Shopping Frenzy

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by MKI Forge, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. MKI Forge

    MKI Forge Forerunner

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    #1 MKI Forge, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  2. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    This is one of the first mall maps that actually plays well. The other ones I saw were just "pretty" and nothing else. Great job!
  3. MKI Forge

    MKI Forge Forerunner

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    Cheers Cosmic.

    There were a number of tests and remakes before the final version came out - glad you like it.

  4. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i tested this map with confused flamingo.. and heres my reaction..
    The escalators were a bad idea, they ruined the game play at times.
    and the ramps are angled really steep and awkwardly.. i would suggest raising the bottom floor or lowering the top floor.
  5. MKI Forge

    MKI Forge Forerunner

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    Thanks for taking the time to critique my map, it is only the third map I have made so it's great to get some views. I shall take on board the comment about the repeating objects for whatever map I make next - thanks. There was actually some framerate issues but they seemed to be largely eliminated when I took out two lights - which gave the map a little more aesthetic appeal. Regarding the map having very little aesthetic value, I shall endeavour in the future to be more creative - and your comments are useful for this purpose, however I feel that the map has a creative look in the sense that all parts of the map are different, if a little bland in parts. Aesthetics are subjective ofcourse, and I have had some positive feedback regarding the look of the map. Regarding the rocks - the idea was that there are often 'rock' features outside of modern shopping centres - certainly in England anyway, and although not the most creative of structures ever, they add a dash of colour, fit with the theme of my map, and add value to the gameplay - did you see the Gameplay vid? So on that score I respectfully disagree with your thoughts that they are random and strongly disagree with your comment that they do not count.
    I guess that my wish to make a themed asymmetric map with that also looked amazing outwieghed my current forging abilities, but hey ho - next time...!
    The gameplay is great fun actually, so thanks for those thoughts.

    Thanks again for your comments. I shall give your maps a DL soon. If you need someone for testing new maps give me a message on XBL. GT W Donald Twain I.



    Edited by merge:


    Many thanks for takin the time to test the map. I appreciate the feedback about the steep ramps and it is something that i will avoid in the future. I'm interested to hear that you thought the escalators spoiled the gameplay at times because I did about 50 gameplay tests before posting and got only good feedback on them - but its good to hear a different opinion. My thoughts were that they were something a bit different and that they add a bit of pace to the game - they can be a great escape when under pressure, and can be used to upset a camper.
    I have spent a lot of time on this map, so to raise or lower a floor would be a bit too much of a job i reckon - but thanks for the advice - I think Ill keep the map as it is as I like it. If you need testers for any of your maps Ill be willing to help out if Im on line GT - W Donald Twain I


    #5 MKI Forge, Apr 14, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  6. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes they did help when trying to escape and go up them.. but a few times i was running away and went down the ramps and they pushed me right back up and i died.. this happened a few times.
  7. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Reminds me of crown of flies in several spots. Escalators seem like a novel idea, but it sounds like they need some tweaking in order to get them functioning properly 100% of the time.

    I'd get rid of the rock gardens all together. They don't really add anything to the map besides cover, and that can be done with another piece that makes more sense. Perhaps you could make a fountain in place of one. Simply use two small ramp inclines for the base and have them raised enough so the center sticks out. Use whatever you want as the center piece on top of that, and then fill the base with 2-way shield doors as water. This will bump up your aesthetic value as well. Consider that aesthetics aren't necessarily about adding complex center pieces or art and that you can give it a face life simply by using pieces in clever ways as walls and cover. When you use the building blocks for all the walls, it really grays the place out and players tend to have a harder time orienting themselves.
    #7 Frozenlynx, Apr 15, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2011
  8. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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  9. MKI Forge

    MKI Forge Forerunner

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    That is a good point actually, it happened to me a few times and I built the map! I raised the cannons so that they are now visible at the bottom of the ramps, which helps. I found that after a few plays I remembered they are there and jump over them, or sneak down the side. It is possible to forget this in the heat of battle, I concede, and each map has its peculiarities - awareness of which will often make the difference between death or glory! I placed them (all bar one) in positions where there are other options for escape - and you are not forced into a precise manoeuvre to avoid being fired back where you came from. I recognise that it is a feature that may annoy some players and is one which others will enjoy. If i had got a strong majority of dislikes I would have removed them.



    Edited by merge:


    Thanks fella. My comment re my forging abilities was merely self-appraisal - I didn't read that you had criticised my abilities so we're all good there! Glad you like the escalators.



    Edited by merge:


    Thanks for the feedback fella. I'll try the fountain idea. I've raised the cannons on the escalators and looked into their functioning. You need to hit the middle of the ramp - at the bottom - to get the lift and they do always work in that way. I will be definitely looking at aesthetics more on my next map, so thanks for the tips. I think on this map that despite lots of building blocks and greys, that the map's areas are sufficiently differentiated to avoid disorientation.

    If you need a player to help test any of your maps give me a nod on XBL... GT - W Donald Twain I


    #9 MKI Forge, Apr 16, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2011

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