What would you want in a second Forgeworld?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Talons013, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. EvilPretorian

    EvilPretorian Forerunner

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    ive noticed something apart from it being 2D Little Big Planets level creater is actually abit better then forge world cuase you can increase the size of things, choose terrain make it foggier and theres NO BUDGET or limit to what you can use thats what annoys me ive got so many unfinished maps because of the limit and budget :(
  2. TCD

    TCD Forerunner

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    The things I want

    Improved Budget system (If possible)
    Basically NO BUDGET!!! We are limited by the global limit (520 objects MAX) and there are no item limits. So who's up for 500+ walls?
    It is the players responsibility to make sure there is no lag.


    Varying terrain
    I want to be able to go through a wide plethora of landscapes. One minute I'm in a field the next, I'm in the Tundra, then a towering mountain, all the way to an urban lot

    I can imagine some nice race maps or a good variety of spots IN ONE MAP!!!! Who cares if it is 2GB? We can all handle that right?

    More Natural pieces
    I dunno. Trees, hills, craters.

    You get the deal. I wanna place that!!!

    Fixed rotation snaps
    Seriously. 45 degree rotation snap is glitchy as hell. Trust me. I try roll 45 pitch 45 yaw 0 (something like that) and its crooked and all that!!! I have neither the time, the patience nor the attention span to do it manually.
  3. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    A locust, covie pieces, and Unsc pieces, sandbox ones, in addition to forerunner ones
  4. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    A forgeworld map with human pieces for the environment would be great as it would make infection games much more realistic. :)
  5. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    All that i want is a forge tunra. cant you just imagine every old snow map in one big map, now that is awsome.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would like Human, Covie, and Flood themed Forgeworlds. That would really help to set a background setting for maps, making them a lot more interesting.

    As for objects, I don't really care. Generally, its the look of the objects that matters.
  7. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
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    I'd say, for one thing, an undo (even if it didn't have a back history). I hate it when I accidentally move an object, and have to either re-position it, or back out & re-load the map (for that matter, I hate how I have to re-select the map from the list to get it to actually revert back to the last saved version; if that feature is so that people can recover changes if they accidentally backed out without saving, then that should be an option, not the default).

    Also, the rotation glitches should be fixed, especially those that cause objects to shift slightly every time you load the map, and those glitches that cause the coordinates to sometimes "fall flat" (where two of the same axis seem to be fighting each other for the same rotation after the other axis has been set). The ability to shift objects off of 90 in one axis degrees without having everything go crooked when you shift the others would be great as well (in those cases, you can sometimes get it the way you want by finding some combination of rotations to the different axis, but that takes a ridiculously long time)

    Also, some way to lock down individual objects would be nice, so that you could check their coordinates (for the purposes of perhaps placing a symmetrical object, for example) without having them snap to the grid if they were positioned by hand. Or, perhaps have user-controlled coordinate accuracy. Similar to rotation snaps, only where you set x number of decimal points of nudge accuracy (probably just two settings; one or two decimal points). That way you could free-hand place to your heart's content, and still be able to nudge if you have to without undoing all of it.

    Finally, a find/highlight all similar objects (similar to the delete all) would be nice, especially for smaller objects that often disappear once you get too far away.
  8. I Am Solaced

    I Am Solaced Forerunner

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    Add more stuff like barrels, forklift and pallets.. And much more..
  9. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! I dispise how you can't truley make a map creepy and give the player an "OH S***!" moment without making it almost impossible to see. With a flood level, I imagine a juicy FX would fix this quite nicely. The human enviornment would make alot more fun maps possible and, like robieagray said, really give that realistic feel I've been chasing.
  10. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Yes a flood map would indeed by nice. If the did it though it would have to be on a halo propably as the was only one time that it grew on earth and that was in halo 3.
  11. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
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    I know that you are kidding, but that is pretty brilliant. It would make for far more fun gameplay than the forklift that was supossed to be in it.
  12. El FlyingCondor

    El FlyingCondor Forerunner

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    I definitely agree with the idea of just having multiple levels. Some of the appeal of Halo 3 Forging was that there were several good maps, like Sandbox, Foundry, Zanzibar, and even Longshore, to an extent. But the idea of just having one big level seems too big, too repetitive in general terrain, and multiple maps will most likely cover several different regions between them all.
  13. seredhras

    seredhras Forerunner

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    the chopper woukd be nice and maybe new skins for the pieces
    I kinda want to make human maps with better looking walls and stuff
    mostly a snow environment and a rocky environment with new coloured pieces (like stone blocks) and I would likeone time use equipment to encourage map flow as well as more blocks
  14. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    However if they were to release another forgeworld like map it would probably have to be a stand alone in order to download properly.
  15. EvilPretorian

    EvilPretorian Forerunner

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    ive got an idea release a WHOLE GAME dedicated to forge and when you upload them to file share they are compatible with halo reach and it should have multiple levels that have a new enviroments everytime and all of them have the same items I could actually make a real cove v human invasion with human and cove items instead of forerunner v forerunner and flood but keep the forerunner stuff cause they are still pretty awesome my heads buzzing with ideas

    Edited by merge:

    init we could make a whole new infection game the infected is in the hamster ball and has to run everyone over :D
    #35 EvilPretorian, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  16. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Well remember, we all know that neither Bungie or 343 are going to do this. But since you all seem to be talking alittle bit about IF this was done, how it WOULD be done.

    I do agree with the whole seperate download thing. But alittle hesitant on whether it should be one map or an actual forging map pack. They both have their traits and values but I personaly am leaning to the one map. Transitions between terrains is just too good of a possibility to give up for more map variety. And there will already be plenty of that ;)
  17. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    An actual world, with a cave complex, a forest with huge trees that we can forge on (guardian anybody?), a ruined(?) city, a mountain complex, a larger skybox, more pieces for blocks and doors, a arctic area (sidewinder/avalanche?), a desert area (sandtrap?), etc.

    Or thay could just make a map pack with a cave complex map, a forest map, and a snow/sand map (because we all know those are interchangeable). Oh! and a city.
    #37 Equin0x, Apr 13, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2011
  18. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    I'd like a pivot point that you can use to tell the game where the center of a map is, and then be able to mirror objects based on that pivot point. Since an option to "shift select" multiple different pieces is almost certainly out of the question, an option for each type of piece would be more feasible. Right below "Delete all of these" could be "Mirror all of these." It wouldn't be perfect, but at least making symmetrical maps would be a piece of cake.
  19. Rigest

    Rigest Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The best thing Bungie/343 could do is make Forge City. Some of my favourite Halo maps were in urban environment and unfortunately in H3/Reach there were no real urban maps.

    I would like to see remakes from Headlong, Terminal and Turf <3. Maybe even make the train run around Forge City. Imagine a infection map where the survivors would ride on the train <3.
  20. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Best Infection thought here? I think so (THAT WOULD BE DOWN RIGHT F***ING AMAZING!!!!) maybe the train could also be set from fixed/phased (nothing can move it) to normal so it can be affected by hammers or vehicles or something. Slowed, not shot of the tracks.

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