What ability (abilities) would you recommend having a custom power give the player in an infection gametype. Now keep in mind that this power up maybe used by either side (meaning it may be something only in the zombie spawn room or something that the survivors might pick up on there way to an objective). Your thoughts would be most appreciated.
increased jump height, maybe put it where the zombies are more likely to get it. those times when the last 1 or 2 humans left are on something tall can be quite annoying
I am not sure how that might be useful to the zombies unless they can't jump to high already. howefver depending on where it was and how long it lasted it could be great for a survivor to use. Perhaps to gain access to 'secret weapons'.
In gametypes without shield recharge for humans it can be used like a medkit. For zombies it can make a sort of alpha zombie, although that problem's fixed now, to lead an assault. Keep in mind you don't want to make the traits overpowering. I'm not sure how this works, but if the player has max ammo when infinite ammo expires with the powerup it could be used like an ammo pack.
Those are some pretty good suggestions. One idea I had was to use the custom power ups for the survivors like either: steroids, adrenaline (left 4 dead series) or morphagen (area 51 game). So preferably something that might bust up the players speed, jump height, or shields. Also I was wondering if anyone knew a manner as to make it that the humans can access the custom power ups while the zombies cannot. If you have any ideas as how this can work let me know. Also try to throw a few ideas out there as how a custom power up can be used to benefit the zombies better.
Well, since zombies already have several disadvantages, I would suggest giving something to them. Giving a powerup to the already (comparably) stronger humans will only frustrate the zombies. Up their health, or grant headshot-immunity; hell, even give'm shields for a minute or two. Make something that won't make the zombies rage quit while the humans have a walk in the park. Also, perhaps you could give zombies holograms?
all these are good, especially the hologram idea. maybe make the gametype so there are no names above the players so the hologram would be that much more effective. maybe make it so it doesn't spawn until 150-180 seconds into the game/round, when you know there are a couple humans left going on sprees.
Cheak the thread you started in the living dead group you posted. I wrote some stuff in there that I think is useful as well as helpful ^^ (see what I did there?)
I say go with something like adrenaline from L4D2. Make the humans fast enough to outrun the zombies and have it give them a health refill. Adrenaline speed in L4D2 lasts fifteen seconds. The ammo pack idea is good too.
Hmmm... perhaps it could be used to make the player run just as fast as the zombie. that way if a zombie were to grab it then he wouldn't get any special benefit. However I really do like this idea.
Dissable radar on default for both zombies and humans, but put markers above the human's heads (so they can't hide). Give the custom powerup enhanced radar. A human that picks the custom powerup get improved situational awareness, while zombies get improved hunting skills.