Remake Backlot (Call of Duty 4)

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by I Neco Furtim I, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    Those of you who have played Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare online should recognize this map as the infamous Backlot. This was the first map I ever made in forge on Halo: Reach, mostly to test the potential of forge. As this is a Call of Duty map and not a Halo map, I'm not sure if this thread belongs in another location. Anyway I don't expect people to think of this map as a great map as far as gameplay or aesthetics, I'm just curious what people think of a Call of Duty remake in Halo. (No offense to anyone else who has tried it, but mine is the only one I've seen so far that comes anywhere near being legitimate remake.) Like I said, I don't expect it to have very good gameplay, but hey, who knows?

    Note: I'd say this remake is about 99% accurate, the inaccuracies being the basement of the construction building and the lack of the small balcony-type-thing above the ramp in the blue spawn area.

    P.S. If you hate Call of Duty and you'd rather see a Halo map, check out this one:


    #1 I Neco Furtim I, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    Sorry to break the news to you, but this is not even close to a "legitimate remake". I can spot numerous things just from the pictures that are wildly different from the original map. A few of the major flaws are:

    -Multiple buildings without roofs
    -The buildings next to the construction building are about 1/4th of the height they should be
    -The complete lack of cover at the gas station
    -And the absence of multiple walls in front of the broken building

    Normally I would not be so harsh, but you claim this to be a 99% accurate remake, when it is not even close to that level. For your first forge this is an okay remake, but it is no where close to being "exact" as your map description states. You won't make many friends here blatantly lying like that, I suggest you be honest with yourself and with others about the quality of your maps from here on.
    #2 D0NTSH0OTME, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  3. Eww Your Skinny

    Eww Your Skinny Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    God damn! Way to butcher my favorite CoD 4 map. As I looked through at it I completely agree with D0NTSH0OTME. Those are key flaws that will ruin my, and the majority of people's gameplay. You need to either get some more money or rebuild with better objects, that is if your serious about improving this map.
  4. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    1. The only buildings lacking roofs are those that you can not get on top of in CoD4. (almost all of them)

    2. I had the real deal right next to me when I was making this, the height of those buildings in nowhere near that high.

    3. The only thing lacking at the gas station are two extremely thin posts and the little roof on them. Perhaps you are thinking there is a lack of cover because you can not lay prone in Halo.

    4. There are no walls missing in this map, I have no idea what you're referring to.

    Lastly, have you ever heard of tactful, *constructive* criticism? Jesus Christ this was my first use of forge and I haven't touched it in months. You don't have to bash it like I said "this map is way better than anything D0NTSH0OTME has ever made" or something like that. ('cause that would be total bullshit, I was just telling my friends last night that your map Placidity was one of the best forge maps I've ever seen.) I said it was the only one that *came near* being legitimate because, well, all the others I could find were sloppy. I wasn't trying to sound arrogant. Maybe 99% isn't accurate. So I'm not a statistician, sue me.

    Edited by merge:

    Did I not say that I didn't expect gameplay to be great? This is NOT supposed to have gameplay exactly like CoD. Because it's not in CoD. its in Halo. If you could literally just take a CoD map and plop it right into Halo, it wouldn't play the same. Spartans can jump higher relative to their own height than you can in CoD, melee isn't a one-hit kill, snipers only kill in one hit if its a headshot, you can't lay prone, and so forth. You could try to make a gametype adjusting those factors, but whats the point? Then you're just trying to turn Halo into Call of Duty, and if that is what you're doing you may as well just go play Call of Duty.
    #4 I Neco Furtim I, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011

    D0NTSH0OTME Forerunner

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    I know that it was your first use of forge, and I stated it was not bad for your first try. The reason I was so harsh was that, to me at least, you came off as very arrogant in your post and map description. As for my points, they are still valid. The buildings next to the construction building are much taller than what you have, I know this for a fact. There was enough cover at the gas station for a person to hide behind, and you are missing some half walls in the area in front of the broken building.
  6. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    The height of the buildings looks about right to me, I guess different people have different perceptions. Either way, they are tall enough that you can not get on top of them, (without a jet pack) which was my goal.

    I tried to make cover at the gas station proportionally the same height as it is in CoD, the different is that you can not lay prone in Halo. For that matter you don't crouch as low either.

    I think I might know the walls that you are referring to, but if I recall correctly they are crumbled and you can walk right over them. Although maybe the ends of said walls could be hid behind. Unfortunately I can't find my CoD4 disc right now so I can't check.

    I in no way intended to sound arrogant. If I did, I apologize. I still feel like you could have offered constructive criticism, (e.g. offer advice on fixing an issue after noting it) but what really matters to me is that you understand that you understand that I'm not bragging or anything. I also recognize that you said it was a "good first try", it just seemed buried under all the criticisms at first. Which, incidentally, feel a lot heavier coming from a guy who makes really good maps. =S Keep that in mind.
  7. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    If you have the budget, I would roof the buildings. Without them players can throw grenades in, which without playing the original, I assume you could not do.
    The ramp stunts in the second picture are z-fighting, move one slightly forward to wallpaper the second (I'll assume you know what I'm talking about :p).
    And finally I cannot see a blue team spawn in the picture, or spawn area's, which would be helpful.
    Oh, and is that spartan holding a sniper? If he is be careful you have enough cover to balance it out.
  8. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    The building don't have holes in their ceilings, they just don't have roofs. There is a blue spawn, you just can't see it in the screenshot i guess the color is too light. He is holding a sniper, but it doesn't spawn up there. Oh, and I know how to deal with z-fighting, but I didn't when I made this several months ago.
    #8 I Neco Furtim I, Apr 14, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2011
  9. Raiden_Zer0

    Raiden_Zer0 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm a fan of COD4 and this looks like a pretty respectable remake of the original Backlot. I agree that you should roof some of the buildings. I was going to dl the map to try it out, but it seems that you either removed the file or your put the link in wrong. I got an error every time I tried to download.
    If I could run through the map I'd be able to give it a better critique myself.
  10. Slamm Andrews

    Slamm Andrews Forerunner

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    Hey there-

    Nice to see this map make it to Halo Reach. I did like this one a lot when I played COD 4 on pc back in the day. It's been a while since I've played on Backlot, but I can't tell how well this map has remade certain parts without having first walked around and revisited the original map. Still, I am interested how the gameplay would translate to Reach. Can you tell us more about the weapon placements? I'd be very interested to play this sometime, and now that summer is approaching, I will finally be coming back to halo online.

    Any how, I hope you keep forging and posting maps here. I've only made one map I thought worthy of posting here, and I got lucky when people gave some good criticism and really looked hard at the map. It can be a big gamble, and some good maps get buried here. Post more pictures and spend time on the first post and you will get more viewers.

    Happy Forging, and thanks for this map.


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