense that it's a first person shooter. Douches are the people who do nothing but run around and double beat people down, pisses me off. 99% of the time we beat each other down and then I DMR them in the head because you know, I actually like playing FPS, but that 1% of the time I am so pissed every time.
  6. Ivory Hayze

    Ivory Hayze Forerunner

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    Me and my friends are guilty of this, but we keep it in a party so the people we're playing can't hear it.

    Also, if the squeakers are intelligent it's not as annoying, but that's rare, so I don't think it applies.
    However I have found the one thing more annoying than squeakers, and that's people who find the need to swear with every other word, and the ones that act like they're black when they are whiter than rice.
  7. M0aHerder

    M0aHerder Forerunner
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    This isn't in matchmaking but I'll share anyways.

    I was forging today, I've been working on this map for about an hour now when some retard joins my game and delets almost all of what I just spent the hour doing. I was so mad!
  8. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yo dawg, people be callin me rice, and I appreciate it.


  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Heeeeey. I take offense to that. I double pummel because it works at killing those cheap asses who ***** the long range crap and are stupid enough to let me get in close enough with my AR Magnum

    Well sometimes the DMR whores are the real d-bags. They either back up cheaply to nade spam you and get a cheap headshot that takes NO SKILL AT ALL! "I did it with a blindfold on" Or you melee them, then they jump back like a M ulgee prozness and bunny hop while spamming grenades and taking another no skill headshot. Campers suck ass too.

    The above is purely speculation and purely opinion. I know what your thinking. Yeah just because half the Halo world is hardcore sniper god pro 666 (All my pet peeve GTs cept for MLG, but I will not include it for various reasons) I can't have an opinion. Yeah I know.
  10. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Really? Long range crap? You're always the guy who posts around talking in praise of the AR, and everyone is entitled to an opinion, but if that opinion isn't justified, then I have every right to prove you wrong.

    So you call the long range weapons cheap, but double pummeling perfectly acceptable? Let's rationalize this. You claim that using long range weapons takes no skill, so why not just kill those "cheap ass long range weapon whores" with long range weapons yourself? Is this inferring that a double beatdown is more skill-oriented than the DMR or Sniper? It doesn't take much thought, honestly. With the DMR, you have a small reticule, and especially at long distances, targeting with it can be especially difficult, since you have:

    A) A small target.

    B) A small reticule.

    When using a beatdown, you must be very close to an enemy, but when at that range, you have:

    A) The entire screen as a reticule.

    B) A massive target.

    Seeing a pattern? Skill is determined by a number of different factors, and Reticule size and Target size are some of those factors.

    I see no logic in the above statement, honestly. The DMR is a starting weapon, yet it's cheap? Does that make the AR and the magnum cheap?

    Yeah, because I'm going to run full-speed into the guy that's trying to double beatdown/AR me. If I decide to back up and strafe to avoid fire, while attempting to line up a headshot, I'm cheap. Again, lovely logic. Honestly, what ELSE am I supposed to do in that situation? Just accept death and move on?

    What's funny about this, is the sheer fact that you think a headshot takes less skill than a beatdown. You must be like one of those guys I see in matchmaking, that sprint into rooms and then freak out when their second melee doesn't connect. You have a gun, you know. You could like, use it and stuff.

    The most logical statement in that entire post.

    I don't mind opinions, but it sounds to me that you have derived your opinions from your own lack of ability to aim. Do I know this for a fact? No, but that seems to be the most logical answer. 1v1 me sometime, and I'll find out. Like I first stated, everyone is entitled to an opinion, but you'd better back it up.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Sigh, do you still not get it man? Why posts like this get you crap is because on one hand you ***** to high heaven about the people who go around in MM saying 'AR takes no skill, rah noob!' etc. etc., and then you basically say the EXACT same thing about the other end of the weapon using spectrum. The fact that headshots do take skill, I agree not a massive amount in themselves but certainly more than a beatdown, is irrelevant, it's your mindless and self righteous hypocrisy that sets people off.

    EDIT: RK put it perfectly, in more precise terms than I can even be bothered with any more (that's right, Zow, your bloodyminded and counterintuitive attitude to this subject has made PEGASI give up making long posts....). However, I still maintain that the baffling level of hypocrisy transcends even the high bar of shortsightedness that he has set for himself in making all of the above points. If you're gonna work on the principle of 'an eye for an eye' then fine, but don't ***** and moan about how your opponent is hurting your eye whilst gouging theirs out yourself.

    And you know what's really funny, Zow? Not is the DMR higher on your ToD list than the AR, but so is the Sniper. Ranged weapon whores, eh?
    #171 Pegasi, Apr 28, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011
  12. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    LOL. I think you got him.

    Anyone who complains about short range or long range weapons is just bitching because its the opposite of what they like to use themselves, and is therefore "cheap". It gets really old. I heard someone in a FFA game call me a sword ***** because I got it 3 times in the game (on reflection) yet he ALWAYS had the rockets and it was his tool of destruction. I think a lot of people just say (or type, as the case is here) without thinking about what they're saying, or what the words actually mean. Their mouth is connected directly to their thoughts and feelings with no filter in between. so you end up hearing a lot of bullshit.

    I want to add: anybody who goes on and on about their armor and/or rank when no one is asking about it. So many times someone is going on and on about their gold visor or the fact that they look like master chief. NO ONE CARES. Nor do I care that you have inclement weather when I don't even have birthday party yet. Nor do I care that you have every firefight voice while I only have the one. Granted this happens with younger players mostly (like when I play with my little brother and end up dealing with his friends), and the longer the game is out the less it happens. Still.... its quite obnoxious. Maybe I get this more than most because my completion % is in the high 80s (almost all actual armor pieces), so they have to bug me about what i have until they find something they have that I do not.....
    #172 IH8YourGamerTag, Apr 28, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011
  13. Chan

    Chan Forerunner
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    People who exploit the spawn system to spawn camp or spawn out of the map.
  14. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Carefull with that comment. According to some on this site, being spawn trapped just means you and your team suck, and it's your fault you're in that situation.
  15. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Forerunner

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    its true. Even in grifball, if you're good, there's a way out of a spawn trap
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    To me it depends on the map and the situation. Some maps make it gratuitously easy to spawn trap if your team is decent. Some make it hard (as it should be) and therefore pulling it off is a well-deserved reward. But, for example, spawn-trapping and wholesale slaughtering the other team with a couple key vehicles on Hemorrhage is far from difficult. I've done it practically by myself with one wraith, with teammates only helping out a little bit. That's a definite indication that the map spawn system leaves something to be desired and taking advantage of it is at least borderline douchey.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes definitely. I actually just got Inclement Weather yesterday, and the only person I've mentioned it to was my friend because he assured me I wouldn't have it before he got back from India (well, aside from mentioning it now, which I know sounds suspiciously like what you're talking about, but I assure you I'm just using it as an example to make a point :p). I honestly don't know why people would want to go around talking about it all the time, I have a decent amount of armour simply by dint of being a reasonably high rank, but is that anything to do with being good at the game? Absolutely not, it's just an indication that I've played a buttload of Reach, which isn't something I see the need to go around informing people of. If anything, the amount that I caned this game in the first couple of months was borderline embarrassing, so when people not only start to brag about being a Nova etc. but won't shut up about it, I'm genuinely kinda mystified as to the point they're trying to make.

    EDIT: @ Waylander: Lol you still remember Blaze's post then? I do chuckle a little every time I see it in someone or other's sig. I'm more on board with Nutduster, in that it's not the team's fault in most common cases but the map's. Some maps you have to earn a spawn trap and work to maintain it, but plenty of them the map just gives it to you on a plate once you get a Wraith/Banshee/Scorpion/Sniper in the right position.
    #177 Pegasi, Apr 28, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011
  18. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    It's okay Peggy, I still love you even though you're such a REACH Nerd =]
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Psh, you're just jelly brah, you know it.

  20. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Please note that the following three paragraphs are on topic, I am talking about the biggest d-bags on Reach.

    I finally got matchmaking back a while back but never really play it unless it's with friends. Guess what my friends love to play. Guess what I'm stuck with even in MM games that I don't think could possibly start me with a DMR? Besides. The entirety of the post I recently made was a joke. Really. I guess I know need to put on every single pseudo hater of MLG or Ranged weapon post in bold big letters,


    I personally think people are way to sensitive on this subject matter. And some can even resort to douchebaggery because of it. I've stopped my (literal) hatred of ranged weapons around Christmastime. And since then I only do it to screw around with my friends and anyone who in the least knows me. And you know what, most of em laugh. It's only the extremely sensitive players that get a spark set off every time the word "Sniper" and "Noob" are put in the same sentence that still make me resent Ranged weapons a tad bit. Honestly I think instead of giving the sensitive douchebags (It's not you) the satisfaction of stopping my jokes and admitting I'm falsely wrong (I never was in the first place), this is what I will do instead.


    Read this and you will now know my position on every weapon in Halo Freaking Reach!
    If any still don't get it by this time, than please, you have the right to freely ignore me the rest of your life.

    BTW Pegasi, please PM me your concerns instead of us having to fill the threads with needless arguments. I think that would be nice for the community, wouldn't you?

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