
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by PeteTacular 42, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    The remnants of this foundry are all that remind the new inhabitants of the cost of war.

    **Download link will take you to my latest version now. The last it was edited was on 3/24/11. Click spoiler to see the changes in the updated version.**




    Vestige is a medium sized, asymmetrical map. The look I wanted to capture is a building in ruins. After traversing on the map, you may notice some similarities of Foundry from Halo 3. It is meant to model after Foundry but is a different layout from the original. Call it a spiritual successor if you will. I chose the quarry to forge because of the plain field, plenty of space, and a cliff side (plus it looks more pretty than the coliseum). So my goal was set: have half the building appear in rubble, and the other half a solid construct suspending off the cliff. This gave me plenty to work with now; I had natural ground for the floor, and I had rocks surrounding as walls. This map has little to no lag and supports everything except Race & Invasion.

    Weapon List:
    Rockets: (1) 180 sec, 1 clip
    Sniper: (1) 180 sec, 2 clips
    Shotgun: (1) 120 sec, 1 clip
    GL: (1) 90 sec, 5 clips
    Concussion Rifle: (2) 90 sec, 1 clip
    DMR: (4) 45 sec, 1 clip
    NR: (2) 60 sec, 2 clips
    AR, Magnum, needler, plasma rifle & repeater: (2) 30 sec, 2 clips
    4 frags, 4 plasmas

    This map went through a lot of change because this was my first ever created map in Reach. After learning about forging, I cleaned things up, and made map flow work much better. Flow as in one side of the map used to have a lot more space than the other, so I fixed coordinates to even the bases sizes. Also, even the amount of cover one side has to the other. I wanted to be creative while working with an asymmetrical space, but I still wanted a fair playing field for red and blue side.

    Back side viewing out:

    An interesting underground feature:




    A fun and hectic gametype is KOTH, try it out! I'd be glad to hear peoples thoughts after playing a game.
    Note: I'm willing to make changes with the map, so tell me any issues or concerns you may have.
    #1 PeteTacular 42, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  2. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    Update includes more cover with rocks and 1X4 blocks, as the map was very open. For aesthetics, I put bridges and platform pieces around the edges of the opening roof.
  3. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ill be the first to comment :p. First off one of my friends made a map kind of the same concept, but yours is actuly built well with plenty of cover. The ascetics look good and i like that you added supports, it drives me crazy when i forge something without supports, All in all it looks very nice and it proble plays nice too, If you havent tested it yet you can just send me a friend request and my and my gaggle of idots can come play on it with you.
  4. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    I sent a friends request. Thanks for the comment, and the offer to help me with testing! I appreciate it. Oh, and I gave some feedback to one of your maps as well.
    BTW, how similar was your friend's design to mine? Was he/she going for a Foundry successor as well? I'm just curious. Nothing I made was intended to be a copy of someone else's design. Just clearing that up.
  5. MiCh4eLAnGeLo

    MiCh4eLAnGeLo Forerunner

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    When i played this i found it fun. I think it would be way more fun with more people. I like the design. Reminds me of Foundry. Good job!

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