Battlefield 3 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Glasgow, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Well what the hell is the PLR, when was I supposed to be informed of that? By the text at the beginning of the video or any of the NPC's? That doesn't seem important to anyone at DICE. Better I do the research myself.

    I'm reflecting what I've seen of the game play. Walk to a corner, stay there shoot ten enemies as they charge. Rinse repeat. I don't see how that's an assumption since that's what we've all just witnessed.

    Why can't I be free to say that a plot device built upon a natural disaster is a sorry excuse for a real narrative and you should be ashamed for even thinking it would be good? Regardless if it's specualtion, it's silly to admit that a narrative devised by a third grader would be anything amazing, groundbreaking, or remotely good.

    Devs: "Hmm there's no way it'd be believable playing as a soldier on the front lines. The U.S. army is just too powerful. Hang on, I know, Earthquake!""

    I don't mind people speculating, in fact I like doing it myself, when it's sensible. If it's going to be ridiculous on the other hand, I'm going to make fun of it. As you are used to doing.

    Clarification of earlier points
    - Supernatural, again it was a joke about the irony of a contrived plot device. Should it actually exist...
    - It isn't racist to assume anyone from the Middle East would be Muslim. It's not demeaning them as a person or group of persons in any way.
    - My comments about Allah etc. were addressing Shataki's earlier comments where in he mentioned terrorists.

    Everything makes sense in context. Except for this game. Oh well guns. Ok, nevermind a few guns. Leave guns to other games like Painkiller, Serious Sam, Quake, Unreal Tournament, even Halo?
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    It seems that Rusty dislikes this game so much that he's willing to argue a point about something that is totally made up, and then resorts to insulting people when they call him out.
  3. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    you bitches are forgetting that Battlefield 3 is all about the multiplayer. at least on the PC.
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Damn straight. Keep in mind I did indirectly insult them for first for insulting a game they feel attached too.

    Also the point isn't totally made up. In the trailer, there is an earthquake and it will be a small sub-plot if only for that mission, which is funny because I'm calling the game out on that and here you are calling me out on calling it out others for calling me out for calling out on the game. BWAM!
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    First of all, you've twisted my words. I never said this earthquake would result in terrorist organizations rising up all over the world and kicking the United States' ass. That would be the supernatural bullshit that you're speculating about.

    Second, I'm assuming that you are referring to MoH's story as being the plausible one, seeing as CoD's stories are action fantasies and nothing more. In that case, I'd like to point you to the huge failure that MoH's story was. Nobody really gives a **** what the general back home has to say when they are the ones on the front line. We've seen that story dozens of times over and, to be honest, I'm a lot more interested in the story of individual soldiers rather than shifting alliances and political scandal.

    Nobody knows what the story will be about, but find it strange that you feel it just to call out a game based on the plot of possibly a single mission.
  6. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Exactly, it's political correctness, ignorance at most. And the world thrives from it, so stop pulling the aforementioned card QKT.

    ****ing YES. The best Battlefield games didn't even have a campaign. You got bots if you were lucky.

    I don't recall Rusty, or anyone for that matter, referring to Medal of Honour in a positive manner. That's just weird.

    But shifting alliances and political scandal sounds a LOT like Black Ops.. and if i recall.. YES. That was quite a big hit.

    Please don't use MoH as an argument against Rusty. MoH ****ing blows and Rusty could pull a better narrative out of any orifice of choosing that would trump any mentioned competition.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I know you aren't implying that Call of Duty has a good story. Who the hell cares how big a hit something is? CoD sells a lot, but it's not a great game. Transformers 2 was extremely successful, but it wasn't a great movie.

    My point was that I've heard the types of stories MoH and CoD and other war games have told dozens of times over. I'm bored with it, and I want something different. If DICE are able to supply that with BF3, then more power to them.
  8. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I'm not implying CoD has a good story. I'm not implying you would be a good judge of a 'good story' either. Call me pedantic. I'm just not so sure that all the other nationalities in the world will agree with you. After all, IW are (was) a long established developer and even they managed to trip off and wholly piss off Russia in MW2.

    But now your arguing a whole different thing, you should be careful about the statements you make because they are rather naive. Who cares how big a hit something is? Well, generally, Publishers. Who gives games developers money? Publishers.

    I could carry on arguing the popular game vs good game thing all day but what would be the point?

    And i wouldn't hold your breath. DICE aren't the people to specialize in narrative or emotion. Battlefield on the whole has been a rather dry game. And they have only had experience with Singleplayer in their last few titles;

    Modern Combat - singplayer with practically no narrative.. 'we are the chinese!.. now we are the americans!'
    Modern Combat 2 - The same campaign, ported onto xbox 360. They couldnt even be arsed to change a thing, after revamping the whole engine.
    Bad Company 1 - Meh.. Wasn't thrilling, funny or remorseful. It wasn't anything.

    I haven't played Bad Company 2 for that reason.
    #68 Matty, Apr 19, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2011
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I've played many battlefield games as well, so I know DICE's track record. That doesn't mean I can't hope they create something unique and exciting.

    What I'm saying is that just because many people bought Black Ops doesn't mean ****. I'd be willing to be that less than 20% of everyone who bought Black Ops beat the single player campaign. You can argue that it's because they're all bumbling idiots who can't not fire a bullet for more than 10 seconds, even though you probably go less than a minute without firing a bullet at any given point in the campaign. However, I would argue it's because, shockingly enough, everyone is bored with it. It's the same story, new faces.

    I've articulated what I want: a war story that isn't like what we've already seen done in games like MoH and CoD. Whether or not you believed I am a good judge of narrative is irrelevant.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    **** da campaign real talk
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This campaign looks a hell of a lot better than the campaigns in BC 1 and 2, and the campaign isn't even the game's focus. What's all the bitching about? I have no doubt that BF3 will be completely amazing.
  12. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Looks like Matty & Rusty need to stfu now. :)

    I watched this **** live, was so giddy after :p
  13. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I was just agreeing with Rusty for the sake of stirring some opinion. I still play BF2, it's one of my favourite games.
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Holy ****. The graphics on that Tank demo are ****ing mind blowing! I'm sure it will be scaled down for consoles, but that is a beautiful game.
  15. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Indeed, I may be picking this up instead of MW3 this year, especially since MW3 isn't going to be quite the same as the previous two.
  16. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    the tank demo kinda sorta blew me away. the attention to detail is astounding...

    tank missions and such are usually something im not too crazy about, but that looks like a blast. super immersive.

    and lol at the whole debate over some really terrible story arc that somebody in this thread just made up. it's just an earthquake. earthquakes happen, so do wars, why not earthquakes during wars? The only thing i see them using the earthquake for, is to complicate the **** out of what would be a simple operation.

    Rusty's a big silly goose.
    #77 CHUCK, Jun 7, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2011
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Just walking, running around, and jumping in videogames makes you go crazy. I can't imagine how you feel about tanks.

    Hey! Eagle, get it right son.

    @B3NW, I'll eat most of what I said, except that the trailer is still retarded. Game looks boss and you're still a moron.
  18. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    This is probably the first time I've ever actually been excited for a Battlefield game. I loved 2, BC was alright and BC2 was pretty good.

    This looks amazing though. The attention to detail, the vehicles, frostbite 2.0...
  19. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Rustehhhhhh, get a 360 again so we can play some Battlefield 3 and some other stuff.

    Im super psyched about this game =)

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