Oh... I thought you meant like stacked with lifts at one end. So you are looking at a 90 degree z axis rotation... gotcha. I have come to the conclusion that ballerinas are masochists (not just natalie portman). Example: Toe Shoes.
Those shoes most ballerinas wear that let you balance on your tip toes. Seeing as you are putting all of your weight on two tiny platforms and all of that pressure shifts to the ball of your foot... ouch.
I saw this on Twitter. I think it's the only sexual thing online about Ira Glass other than my sig. If you ever have sex with Ira Glass, randomly stop and make him pay $50 bucks for a world music compilation before you'll keep going.
So last night I'm finally about to be done with solo legendary on reach, and I'm at the part where you are killing the hunters on the last level (so I'm pretty freakin far in). I decide to go to the school ballet because I have friends in it, and while I'm there I get a text from my mom "xbox making too much noise so I turned it off" FFFUUUUUUU(etc..) Now I have to restart that level and I don't know when i'll have time to finish it.