This map has been removed. Ant Farm Map Name: Ant Farm Gametype Name: Ant Farm gametype Screenshots were taken from a 2v2. This map was made for Team Slayer. There are two sides, red and blue. Both sides are in the form of an Ant Farm and are both even in height. Instant Kill boundaries surround both sides to counter cheat/exploiting gameplay. PLAYER SPEED: 120% JUMP HEIGHT: 200% WEAPONS: Rocket Launcher Fuel Rod Cannon INFINITE AMMO Tips - ? For the best experience, play with 4 vs 4. ? Always pay attention to where your standing, you may fall off the edge. ? Try to keep a fair distance from you and nearby teammates or it may end in an easy double kill for the enemy team. Download, comment and leave feedback. Thanks.
This is a great idea! It's easy fun for small parties, and I see alot of potential in this, mainly in Invasion Slayer. The only problem is that the farms are too small!
Thanks for the reply, yeah I've heard that the farms are to small from numerous people, the farms may look small but in-game it actually takes awhile to get around!
I only have a one primary concern. Each farm is far too bland. This map could've been created in about 20 minutes. Add some aesthetics. Make it actually look like an ant farm. You could even go as far as using rocks against parallel cliff-sides to make it look more like an actual ant farm. In addition to that, and farms are tunnels, not platforms, so it would probably behoove you as the creator to alter that. Add some spice into this creation of yours. Make it come alive; Make it something that will 'wow' people.
If u want, because i want to , i will totally help you spice up your map, its a great idea for a mini game and it would be a shame to have a good mini game fall by the wayside :/ Cool game though
Ah I remember games like this in Halo 3 even though they usually included gauss hogs and fences lol. This is much better than that and I am glad to see it make a return. The only suggestions I have are that it looks as if you didn't use much of the budget at all so try to make it bigger/more complex. It would definitely be more fun if there was more to it and it looked a little more interesting. Also, you could maybe add some more weapons to use... or not, just a suggestion.