Space Invaders

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by lllROCKlll, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    SPACE INVADERS - As if the UNSC didn’t have enough local trouble... these guys show up.

    Here is my latest action scenario map. Mothership, Space Cruiser and Destroyer zeroing in for a little mayhem and a snatch and grab at a UNSC supply port.

    Action shots are all staged of course, but if you want to turn on the Tractor Beam or Lasers just touch the underside Capture plate or Red Skulls for the effect. There are no gametypes set... it’s just for looks.

    Thanks to Ragnar0k26 for the idea of adding a cockpit in the Mothership and also helping out, along with TheElfPunk, for the action shots.

    This looks like trouble... Mothership, Space Cruiser and Destroyer

    Mothership top

    Mothership bottom

    OH NO!!! Looks like it’s probe time boys...

    Space Cruiser at work

    Close UP

    Destroyer at work

    Close up

    Mothership pilot... Hey, what the heck is he doing here...

    Falcon landing pad and ready room
    #1 lllROCKlll, Apr 17, 2011
    Last edited: May 3, 2011
  2. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Love it. It was a matter of time until somebody did an over the limit creation having to do with out saucer flying friends.
    . I find it more interesting to decipher one's creative thought even than the map itself.
    Nice job Rock, definitely have a good thing going here on the Hub.
  3. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The saucers are amazing but i really think you should make an invasion gametype or something to this, nice work anyways :D
  4. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks Grim. It's always good to see a post by you on one of my maps. Yeah, I covered land, sea and air vehicles pretty good in my last few maps... figured there was only one place left to go, HA! Well, I hope I can keep the creative thoughts and the maps fitting together. Thanks again - ROCK

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks raptor. I started first with the Mothership idea alone but the scenario was weak with just one ship so I added two more that were off shoots of experiments I've done in my own little RockWorld.

    As far as setting up for Invasion or any other gametype, ya might notice I've done 11 Aesthetic maps and no Comp maps. I might go Comp someday but for now they are more like blank canvases for anyone to make what they want on them. You aren't the only one who thinks this would make a good Invasion map and I see by the map you've done "Covenant outpost" that you can make a good Invasion map, so give it a go. Let me know if you do, I'd like to see it. Thanks again - ROCK
    #4 lllROCKlll, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello ROCK! Thanks for the previews of this map. This takes symmetrical forging to the exteame! I love it .... When I first seen the mother ship, it was outstanding! Seeing how perfect it is forged and how unique the look I get from the dishes in a symmetrical design. The dome is brilliant. I like the cockpit and adds great depth to your creation. The other ship also looks amazing , the central ball from the capture plates is a great bit of forging, even the building had had a great bit of thought and work involved! I would add a shot of just the mother ship (above) as it looks amazing.... But you need to break out of forge world. I will show u how if you like ( put spawn on fixed way up in sky, spawn there....then after u respawn above for few seconds, go into theatre mode and pause once u have broken out) great work
  6. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks Tim. Getting compliments from one of FH and Bungie's top forgers always makes my day. I'll take a good shot of the Mothership and add it in. Even though the Bullet Train is my highest viewed and DLed so far, this I think is my personal favorite. Haven't got another Aesthetic map in the works yet, too busy re-fitting the Halo 3 Classic maps. I'll be posting Guardian and Construct real soon. I'll send ya an invite when we get a game going on The Pit. - ROCK
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    cool buddy... the remakes are amazing.. im working on the scarb.... u wont even notice it lol although its nearly cost my relationship lol.... this map is quality... keep up the great work :)
  8. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    They are the most epic spaceships I've ever seen. It could be infection, where when players are in the haven, they get a jetpack with infinite use.
  9. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    ROCK this map ROCKs. The spiraling details to each saucer are very well done. I also like how each saucer is uniquely different and the only real similarity is that they are saucer-like spacecraft. I also like the teleporter and kill barrier 'beams.' This map post reminded me that you can actually adjust the diameter of the teleporter and kill barrier to make it look like a beam which I then used for a map of my own (Map Preview-TRON: Legacy Solar Sailer). Great idea to use those for the beams ROCK. Also showed this map to a few of my friends and they were speechless for a little while then I told them about the beams and they couldn't stop talking about how awesome the map was. I really enjoy viewing your work ROCK look forward to even more posts. DL and liked
  10. konradtacular

    konradtacular Forerunner

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    I don't see whats so great abut his map....Just kidding. The mother ship really blew me away when I first saw this. This takes symmetrical forging to a new level. Wow
  11. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Thanks Delta. I always appreciate your comments on my maps. This is probably my best and favorite scenario map so far. I originally only had the Mothership but the scenario was weak and came up with the other two ships to fill out the story. I've been spending most of my time building a lot of competitive maps for me and my group to play on and holding touraments on them and haven't came up with a new idea for a Aesthetic map quite yet. Something will pop up in my head eventually. Thanks again, ROCK

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