I've downloaded it, and must admit. It is amazing, although relatively small. Elite's spawning so close to the objective also really put's the odds in the Elite's favors.
I'm glad I finally got to play this yesterday Crypto. The aeshetic detail was great, and you recreated the feel of ODST's campaign level perfectly. The gameply did get a bit too hectic at times due to the size of the map and where everyone spawns, but I won't complain as Cargo Port has some of the same problems. Overall, this is a fantastic map and is definitely worth a download.
ALL invasion maps suffer from some degree of "Invasion syndrome": i think it's inherent to invasion. You can't please everyone with spawning. But this comes damn close to pleasing everyone, it is awesome.
Mm true, I mean even the Invasion maps in matchmaking have some problems. Thanks Juanez! Lol "Invasion Syndrome"
Honestly, Invasion is one of the hardest gametypes to really balance. Some want to get back in the battle right away, others want some time to re think their strategy. After 3 months of testing and revising I'm still not done with my own design. I haven't gotten to play this yet, but I believe the P2 P3 spawns I saw looked well placed, your map is so small that you are never far away, yet you are still fairly safe upon spawning. Honestly I really want to play this sometime, if I'm on while you are playing throw me an invite!
I really like the map I have been looking for stuff like this for a long time. It is just too bad the the core carrier can't make everyone around him or her and a small overshield like th engineer. One idea that would be cool for a future invasion map idea would be to recreate the some of the fighting experiences based around the ark from halo 3.
Now I was playing the map over at my friends house when something stange happened... Several times during the final round I would spawn and then fall to my death. This happened to me several times and in one case twice in a row. Not sure what it was that caused it. The good news was that I was still able to help my team get the core to its destination.
Wow ok I might have to look into this... In good news... THE VIDEO UPLOADED!! Check the OP for video delight or simply look below: YouTube - Invasion: Data Hive
Hey, that T2 looks pretty cool! Its still pretty small but T2 is the largest part of your map. T1 looks like it could be abused pretty easily and T3 looks like it will be and run and die situation. If any elites were able to the core cap point especially with Jet-pack and/or needler the spartans would be shut down. It looks really cool though, to bad it isn't up to matchmaking standards.
Yesterday I played this with a group of 14 people and the first round was absolutely spectacular, but then after it switched sides, and people knew the map better, it was pretty bad. It's still an amazingly beautiful map, but the problems I found were where the Spartans were forced to take fall damage in the second phase and then get barraged by needle rifles, hardly anyone could move past the holes we were asked to move through, and then, when some of us did make it, we had no cover past that point. It was still great, but it just seemed like the design of only two holes to fall through, with forced fall damage was a bit flawed.
review i played this yesterday in berb's TGIF party, and let me tell you, we had a blast. The aesthetics were astounding, the FX combo worked perfectly, and the spawning was mostly good. The only problem is that, like MetaWaddleDee said, the holes are too campable. We won the round, but only because they were guarding the hallways instead. i suggest you replace the core scoring are teleporter, and replace it with a teleporter that spawns at the beginning. not right away, but for if the spartans really cant get through. (i suggest a 1 or 2 minute spawn for it) overall though, it was an amazing map, we had a blast, 10/10. i will definitely dl. =)
I love this level in ODST and I enjoyed every second of playing this map in customs a few months ago. I don't remember the feedback I gave you, but I'm sure it was related to the fact that this map requires serious honor rules to work correctly. If we were to put two really good teams against each other, the spawn camping would be ridiculous, and it would be a really slow match. It was lots of fun for me and I'd love to see great Invasion maps in matchmaking, but unfortunately I don't think this could be one of them. Now if that's not your intention then disregard my post entirely. I just thought it was a shame that because of our limitations in Forge and Custom Options, we couldn't bring epic campaign levels like this one to life in Reach MP. Hope you did some loadout editing though. There were quite a few overpowered ones.
Building on what Meta said (cos I was there, lol) when we played this map we encountered quite a few problems, but I took a look at the most recent version and have noticed some minor, yet noticeable changes that I can tell probably have enhanced the experience. Aesthetically, I've always thought Data Hive excelled. Play wise, I'm still unsure, but at this point I have hopes =)
You know it plays well . But yeah the changes I made are only minor but I believed have made it play better. Mainly the spawn zone glitch and the drop shafts with one way shields. I dont know how I managed to get $200 back while keeping the aesthetics the same, I just have the skill of retrieving something from nothing without out destroying the map.
Dude, this is definitely the best forged invasion game I've played. You did a great job in capturing the feel of the level. I can't find one thing wrong with it. 5/5