I get more trash talkers on xboxlive then I do hatemail. however for some reason I have gotton a lot of trash talking points on my xboxlive account even though I don't have a mic and it hasn't been until recently that I got a kinect with voice recorder. :/
Done this! But everyone gets the occasional hate message been to good or to bad I dunno why, never had the urge to send one myself so I can't understand the mindset. Where talking about seemingly random after game messages right? Not having a game where everyone's been trash talking and everyone wants the last say kind of hate message.
i only ever got one 1V1 request, and it was from little runt who called me a botting *****. i have seen and heard about my cousin getting them plenty though, so in preperation, i have a single map ready. its nice. i did what loscocco did, in a way. i took an MLG map and tweaked it, so that it worked with a glitch detailed in the Forge discussion thread. i make it rain fusion coils into a pit with a single window and a teleporter to the outside so i can watch. it was fun to watch him try and dodge explosions.
Agreed. Eclipse, mind if I ask where you're from if you're not US/UK? Also, my thoughts on the matter of UK/US shenanigans.
I only ever send one word to another player when angry. Camper. And regarding the current conversation on racism... I hate stuck up British people who think they're better than Americans just because they are more 'sophisticated' than us and have a better accent than those in the US. Also: Off Topic much?
And I hate Americans who start insulting me the second they hear a British accent. What's your point? Isn't the important thing that an asshole is an asshole no matter where they're from? I don't see how discussing hateful messages (albeit with a focus on international arguments) in a thread called 'hate messages' is off topic.
Yeah, grouping people into a stereotype is a bad idea from the start. Stop insulting different cultures or **** will happen.
I apologize for my stupider, more ignorant countrymen. some of us have respect for our allies across the pond.
And I extend the same sentiments tbh. Like I said, sad fact is that there are real assholes on both sides of the pond, who are just as likely as one another to use their respective sides of said pond to throw random insults.
There are people who aren't assholes? Are you talking about the ones who you assume aren't assholes because Bungie's automute is doing its job or they don't have a mic? Outside of Forge Hub customs I don't think I've encountered someone who was talking politely. As for hate messages, I don't think I'm good enough to get those. I ignore any non-text messages anyway.
Lol. Nah I recognise an auto-mute and my mind just clicks 'asshole.' Though, to be fair they could just be a hard core MLG player. Whilst it's true that enough of those are prime auto-mute material anyway, there's a convention of muting the opponents in MLG to eliminate proximity voice etc., an honour thing I guess. As a result, you'll probably run in to a lot of auto-muted people just because they get muted in most of their games on this basis. I've actually had some great experiences on live. True enough that the order of likelihood goes silence>asshole>nice guy, but still. When I get on well with someone online I make the most of it and have met some great people, when callouts actually happen rather than slinging insults (why most people even bother with a mic is beyond me, some seem to think its only purpose is to blurt music across live) it's a lot of fun.
I'm from asia. And the moment I speak to tell my supposed "Teamates" what to do so we can win, there goes the trash talking...
Well that may be it. If you just tell everyone what to do then they WILL resist you if they think your plan isn't as good as theirs. I prefer to just say what I plan on doing and ask for someone's help distracting, gunning, and what not. I personally have had pretty cordial relations with people on Xbox live. If some one is annoying I just say so and most times they stop, if they don't I threaten to mute, which normally stops them, and if it doesn't then I mute and it isn't my problem anymore. But that's only happened maybe about 3 times where I have had to mute someone like that. Otherwise I've met a lot of pretty cool people on Live. Even the annoying kids can be nice if you just talk to them nicely and don't just yell SHUT UP at them like a lot of people do.
There really isn't a much better way to make an annoying kid more annoying than by yelling at them. It's like trying to dose a fire with gasoline. It may be possible, but it's much more likely you'll just blow up.