Hey, I don't know if people have discussed this before, but I'd just like to ask. What defines what can be put in the Title or Description of your map without it being renamed "Blam!" on Xbox Live? I've never put swears or anything like that in, but it still tells me that it's inappropriate! Even things like "kill" have been rejected! I just sit there like "wtf? The whole game is about killing." So if anyone knows what can and what can't be said, that would make things easier. Thanks!
lol, I have no idea what the guide lines for it is. I once put apples in and it blammed me. tried it again and it was fine. lolz maybe the blaminator was PMSing
Sometimes it'll glitch because of lag. I have a map called lolz and beach, and it was BLAMed =p It worked like a day later
yeah, I think that's part of it. Back when my internetz was in the crapper it would kick me off live when I tried to name a map ANYTHING
I had a description that was BLAMed. I just deleted the last letter of the description and then added it again and it worked fine.
I know how stupid is that. And its a shame because the bungie 500 is like the race track. It doesnt like poo as well, will it accept blam as a name or will it blam that too?
I put spike grenade in and it blammed me. Ended up having to put it as LOL nd that worked, its really annoying GRR
same here, i bet its a copyright/trademark thing... LOL pmsing blaminator...also, i wish they would post a set of guidelines in one of the updates or something... LOL again, i also found this hilarious
Yeah, as far as I can tell, the rules are basically no use of Bungie's name, (So that you can't claim that Bungie made it,) no swears, or anything mentioning teabagging. (Believe me, I've tried. And it was the best teabag too. There was a weird glitch where his legs stuck up through the floor... and I couldn't post it!