
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by I Neco Furtim I, Apr 11, 2011.

  1. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    UPDATE: I have not had a chance to work on this very much lately, but I plan on doing a lot of revision and releasing a 2.0 version soon.



    The basis for this symmetrical map is an S shaped canyon with bases at each end, tunnels cutting through the cliffs, towers on top of the cliffs, elevated walkways along the inside of the canyon with a bridge across the middle, an underground portion with a large chasm, and many other details which overall I hope to give the map a sense of very balanced but interesting gameplay. This map is built in a rather small area but actually has quite a bit of space. I am guessing that it would make for slow 2v2 games, reasonably fast-paced 4v4 games, and extremely fast-paced 8v8 games. I think it also has good potential for multi-team games.


    Known issues:

    I am an amateur when it comes to placing spawn points, so they probably need refined. Any tips/suggestions on this issue greatly appreciated.

    Elites can not use the teleporters properly, the problem is not that there isn't enough space for them so I have no idea whats causing this. (Spartans are fine.)

    The grassy walkways are obviously made of round "tin cups", but there is no way to change this due to the limit on said tin cups and rock pieces. However this is merely an aesthetic issue, and does not effect gameplay.


    If you have any ideas for improvement, from aesthetics to gameplay, (or how to make those blasted teleporters work for Elites) please share them.

    Also, please do not submit this map to be featured until I am certain that I am completely satisfied with it, I know it can be improved in many ways.

    #1 I Neco Furtim I, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited: May 11, 2011
  2. BigBootzDixon

    BigBootzDixon Forerunner

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    Wow, this looks awesome. You need to post all weapons and respawn timers for them.
    #2 BigBootzDixon, Apr 11, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  3. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    Okay. I'm a little annoyed that I can't get an overhead shot because the map is built too close to the top of forgeworld. I think I'll draw an overhead map and label the weapon locations with their spawn timers.
  4. rid3relite

    rid3relite Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks really nicely made. To get an overhead shot, you can use teleporters to glitch past the barrier (look up when you get go any farther up, place a teleporter, then raise it as high as possible).
  5. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    Thanks, I'll try that.
  6. kavemanr

    kavemanr Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well this looks amazing!
    I love the cliffs made of tin cups, doesn't look too bad despite what you said about the aesthetic issue.
    I was wondering, if you don't mind, if I could partially edit this to make it compatible with a beta VIP game type I am in the process of creating.
    I just need to add a few hill markers and spawns to have it function correctly. Of course you can oversee if you want, and all credit goes to you, sir. :D
    I hope you consider this, seeing as this looks like a good map for my beta. :D
  7. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    Certainly, as long as you are only adding objective markers and not moving/removing anything else already placed on the map. Just send me a link to the altered version when you are done.
  8. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lalala it remindes me of halo:CE, it looks realy cool and fun, i like to make maps with cliffs too, im going to leave now
  9. A DIRTY HOBO 59

    A DIRTY HOBO 59 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks like you put a ton of effort into this map, the asthetics are wonderful and later today ill see how it plays im sure ill enjoy it! 4/5
  10. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    I love the look of this map. Looks like a mini Avalanche. May I suggest you add a hog or some mongooses to it for objective, or maybe a neutral Ghost.
  11. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll take the mongoose/ghost suggestion into consideration but I want to test playing an objective game without them first.
  12. Cotton 314

    Cotton 314 Forerunner

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    Very nice map. I never liked using the tin cups as a piece but you've changed my mind. I love the doors recessed into the cliff walls.
  13. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    I need a group of people to help playtest...
    #13 I Neco Furtim I, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  14. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I would be happy to test if you invite me, this map looks great, one of the best I have seen in the past few weeks. Here is a list of pro's and con's I made after looking at it for awhile:
    +Lots of good flag routes all around map.
    +Rocks and pieces blend very well. The tunnels look particularly nice!
    +Remeniscent of Sidewinder but for 4 v. 4 and honestly better sight lines.
    -Flag position had only 1 way to attack, likely to be camped. I suggest that the flag is moved down to the middle of the base near the front ramp so that it is easier to attack and it will have more paths to take it back by, with the underground still an option from the front of base teleport.
    -Maybe a few too many power weapons, the map is not that big after all. Maybe lower snipers/shotguns by 1 clip but keep them and also remove the plasma launcher and replace with current sword, or maybe do this but replace g-launcher with p-launcher.
    -Lower room is really cool, but Objectives spawning down there may confuse players as to where they are. Can't see how to change this, probably not a big problem.
    -Plasma cores cause bigger explosion than fusion coils + propane tanks, disadvantage to one side.
    -Found a little z-fighting in one of the bases, might want to look into that. I believe it was on a wall, so an easy fix.
    Though I haven't played it yet, I feel this is feature worthy after it is completed.
    Aesthetics: 4.5/5
    Predicted Gameplay: 4.5/5
    Balance: 4.5/5
    Overall: 13.5/15 or 9/10, very nice job, I hope I can help test it!
  15. I Neco Furtim I

    I Neco Furtim I Forerunner

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    Ah, I love your extremely analytical feedback!

    The plasma batteries/fusion coils explosion size I had already noted and I will probably reduce the amount of plasma batteries to equalize it.

    The flag position does need moved, I hadn't thought much about that yet. Do you think I should add a mongoose at each base for objective games?

    As far as the weapon ammo/timers/locations, I was planning on adjusting them after some playtesting to get an idea of what should go where, which weapons seemed most effective in certain areas etc. I knew they would not stay as they are right now. I'm also thinking I should add some healthpacks, I hadn't thought of those before.

    What exactly is z-fighting? Is that when the surfaces of two pieces are on the same level and they flicker back and forth? I try to avoid that.

    Thanks so much for the feedback, it's extremely helpful. I will take all of your notations into consideration. =)
  16. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, that is z-fighting. It was minimal on your map, but it is almost always avoidable. As for the mongoose, I say nay. Vehicles on such a small map would be a bad move, you don't have enough space to drive one well here, and a goose or a ghost would just be frustrating to drive in such a small area of the map. Vehicles generally need about double the space you think they do, I've leaned this myself through vehicle map fails. I understand the weapons will be changed, just think of my suggestion as a maximum of any set of weapons on the map. I always forget healthpacks too for some reason, but 4 should be plenty- 1 near each base and 2 either in the middle or in the "basement."
    I hope this works out! :)
  17. Hemamorphy

    Hemamorphy Forerunner

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    This seems like a very well done map. I'll give it a DL, and try it out a bit later.
    As far as the teleporter issue, I may have an answer. I've had that issue before, and it turned out that there wasn't enough space above the teleporter for people to fit through, so the teleporter wouldn't work. Just increase the space around the teleporter and the problem should go away.
  18. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Any plans on a V 2.0 release soon? I loved this design and was going to nominate it for FHF until I noticed how long it had been since I heard about it. If you're still making changes I understand, I've been making changes to a map for 3 months now. Still love the S-shaped design by the way, it reminds me of a smaller Sidewinder with a third curve.
  19. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Yes, I agree with Barbarossa, this looks very Halo CE style. I love the grass on the edge of the cliffs as well. I will be downloading this one.
  20. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map REALLY caught my eye. From the pictures it looks amazing and it appears to have a nice design and reminds me of a particular Halo CE map although I cannot remember which one. It looks like it has nice long sight lines as well as short ones. Definite download, fantastic job!

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