SOL Industrial

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by timmypanic, Apr 14, 2011.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    SOL Industrial

    Hello all, welcome to my latest map.
    This is a small - medium sized building
    2 - 8 players

    A very simple design, with plenty of ways around.

    weapons: 6 x dmr (60s +3clip)
    2 x needler rifle (60s +2clip)
    2 x needler (60s + 2clip)
    2 x magnum (unchanged)
    1 x sword central (90s)
    2 x focus rifle (180s)
    4 x health pack

    safe zone size of building, exit building will act as hard kill zone.
    2 soft kill zones have been added to each base roof to stop jetpackers gaining unfair vantage.

    Spawning is either team (red & blue) or ffa
    no lighting used to improve frame rate
    stairs are staggered to improve frame rate
    also they have been made with 3 x 3 short so they work smoothly
    There is also an invisible wall on strut that makes balcony, this means you can walk up and not have to jump as it appears.

    2 ladders on bottom floor (there is arrow to show fairly clearly)



    This picture shows red teams base, flag spawn & bomb goal location under balcony.



    central ladder


    Although there is a big step here (pic below), an invisible wall makes this smooth, although it looks a little strange

    also working on chess


    dl here

    Big thanks to matty for help brainstorming and testing and idea for central sword stand, Eightball & ezekeil20five17 for help testing and Alzaran for help & advice with this map. And everyone else who helped in testing! Thank you !!!
    Comments and feedback would be greatly appreciated
    Thanks for looking
    #1 timmypanic, Apr 14, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2011
  2. konradtacular

    konradtacular Forerunner

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    wow you really went through a lot of trouble to make this map. So did you make this map for people with crappy bandwidth? Over all thought the map is quite simple but nice. I like how you added chess to your new maps. I would expect that staggered stairs to create lag.
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    As simple as it may seem it is fairly well decorated. I wanted framerate to be as good as possible for competitive catagory, and for enjoyment for all players. The stairs were causing terrible frame rate issues, but staggering them stopped the zfighting that was causing lag and frame rate issues. There was also a light on either teams base, but the frame rate improved greatly from removing. Tests have gone well and I haven't had any suggestions to improve as everyone liked (I think as can't vouch for players with no headsets lol) Thanks for your comment
  4. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Do the stairs flow easily? Are the smooth(ish) to walk up? Map looks great. I love the idea of the glass with the deep pit(as seen in the second picture). Nice Idea. If reminds me of a halo 3 map but I dont remember which one. Anyway nice job.
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    hello, thanks for your interest. The stairs are smooth, the 3 x 3 short has an invisible wall on underside, this means that the stairs show but they work as you were walking up an incline. I added the glass as the bottom sides were to open from attack from above. It kind of keeps the corridors seporate and increases size of map in some ways. Thanks for your feedback
  6. Rsvi Etzudee

    Rsvi Etzudee Forerunner
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    Great design and looks. You've used lots of objects in new and good looking ways. 4.5 from the looks.
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I haven't been on forgehub in awhile, but I really loved playing this map and testing it. The layout was great the weapons weren't overpowered and the aesthetics were beautiful. The map had a nice bright feeling to it and the stairs added such a nice touch to the map. I don't have anything bad to say about it. Great work Timmy.
  8. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks eightball! Appreciate all your help testing. The use of glass has helped keep everything light inside without using the lighting. Thanks for you advice with the lights. Greatly improved frame rate.
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I walked through the map and noticed that it's probably more suited for a 2v2, and even that's pushing it. The windows with the health packs on them look awkward and the size is way too small. Unless it was intended for 2v2? Nonetheless, you've taken the right step in competitive forging.

    Also, I noticed small to average amounts of FR issues when walking down the hall with the Covy-crates. You won't notice it the first time you walk down there, but the second or third time, it gets pretty bad. I suggest taking further measures to fix FR issues, such as removing glass. There's way too much glass on this map, and I assume this must be causing the lag.
    #9 4shot, Apr 24, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2011
  10. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Hello , thanks for your feedback... Yes this map is intended for 2 v 2... The frame rate issue is from the stairs, unfortunitly it has trouble rendering my stairs as they are made from 20 blocks for each stair case. I don't belive the glass is causing an issue but it may be adding to the slight problem.... Yes there have been reports of lag they were always small and many said it didn't spoil gameplay . But I understand for some, any frame rate issues will put players off. Its a tough one.... I could remove stairs and change to incline... This will make the map very plain, and as this has had very little interest, I don't think it is worth putting more time and effort in and I am better of moving onto new projects. Thanks for your comment... I thought this map would be quickly forgotten. Thanks for your feedback
  11. Matty the IV

    Matty the IV Forerunner

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    Hehe, thanks for the credit for the middle piece inspiration im proud of it =]

    I loved testing and somehow "assisting" the creation of the map. I didn't notice framerate lag at all during testing but maybe thats just me?

    Great map im looking forward to playing it more. =] =] =]
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Matty.... I appreciate your help in both forging and testing. Ye i didn't notice framerate issues playing anywhere... But I have had a few reports. Very difficult to get a fine balance of good gameplay, layout and aesthetics. I tried to keep this simple... Thanks

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