Temple Nights

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Pegasi, May 11, 2008.

  1. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    DONT BE TOO BRUTAL!?this map kicks ass!
  2. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    very nice looking but i donno how it would play ill maybe give it a dl...
  3. duff himself

    duff himself Ancient
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    Check out forging 101. It will help explain how do most things in forge like melding into map geometry (geo glitching). I haven't been able to check out the map first hand yet so I dunno how much of it has the "awkward roof"... but for an easy fix try using doors. They are made to merge into walls with ease and still can have a clean look. The space might be too big tho... I understand that.

    Also another good use of doors is actually when geo glitching. Surrounding the box or whatever with immovable objects (like doors) will make it not "jerk" left or right. Save and quit right after you push the object into the map and you should be good to go.
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You only need to block off the areas players can reach, which shouldn't be near any of Foundry's geometry. You only need to block off the area where the fence wall acts as a floor, and extend it just a little farther than a player can jump.

    This map actually reminds me of a baseball field. At least thats what the outer most shape looks like. I think the outer area of the map near the cyclopean like wall needs a bit more cover (possibly placing walls underneath the fence wall area for a bit more cover). It would be interesting if you bumped part of the central location of the curved wall and created a smaller base similar in design to the one at the opposing corner. That would allow for interesting one sided objective matches, and provide motivation for being at that end of the map. Another note: the more spawn points, the better. It looked as though you has a few spawn points here and there, but having more than what you currently have is always good.

    Overall your interlocking is great and I love the feel that the base and pillars create. I do think you need a little something more near the curved wall, but I'm not exactly sure what. This map is a great first impression of your abilities. If you were to look at anything in the forging 101 section, I would take a look at spawn areas. You seem to have map making down, now you should try fine tuning your spawn setup. Spawn areas are what separate the good map makers from the great map makers. Spawn areas are also a big part of what staff look for when featuring maps.

    Welcome to Forgehub! We are glad to have you here!
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Spawns are something I do need to get used to, I kinda just place them where I think they make sense without much of an over all structure in mind, but that is my next step. I'm almost finished fixing the grenade jump problem (I know I said I wouldn't today but it bugged me) using single boxes on top of the double boxes, each one in line. I'm going to try and extend it all the way round, even though it may not be nessecary, as I have enough boxes and it helps the aesthetics of the map.
    Thanks for all the positive feedback, this map took me a very long time and it makes it feel more worth it, uni exams may have suffered due to halo 3 in general...
    With regard to Draw the Line's idea about a base centred around the centre of the walkway, opposing the main structure, I think this is right on the money and it has given me loads of ideas, so thank you. This is exactly the kind of feedback I am after and its a big help
  6. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    I played this today and it was fun, not too many problems execpt for within 2 seconds someone already broke out. A creative way to fix this would be to float all the double boxes so theyre just low enough so you cant crouchwalk under them, but then too high to grenade jump onto. That would probably change the feel of the map though, so thats just a suggestion
  7. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Edited the map. Grenade jump is now, if not impossible, very hard. Have single boxed almost all of the top of the outer wall. It will be fully finished tomorrow but I really must sleep now. Thanks for the warm reception.
  8. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the curved outside wall, its incredibly neat and the Platform going along it is really nice too.

    I'll download and give it a look through.
  9. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    im not sure how the gameplay would be on this map. but the interlocking and blocking off looks really neat. good job for a 3rd map!
  10. provomit

    provomit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks nice real nice
  11. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    THis looks great. I love the way you've made the boundary. All of it looks great, I'm dling right now.
  12. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I just downloaded, am I the first one to dl or have you changed the link
  13. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    don't double post, linubidix ;)

    Also, i absolutely hate it when people comment a map saying 'oooo thats lovely, i'm gonna download' or 'you've got my download', but don't actually follow through with their comment...
  14. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeh I changed the link, the grenade jump problem mentioned earlier was a gaping hole in this maps playability. This is still not final and v2 with an even more blocked off wall and a smaller structure around the outer curved walkway will be here in a week or two max.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Update is in progress. The outer wall is now fully grenade jump proof (unless proven otherwise but I'm pretty sure) and the bulk of the smaller structure around the outer walkway is done. Just finishing off the structure now and retuning weapon and spawn locations due to the changes. The structure is alot smaller due to space and the matierials that I have left, but I think it does the job well. It will be ready very soon.
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I can give you a few general tips about placing spawn points that I've learned over the course of time. First, whenever you place a spawn point, step over it and look exactly where its pointing. Try and avoiding placing spawns that face a wall or restrict movement in some way. The second thing you look for when placing a spawn point is movement. The second a player spawns, they should be given at least two directions to move. So if there is along narrow hallway in your map (just in theory) you wouldn't want to place a spawn point at the very end of it. Spawn areas are a little harder to master, so you may want to try and experiment with them before you implement them into a map.

    I'm glad I could help! Adding that smaller base will really help this map's flow. Send me a PM when you have the final build, or when you're testing it out. I'd like to play a game on it.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Those spawn point tips sound great, I had previously been placing them in somewhat restricted positions, not facing walls but often with only one clear direction of movement and especially facing out along the narrower corridor of pillars. With regard to a final build, It should be ready very soon, probably in the next couple of days as leaving this level alone bugs me too much, I'll definitely PM you as well as post it. Thanks alot for your support and interest, its really encouraging.
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I have finished v2 and posted it. Thanks again for all the feedback, has really helped so far and I hope it continues. Thanks draw the line for your suggestions and advice, hope you like v2. The link is: Temple Nights v2
  19. Shadow Blink

    Shadow Blink Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice map

    it looks pretty cool it reminds me of like a one-sided guardian.
    i like the fountain those always add a little spice to a map!
  20. xSlayeRx

    xSlayeRx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like an awesome map i'll DL

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