Remake The Pit

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by The Blaze Jp, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. The Blaze Jp

    The Blaze Jp Forerunner

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    The Range v3 (Pit Remake)

    Here we have a Pit remake made for the Team Classic Settings.
    The Map Is an accurate precise 1:1 scale of The Pit from Halo 3. I use a Dual monitor & xbox forging technique that allows no room for error with dimensions.

    Alright guys v3 is up..

    **v3 Updates**:

    List of updates and why I definitively believe this rendition to be the most accurate remake:

    -Made Long hall 4.7 wide, Exactly the same as halo 3 (No other Remake has this).
    -Made the stairs to sword room 1.4 wide, Same as halo 3 (No other Remake forged this accurate).
    -Made the width of camo hall 1.8, same as halo 3 (No other Remake which doesn't lag has this accurate).
    -Added and accurately tweaked the bananas so they include the "gaps" between them as In halo 3 (uniquely accurate to the pit only)
    -Made camo hall length 7.8 as In halo 3. (Again uniquely accurate to this pit only)
    -Reduced Item count and budget slightly again.
    -Added Assault, KOTH, Teritories and Oddball.
    -Added 1 railing more per plat/sniper ramp.
    -Aesthetical touches and revamps especially the middle structure.
    -Rockets now lean against correct wall in Long hall.

    Comparative Screenshots:
    (Will update to v3 soon), Currently showing v1 snaps.







    Apologies for only doing 6, For some strange reason the "recent screenshots" of my halo reach bungie section doesn't show all the snaps Iv'e taken In-game.

    From custom games the map minorly droped frames on a few lines of sight but I'm confident I can overcome this for v2's release. I'm going to raise the map as high as it will go (Outside the normal perimeters of forgeworld to lower sceneric render, Aswell as object cutting down/Replacing).

    For the time being Im pretty sure the Pit that will be Implemented Into Team classic will be the one just made on Tempest last week by Spartan 355, a decent remake.

    I chose not to go for tempest because I believe it to be possible on forgeworld to make this map not lag and have the extra budget freedom to add all the extras the Pit had, Iv'e done it before with noble creek so It's just a matter of time, The extra budget in the long run will allow me to incorporate most notably all the railings ontop of being able to and nice aesthetical touches..

    Thanks for looking, v2 will be out after Im done with my next remake.
    #1 The Blaze Jp, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: May 11, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Great Remake. It looks very similar. I wish there was a way to not have a wallcolliseum in replace of the chain-link fence. But otherwise nice.
  3. konradtacular

    konradtacular Forerunner

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    wow this is like a mirror that makes maps look all forerunner like. Man your forging skills are pro dude. I am definitely DLing this map. I must say it is one of the better Halo 3 remakes
  4. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    If you do it right, you could use a grid. Also, the map looks great. Not much to say, it looks like The Pit.
  5. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As awesome as this remake is, it makes me sad to see how awful the Forge World pieces look even compared to Halo 3. :(
  6. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Window coliseums instead of walls? And if that's too much framerate you could just put a railing and kill boundary to give the map a better feel. Also maybe implementing rocks or tin cups to spice the greyness up a little. Not sure exactly where you might do this but you might want to try it out. Great job and excited for v2.

    P.S. I doubt a tempest map will be picked for the playlist, you still have a pretty good chance.
  7. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    It's forgeworld, not tempest.
    On topic: thE map itself is a pretty solid remake. Of course there has been thousands of others to come through, but this is defiantly one of the best. Take away the frame rate lag, and i'd say you would have the best remake out there.
  8. The Real Napsta

    The Real Napsta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this map is amazing.

    Thank you for including the jump up boxes in flag room.

    Could you make an MLG version with drop spawns and the other jump up boxes?
  9. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    The second you get rid of the lag this has my DL and a place in MM
  10. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    Very nice. Looks like a perfect. I like the comparison Pics. I just wish the pieces in forge would offer more color so it is easier to reconize the bases. 10/10.
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I always really enjoy your remakes for the sole reason of accuracy. If it were up to me, you'd have remade several other maps too.

    That said, I really hope you work out the lag on this. It was definitely in my top 3 maps of all time. I also appreciate that you made it the original default layout and not the MLG layout that everyone else goes right after. I eagerly await version 2.

    Also, in the future, please keep your thread titles to JUST the name of the map.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a really nice remake of my favorite map from Halo 3. Are all the weapons the same too because you didn't include a weapon list?? Probably but I mean what did you use for weapons that aren't in Reach like the spikers. Anyways, nice job I'll give this a dl and hope it plays as good as H3.

    **Edit: I so hope this makes it into team classic as I hate most of those maps right now.
    #12 A SILENT EMU, Apr 14, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  13. The Real Napsta

    The Real Napsta Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I tested this in a 2v2 last night, I didn't see any framerate problems. Where are you guys encountering these problems?

    (I played on full screen, game installed)
  14. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    Yes, I didn't encounter any framerate issues on full screen either . I'd like to know where people are spotting this. I know it does lag on two player split screen, but as far as I know, the classic playlist doesn't support two player split screen.

    EDIT: Never mind, the classic does support 2 player split screen. :/
    That sucks, because it's such a well made map.
    #14 PeteTacular 42, Apr 15, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2011
  15. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Uhhh.... They are in the game? You can even see them clearly in the first pictures.

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think he means Reach has no Brute Shot,Mauler,or SMG.

    In My remake, "PIT BOSS", I replaced those ,respectively, with the Concussion Rifle,Greneade Launcher,and AR.

    Looks just like the original though...but I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a ...."ho-hum" thing.
  17. The Blaze Jp

    The Blaze Jp Forerunner

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    Thanks man I really appreciate that and I probably would have if I didn't try so profusely just to get a map of mine on the mlg circuit, Iv'e found making remakes seems to be more relaxing anyways.

    I'm currently thinking of either Snowbound or Ghost town as my next one..

    Its good news to me that 2v2 is lag free, It means i'm closer then i thought to elimating all lag, I'm still continuing to cut down on objects and raising the whole map. Don't worry I'll get it good.

    Also to whomever was asking about the weapon set, yeah as accurate as It can be to halo 3.


    v2 is coming along very nicely and I'm confident it will perform.

    List of things I've done so far:
    -Raised leftover budget from $0 to $2000
    -Reduced Item count down about 25-30 Items approximately while not changing any geometry
    -Reduced texture crossover on a lot of areas (E.g 2 braces no longer forged into eachother)

    I'm going to have 1 final day of tweaks and I'll post the update for you guys to test for performance..

    I'm out, night.
    #17 The Blaze Jp, Apr 15, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2011
  18. hardflip743

    hardflip743 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I am really impressed by your sizing on this map. The pictures make it look near perfect.
    I downloaded to take a further look though and I did find a couple areas that the sizing seems to be a little off.
    Also I have taken the liberty of making changes to the map to try and decrease your screenlag and I have made some pretty good changes that I think you should look at for your future versions.
    I'll finish doing this and put it up in my fileshare if you'd like to take a look.
    Shoot me a FR or message. GT: Vanish iii
  19. The Blaze Jp

    The Blaze Jp Forerunner

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    Ive been making changes aswell for the last 2 days, but sure I'dd add you and take a look when I'm on tommorow, Its 3am for me right now so..

    I'd also like to know where you think the scale is off, It literally cant be dude because I used the Respawn zone (reach) and area (halo 3) measuring system which leaves no room for mistakes. They use the same Units.
  20. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I felt like the top sniper areas were minorly cramped, but I think that's because the cover is so thick compared to the original cover. I'd also like to see the rest of the weapons in. Concussion Rifles for bruteshots, I think 2 magnums near sword for replaced maulers would be good, and maybe add 1 extra spiker next to the lift where the SMG spawned. I'd use it. The rest of the map was perfect to me.

    We recently got a pretty decent remake of Ghost Town on here, and no one has done even remote justice to Snowbound yet... soooo... :)

    TSB's list of future maps he'd love to see personally:

    High Ground

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