Before we start; Yes, I'm aware a feature map created by Adelyss goes by the name of Diadem too, but that was in the days of Halo 3 so I'm pretty confident I can make a Reach map with the same name Anyway, to business.... Diadem has already been rebuilt 3 times (>.<) and finally it's turned into something I don't like, but love. The aesthetics were the main hit in this one and the location of it. I've tried to go for something very "halo-esque" with detail and slanty walls and stuff and then looking through the windows you see more Halo type structures... anyway, you guys aren't really interested in text, so I'm just gonna keep writing about things just to make this look like it's really important. So today, I went to work, I drank BLACK coffee which was utterly disgusting because the milk in the fridge had gone off. Urmm, I had a steak and ale pie for dinner, thats right.. it's because I'm boss I can do that. I still don't particularly know what to write here either, I guess I should be telling you about weapon sets and stuff, but I'm pretty sure you guys can figure that out from the pictures. Oh and there's 2x camo pickups on this, so it's probably better to use the new gametypes with it. But yeah, finally, lets get to the pictures.... Rocket Spawn Sniper Spawn And my personal favourite area... this random corridor So yeah, I hope you like my map and stuffs. Updated pictures: Another view of the groovy corridor Blue base Slightly different to red base Inside the GL tunnels Another view of the centre
Well, I think the map needs more tuh-meh-oez (thats a zed on the end of that...) but otherwise, it looks pretty good. I mean, black coffee isn't great but thats ok. It should be a great way to counter the rockets! Oy, props for the clean look and nice aesthetics bla bla bla
Edited the map... aesthetics look a **** tonne better. Also set it up for flag. Free-For-All spawns placed. Map now has: 1x Rockets 2x Sniper 2x Shotgun 2x Grenade Launcher 4x DMR 2x Needle Rifle 2x Plasma Pistol 2x Plasma Repeater I'm probably not gonna spam this full of pics to be honest, with those of you that are interested in this you should come play
Me thinks it looks reall nice with the simple aesthetics and whatnot, and I'd love to see more of the map. I'm getting a more Halo CEish feel from this map, which is a real good thing. It looks like you have alota power weapons, and the open space may make snipers very happy people. I can't be sure of this till I play of coarse (which I'd love to do, if you don't mind inviting some 'BK noob randy' member). Oh, and I love those walkway pieces!
Thanks Scorch.. I'm really, really pleased you said it gives a Halo CE feel. I think the aesthetics for this are very Forerunner and fit in with a lot of the aesthetics seen around in the Halo series. EDIT: I dun lyk the overview, looks messy and I can't go high enough.
I'm glad I found this, it was a pleasure to get a game wirh u all. When I first saw this I like the maps looks. There were a load of ways around and a fair amount of cover . I only tried one gametype so it is difficult to get full impression of this map. In koth i had a few lucky spawns on the hills. I thought the inclines coild have used a quicker way up at times. Maybe a platform xl flipped upsidedown or something to give quick jump up had good looks and enjoyed game. Looking good
Looks very clean and crisp. Not much room to see how it all connects together... Got a birds eye pic anywhere? Definitely a room based design, from what I can tell. That being so, careful with the power weapon count there... 2x snipe, 2x shotty, and rockets is a bit much. The sniper alone can break the map with some of these long hallways... 2x Invis might be over kill as wel. Map also looks a little flat, as far as flooring goes... Perhaps integrating some more elevation change would help? Looks pretty good. Shoot me an invite sometime so we can go over it.
Lies! there's no camo the last time i played But anyway, i played this two times now and i really like it. Nice, plane, and simple to understand. I don't think that is was that great with classic setting and only like 4 people, but the team KOTH was really nice. great game on that. The only thing that I would advise, that I didn't say in the lobby, was maybe expand the middle hill. It's easy to be attacked from all sides, so some more room for the hhill would be cool. over all, i really like it so far. would love to play it again, just send me an invite
Thanks longshot.. I'll look into the Hill sizes a bit more once I have my spawn system sorted.. I've been forever putting off doing that as it's tedious as hell >.< Also, Thanks to the other guys for commenting too. I'm in the process of tweaking the weapon sets and stuff.. so hopefully it'll be functional by next weekend Doubly Also, thanks for the tunnel idea schnitzel... I never imagined that it would work so well as it does.
This map is awful... Joke... In all seriousness, this map is amazing. The asthetics and gameplay mix together perfectly, and each time I play, I have so much fun . I think I played on two or three different versions so I got to see how the map grew over time. The only bit i really don't like is the small area where the Hammer/Shotgun/Other Random item spawns. I just think that it really isnt needed considering there are 5 other power weapons on the map, it really doesn't need any more. Maybe just get rid of that area entirely? Also, I thought that the sniper spawn felt a little to open, as well as the hallways surounding the Rocket spawn area. The LOS were just too open and even though the map layout works well, a little more cover could improve those areas a bit more, but the main concern for cover is Sniper spawn. The astetics are amazing and when the full version finally comes out, a recomendation for front page and FHF will be made by me. Cool map bro (Y)
Lol thanks sky... To address your concern of the "random weapon area" it now holds a concussion rifle with no spare clips in symmetric games (Mutli-flag, Bomb etc...) or teleporters (2-way) in asymmetric games (Like Slayer, KOTH, Ball etc...) Other than that... I'm out of items. I did manage to salvage some budget to create two awesome tunnels leading from bottom mid to the grenade launcher tunnels though Extra pictures for sexy time: Another view of the groovy corridor Blue base Slightly different to red base Inside the GL tunnels Another view of the centre
This map was soo sexy. The aesthetics were actually part of the map itself which IMO is much better than just throwing in stuff once the map is complete. Really I enjoyed playing on this and it was so well balanced. The whole structural idea of the map was bright and well-forged. Only thing I though was a bit of a problem was some of the weapon locations. I just happened to find the sniper on top a ledge, but really that's not a big deal. Overall, this map was intense and fun. Great work bro. PS: I know it's just a map preview, but I decided to go all out and give you a really long feedback statement
I really want to see the adjustments you've made to this. I really liked what I saw last time I was on this map.