Uncharted Waters (UPDATED! - 17th April) This map has been removed. UNCHARTEDWATERS "Only the fittest will survive" Map Name: Uncharted Waters 1.5 Gametype Name: Uncharted Waters 1.5 (GT) Tour This map is made for infection only. Gametype is recommended. Aim of the Game The humans must survive for as long as possible fending off piranhas(zombies) that attempt to ambush them from the shallow waters below. Humans all spawn in a tunnel(picture 2) which has a softkill zone surrounding the inside giving players 10 seconds to exit. Zombies spawn safely in underwater-hubs. Tips - ? For the best experience, play with 8+ players ? If your in a small party, adjust the number of zombies at start. ? Watch your radar at all times. ? Partner up with teammates to lengthen the time of your survival. Download, comment and leave feedback. Thanks.
I havent realy played many good custom game sin halo reach yet, so it looks like this one will be the first. i make a lot of custom games but it never crossed my mind to make anything like this, the only problem i forsee is some one hiding in that spawn room and refusing to leave. But other than that its a definant download for me. keep them comming.
Seems like a pretty cool concept. If played right the zombies could give the survivors a run for their money (if not their lives).
As he said in the description, there are soft kill barriers in the room. That way, no one can refuse to leave, unless they want to be killed in 10 sec.
Thank you for your comment, I hope this map will bring you something new to the table. I see you and the three people below you have downloaded version 1.0, alot of the issues from v1.0 have now been fixed thanks to a few friends I have played with so gameplay should run much smoothly. As for the issue regarding players camping in the tunnel, a soft-killzone has been placed there to counter it. Thank you for your comment, yes indeed thats only if the zombies play their cards right! Thank you for your comment, remember to download v1.5! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wow, I just want to say thanks to everyone who has downloaded this map, it has gotten over 330 downloads in 3 days(1.5 version), I've never had so many. Thanks forgehub for this excellent service.