Remake Foundation

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by pajama dad, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    Having downloaded a number of terrible remakes, and only a few decent ones of what is one of my favorite Halo 2 maps, I decided to do one myself.

    A decent amount of time was spent running through the original to work out spawns and geometry (the arena isn't square like so many people have forged). I tried to cut out any z flicker, and tried to avoid using simple stock pieces for the turret platforms while at the same time keeping them from looking like a mess of overlapped bits (a pet peeve of mine). Weapon placement is pretty close to the original, with the exception that I used Plasma Rifles in the 4 bases in lieu of the SMG.

    A quick list:
    4x Gravity Hammer- Center structure. KotH only. See below.
    4x Plasma Rifles- in the bases
    4x Magnum Pistols- on the stairs
    4x Needlers- side of each of the stairs
    2x Shotguns- in between the stairs on both sides
    2x DMRs- above the stairs.
    2x Rocket Launchers- below the turret platforms
    1x Sword- in the center structure.
    Frags in the bases. Plasmas in the center structure. Healthpacks next to DMRs

    All relevant gametypes are supported, including the new Speedpile. The only caveat is I chose to go for CRAZYTIME with King of the Hill with 4 gravity hammers set around the sword in the center base each set to be the hill objective type.
    Some pics of the level:

    Side upper level with fusion coils and DMR spawn.

    From behind the Turret view.

    Side overhead view

    Long View of two bases

    Interior View of Base- looking out

    Interior of base- looking in

    All comments welcome.

    Just wanted to note that the map is scaled for standard reach speeds and jump heights. If you use classic settings (120% move and jump) it will feel a bit small.
    #1 pajama dad, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2011
  2. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like that you are btinging back a map that to this point has been largly over looked, and you did a good job at it too. One other thing i like is the center scturure with the wall corners and the 2x2 corners, i use that combo a lot too.
  3. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've seen a lot of remakes of this map, but this one has the most color and looks a lot brighter than the others. Only one thing I really think you should consider changing, is that kill ball. It is an eye-sore to look at, in my opinion. Kill balls in general are not a good idea to put on any competitive map. They waste budget and are not good for this type of map. I'm not a fan of remakes just because I would like to see the creativity people can come up with by making their own maps, but you did a decent job on this. Nice forging, and welcome to Forgehub.
  4. Black Racher

    Black Racher Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Only one thing I have to say : Bungie, introduce this remake into Classic Slayer <3
  5. crymsonnite

    crymsonnite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    add pics of the rooms, people always get the rooms horribly wrong and it messes up the map
  6. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree with everything this guy said, and like to second the killball subject. I've seen one map suscessfully use a killball that didn't make me cringe. The piece just looks bad almost everywhere people try and place it.

    OT: 8ball u are a great forger and I love every single one of your maps, keep it up.
  7. pajama dad

    pajama dad Forerunner

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    I was looking for something to break up the gray and had already used the two lights for red and blue bases.

    Ironically, in playing the map it rarely enters view, and is well above any height for legitmate jetpacking. It could easily be removed if I had a use for the budget.

    Will do. Though the rooms are fairly stock and not intended to be exactly the same size/shape as the original- just functional. You'll notice I didn't include any crates on the map in the locations that the original had them. Same goes for the rooms.

    Edited by merge:

    New pics are up. New version of map as well. Turns out I'd erased the actual final version (in relation to the gametypes), only just found out trying to play some custom games with my sons. So those errors were fixed. PM me if anyone finds something amiss.
    #7 pajama dad, Apr 6, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011

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