
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by kavemanr, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. kavemanr

    kavemanr Forerunner
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    This map, like very many children these days, was an accident. You see it was made by two people, in a select place and time. But it was discovered to have potential!
    But get your mind out of the gutter, you "People who actually read that first paragraph!"
    Its a map!
    This map was designed to resemble a Water Treatment plant (aside from the giant nuclear reactor...hehehe...) I.E. the giant pipes that weave through out the rock which the map sits upon.
    Crypocalypse (Crypto NV) co-forged this with myself (kavemanr)

    This map contains peanut oil extracts, soy beans, high-fructose corn syrup, low-fructose corn syrup as well as:

    Shotgun X1
    Sniper Rifle X1
    Grenade Launcher X1
    Energy Sword X1
    Rocket Launcher X1
    DMR X 4
    Pistol X1
    Plasma Grenades X2

    Now on to some pictures because i know you love them so much! :D


    View of the Tower and Shotgun Bridge from Blue Spawn
    (you can also see the Rockets in the corner)

    Rock Arch

    Lift To Tower and Bridge to Red Spawn

    View from Above Sniper Spawn

    View of the Generator that fuels the Plant

    Well that about sums it up :3
    Although the camera man could have taken better shots *cough cough "Cyrpocalypse!" cough cough*... ah well...
    Anyways, please leave any comments or question below, any type of criticism is encouraged as well as noted. :D
    As for me, I think I shall now Proceed to fall asleep on my keyboard due to the late time i was forced to post this...
    The End :D

    Thank You for reading,
    if you missed the link here it is again: : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 kavemanr, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Finally posted!!! Ive been pushing this guy for like 1 WHOLE WEEK to post it and he kept saying he was afraid of getting infracted or some other bs like that. Anyway, we should have had more screenshots but they didn't all appear on in my recent screenshots list.
  3. kavemanr

    kavemanr Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yes and your motivational speeches or, as we Americans call them, "death threats" were so helpful...
  4. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Moved from Casual to Competitive (by request).
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks NIBS, yeah um kavemanr fails at posting...
  6. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good thing you posted this. I am really liking the creativity you put into this map. It really looks like you took the time to come up with a neatly forged map that has many pathways and a lot of color. I'm not a big fan of using FX, but I won't judge just by the pics. I REALLY like your use of those circular small ramps, by putting them into the rock cliffs around the map. Lookin' forward to your next map.
  7. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Lol this was actually posted ages ago. I've posted 2 maps after this one was released. But yeah thanks. It plays really well for an asymmetric map, I dunno how but me and Kavemanr just found a way to make it awesome!
  8. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    this map does have the feel of a water plant in a way...but more of a nuclear plant by the looks...the fx also makes it seem like a nuclear plant...but besides that I do see some aesthetic value and the map does have a nice but simple layout...but I would move or remove the tower tall and replace it with something else for
    I think this would add to the aesthetics and the gameplay of the map...the rocks and the pipes add a nice feel to the map I like but I think the map could still use some more cover to it...just a little...and finnally I believe the weapons are way too overpowered for a map this size...
  9. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I was wondering where this map vanished to. It was great fun to test, even if it was AGES ago. I'll give the final product a run-through :)
  10. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Built on the cliff opposite off Montana, Runoff uses tube like structures and a centralized, lighted building to present itself as a fusion center pumping off energy into all different directions. The energy would be produced for cycles within the main core; percolating until it is ready to be shipped off through one of the many tubes where it will eventually be wasted away far from its home at the reactor and die until another lonely straggler ventures out there to brave the desolate tube. Now, take the vivid description presented, turn the ‘energy’ into little Spartan men, and that almost exactly mirrors the way Runoff plays.

    Yes the metaphor may seem unnecessary, but most of the action of Runoff concentrates explicitly in the center the map roughly between where the Shotgun and the Grenade Launcher spawns and hardly anywhere else. Once players discover the Sniper’s wayward spawn they will sometimes venture out there every once and a while, but regardless most of the map goes untouched for most of the match. This creates a very dense hotspot in one area where players run in and shoot and die which damages the replay ability of the map since there is little room for creative strategy and ends with a stale gameplay experience that leaves the player wanting something else.


    There are exactly five power weapons on Runoff. The Shotgun, the Grenade Launcher, and the Sniper all spawn in red team’s hands. The energy sword takes about the same time for both teams to reach. The Rockets are pretty much the only weapon given to the blue team. That arrangement coupled with the fact that red team’s base is elevated amongst the rest of the map creates a recipe for a pretty unbalanced experience. From the start of the game red team lays downhill fire onto the almost unarmed blue team and can quickly pull the lead despite skill levels involved. Had the bases been rearranged so that they were about on an equal level as well as some weapon reconsiderations this would have been a different story, but alas the way Runoff is built now almost entirely favors red team.

    As mentioned before, blue team does retain some dignity with access to the sword and rockets and sometimes the spawning system does them justice by spawning them off closer to the sniper rifle. Still though, blue team’s success on Runoff depends pretty heavily on luck and a severe lack of skill on a very advantageous side.


    Since Runoff is located on a cliff side far from anything else on Forge World it is impossible to escape on foot. However, when playing a game that involves the use of the Jetpack there are exactly 3 different vantage points on the upper cliffs adjacent to the actual map that someone with a DMR or, even worse, a Sniper could heavily exploit especially since one of these points is close to where the Sniper actually spawns. That is of course an exploit that can be utilized for only so long before people catch on but an exploit nonetheless. This is a problem that a couple well placed death barriers could resolve. Aside from that, albeit that is a large problem, there really are no other clear physical issues with Runoff. Even the series of tubes slightly lowered off the cliff side have barriers preventing players from making their way down the cliff face.

    Spawning works relatively well on Runoff, which is surprising considering how very few of them there are. If red team is on top of blue spawn then the blue team mostly spawns off to the side in between the Sniper and the Energy Sword, and alternatively if the blue team is on red spawn then the red team spawns in between the Sniper and the Energy Sword. The fact that both teams generally spawn in the same neutral zone can create some issues here and there when there are people of every team on each base which paves the way for some bad spawns. Other than that, there are really no other flaws with the spawning system and what little issues there are is not game breaking.


    The way Runoff appears makes it seem it was constructed with very little planning which is saying something for gameplay, but as far as aesthetics the lack of planning really shows. Every other piece on Runoff feels out of place in comparison with another and in the end, despite pretty clean forging, gives the map an unorganized and somewhat unappealing look. In fact, the creator can be quoted in his original post as saying that Runoff “was designed to resemble a Water Treatment plant (aside from the giant nuclear reactor...hehehe...) I.E. the giant pipes that weave through out the rock which the map sits upon,” hinting at the fact that not a whole lot of thought went into deciding the theme of Runoff. The water tubes that are mentioned are actually the closest the map comes to achieving a sense of individuality. The way they are positioned relative to the rock generates a very natural feel despite their clearly unnatural intent. The water tubes are by far the most definitive aesthetic addition to Runoff, and had the rest of the map reflected the same theme they had introduced then the whole map could tie itself together more efficiently than the random structures that seem to be peppered about in its current state.


    Runoff, aside from the series of tubes weaving amongst the rocks, has nearly no originality factor. There are no odd geometry layouts, no unseen weapon arrangements, or even a nifty, dynamic gimmick to give Runoff a little bit of spark. As sad as it is to say, Runoff is just a run-of-the-mill competitive map spawned from the mind of someone who was probably just a little too bored one day.

    Had a bit more planning and forethought gone into Runoff’s design there could have been a lot more potential for it to actually achieve something in regards to enjoyable gameplay, sufficient balance, aesthetic prowess, and ingenuity; something that map creators are always encouraged to do because the end product definitely reflects the thought that went in to it.

    Rating Multipliers
    [/floatleft]4 x 3.0 = 12 out of 30
    4 x 3.0 = 12
    out of 30
    6 x 1.5 = 9
    out of 15
    4 x 1.5 = 6
    out of 15
    2 x 1.0 = 2
    out of 10

  11. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Thats really embarrasing... KAVEMANR MADE THE MAP! I had nothing to with it! *crypto nv runs away*.
    But seriously you should have tested FFA on it... much better than team games.

    Also you never mentioned the shmexy as man cannons! Didn't you see they were different!?!
    #11 Spicy Forges, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011

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