Hello! It's Zop again, and I have a project in the works for about a month finally done. Listening to criticism from my other "destroyed" maps, I've come out with this. Hope you like it. Essentially, Nukes went off in the ocean by Washington and made a big wave that wiped out most cities on Puget Sound. It's fairly small, but has a larger base area than Wreckage and is a bit more open. Here are the pictures. Northern End Car Dealership Southern End Bar and Casino Mom and Pop Shop Shiny Things Inc. Sporting Goods Storage Facility Mark & Jones Insurance Some other Shots EDIT: New Thumbnail added. 2nd EDIT: Somehow it lost all the supported gametypes. Fixed that.
Hey Zop, This looks like real fun. Have you tested it? Will give it a DL and have a game sometime. I'm away for a week though. DT
looks great! it looks like the area has been bombed or been hit by an earthquake great job on adding that feel!
Good Job. The rumble actually looks natural. Im glad to see you found a way to do slayer and team slayer as well as infection. Your map makes me want to play infection.
Map looks really cool, im totally Fallout-nostalgic right now :'( ... One thing though it seems like the map would lag really bad because of all the items jumbled together..maybe not though...either way sick map =)
The Slayer variants were more of an afterthought than anything, I designed this map around infection. That's my excuse on why I skimped on weapons. I'll probably fix it later, but someone having rockets on that map would be a nightmare for the opposite team. Plus I have a whopping 0 budget. Have tested it with a few friends on infection, screenlag seems to be the main issue. It's not horrible, but there are a few spots on the map where it's noticeable. Also, camping might be an issue with all the debris and clutter, I'm sure there are some good camp sites. Other than that, it has a good atmosphere *I hope* and is entertaining to play on (for people besides myself).
Looks great! Lots of aesthetics, but the thumbnail might scare people away. I recommended changing it. Anyways, a few things I think that could be better are: -Thumbnail. -The Colosseum wall buildings in the background lack detail and detract from the well detailed, destroyed environment. -Big piles of undetailed debris. Those also detract from the environment. Overall, 4.5/5. The things I mentioned are minor, as the map is amazing overall with the attention to detail and such.
Amazing map: i don't want to set the world on fireeeeeeeee! seriously good map and it would do well with territories, if thats not already done
I like this a lot! many people try to make these kind of maps... none to well. Yours however seems very cool! cant wait to try it out!!!