Labyrinth of The Destructaur

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by buddhacrane, Apr 3, 2011.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Labyrinth of The Destructaur!

    image for illustrative purposes only

    Labyrinth of The Destructaur (LoTD for short) is a Peasant Hunt/Minotaur style map with a twist, co-forged by BuddhaCrane, xxxMentalxxx, and Mander A1.​

    To play the game you assign one person to be on the Blue Team - he will be the Minotaur - and his job is to kill the Red Team- the Peasants. Everyone only has one life, so the goal is to survive.​

    The Map.

    The map is designed as a maze/labyrinth with tight corridors. The maze is split into four sections/quadrants with shield doors indicating when you are moving from one section to the next. Within each quadrant is a teleporter in the far corner of the map that will take you to a receiver elsewhere inside that same quadrant - Only the Peasants can use these. You cannot be teleported from one quadrant to another. Also, the teleporters are not always active ;)

    The Minotaur

    As the Minotaur you are given a Custom Powerup at the start of the game that grants invincibility; this powerup lasts for 1 min and 30 seconds, after which point you will become vunerable and the Peasants can try to take you down. All you have to do though is head back to the centre of the map to grab the CP and become invincible again. So the Peasants will mainly just be trying to survive, with sometimes a small opportunity to fight back.​

    There's the Custom Powerup above the Minotaur's head. When his CP runs out he can use his Jet Pack to grab another one.

    The Minotaur is Brown when invincible and Blue when vunerable. Mouse over the image to spot the difference ;)

    As the Minotaur you also have a super awesome super power of awesomeness: you can delete all of the walls around you! While the Peasants run around the maze like headless chickens, you can just crash on through the objects in your way, able to cut corners and head-off any fleeing victims. It's crazy, glorious mayhem! To balance this out you move slightly slower than the Peasants.

    This red guy is just chillin' in an alleyway, the coast looks clear. Mouse over the image to see the deadly surprise that awaits him! Nowhere is safe!

    The Peasants.

    Within each map section/quadrant there are two weapons that may assist you in pushing back the Minotaur and keeping your distance. If, however, you need to move from one section of the map to another then you cannot take those weapons with you! the shield doors that connect each quadrant remove any weapons you may have picked up in the previous section - Sneaky! Be warned that if the Minotaur gets too close to you then you will also lose your weapons.​

    Below you can see a person travelling through one of the shield doors. Mouse over the image to see what happens to his weapons - oops! Those poor peasants!

    The Hologram Armour Ability.

    It's not all bad news though for the Peasants. There are some pieces of experimental technology lying around: These appear as Hologram Armour Abilities, but they do more than just act as a distraction! With the Hologram equipped you can de-phase windows in close proximity, allowing you to open up a brief shortcut and make a quick get-away when you might need it most! Unfortunately the window can only be de-phased from one direction, which is indicated by flag stand objects.​

    Here we can see a player pick up the hologram and remove the window temporarily. (Mouse over).

    The Hologram Armour Ability has another nifty effect too. In each of the map's sections there is a Mongoose. Normally this vehicle is useless since it cannot be driven anywhere, but if you enter the mongoose while you have the Hologram equipped then you de-phase the mongoose with you on it! This causes you to "reset" and be respawned somewhere else in the maze, allowing you to make a speedy exit while fleeing the Minotaur. In doing this though you destroy the Hologram and will have to pick up another on the map. As a beneficial side-effect you will also regain any lost health. On the flip-side, you will have a waypoint marker over your head for 5 seconds, advertising your new location to the Minotaur - better not hang around!​

    Here the Peasant uses his Hologram with the vehicle to perform a disappearing act on the Minotaur. (Mouse over)

    To balance out all the benefits of the Hologram ability, you are unable to equip any weapons that are on the map. This makes the Hologram a tactical choice between maneuverability or firepower.​

    And that's everything! It can be quite a lot to absorb at first but you don't need to fully understand what's going on to have a blast. The main things to take note of are highlighted below.​

    • One guy on Blue Team is the Minotaur. Avoid him!
    • The Minotaur deletes any walls around him. Beware!​
    • The Minotaur is invincible for 1.30 mins and then requires a new CP from the centre of the map. If you see that he's blue, use that moment to strike!​
    • Peasants can pickup weapons on the map to help them survive but the weapons cannot be taken passed any shield doors (they will be deleted)​
    • Hologram armour abilities allow you to delete windows from one side and use mongooses to teleport, but you cannot pickup weapons.​
    I hope you enjoy the chaos that is The Labyrinth of The Destructaur!

    I leave you with a video showing the Minotaur wrecking havoc.​

    #1 buddhacrane, Apr 3, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2011
    KingOfCones likes this.
  2. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    This map is absoultely the most ingenious map since Cawk Blawkin. But in my opinion its even better. Takes the old peasant hunt formula and injects it with over 9000cc of awesome.

    this is my new favorite Mini game and its for sure going to be featured.
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    No. Way.

    By chance, is this utilising the new "insane" gametype? Regardless, this looks fantastic and ingenious. I want your brain.
  4. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    Awesome post Buddha, unfortunantly the mouseover picture of the minotaur breaking down the wall seems to be broken itself at the moment.

    Although the mechanics of the map can be extremely confusing, especially since the gametype is very new, i hope everyone enjoys it for the simplicity of the peasent hunt base with the crazy new twists being an added bonus.

    why yes, the insane gametype is what makes all of this possible

    That being said any questions or confusions feel free to ask, we will be happy to explain.
    #4 Mental, Apr 3, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2011
  5. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I don't understand you, or how your brain works, and I'm not sure I want to.
    All I know is I want you to keep this up, and keep making things that shouldn't work, but do.
  6. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Wow, you got this up quick, nice job on the map post Buddha. Ha, I still can't believe you used that name. But yeah, I like the mouse-overs, and how simple you kept the description. With the amount of questions people ask while playing this, about how the mechanics behind it work and such, I'd have thought the post would be a lot bigger, but thankfully you managed to explain everything in a reasonable amount of space.

    IxXROADKILLXxI V2 Forerunner

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    All three of you guys have brains that are blessed. So much thought that makes it so much more of what mini games have come to be. Defiantly should get a feature.
  8. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Oh My ****ing God!!

    Talking to you about this in the shoutbox and damn dude.

    Definately the most unique use of game mechanincs I've seen including Cawk Blawkin.

    Just pure win. Exactly what I would have expected from the mind that brought us Distortion, if I had thought to expect this.

    Just figuring out how you did it all has me going batty with excitement. Seriously can't wait to play it!!!
  9. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
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    You say you've done some of the most impossible things ever devised since the dawn of forge. I'm not even trying to grasp the techneques you used to make this become a reality--I'm simply going to roll in it.
  10. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Well I'm going to do what you told me buddha, I'm going to give give my own explanation as to how this works.

    I'll start with a quote from Vice: "Basically, everything is balls!"
    So all of the walls in this labyrinth are set as balls, the jetpack the minotaur picks up is a goal with a proximity large enough to go through the walls. When he goes near a wall, the ball (wall, aka wall-ball) is "scored" in the jetpack goal, despawning it.

    Same thing with hologram, except smaller radius so it only goes through glass walls.

    Just think of both these devices as small vacuums, the poor peasants can only afford crappy small vacuums, the minotaur bought him self the fancy X2000 model that sucks up everything.

    Back to the map :p Overall great map buddha, I haven't seen something this unique in a long, long time. This is the first of many crazy reach games, and will be a TGIF classic in any of my parties. I give this an easy 7/5, would be higher but you didn't do a lot of interl0ckingz or geo-maging. :D
  11. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    This game looks great. It's about time someone posted a map using this unique "delete" feature of Haloball.
  12. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    The deletion of the walls is just ingenious. Nicely done guys.
  13. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    By far the most creative gametype I've ever seen, and the mechanics are still relatively simple for casual players! But I dont quite understand how you made it possible for peasants to delete windows...
  14. Frost Bite323

    Frost Bite323 Forerunner

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    I'm so confused as to how you did this, even with the explanation from Cryptokid...
    Anyways, I cannot wait to play this. Someone better have this on their lobby next TGIF, as this is the most intresting and unique minotaur ever.
  15. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    I will 100% for sure be playing this a few times in my party. And to further explain, when the jetback (goal) touches a wall (ball) the ball is scored in the goal, despawning it for a few secs.
  16. Jiiger

    Jiiger Ancient
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    I just loaded this up several hours ago. My friends and I had no idea what was going on at first, our minds were just blown. I have no idea how you did this, but it is EPIC. We had so much fun. Great job on this guys, really.
  17. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I considered whether this was possible when the new gametypes came out, but I figured that it wasn't possible.. Well, apparently I was wrong!

    Is this one round? Or is there at least team changing? Or does the game have to end each time to change the minotaur..?
  18. MlgObiWan

    MlgObiWan Ancient
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    Insanely fun and inventive map guys. This has feature written all over it.
  19. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    The only flaw I have with it after a small testing period is the scoring system. Even if it isn't designed to be a scoring game, many people left when they saw the score was 78 - 12.
  20. TecH

    TecH Ancient
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    This map was way awesome! I loved the idea and everything, you guys did an amazing job putting this **** together. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who has a soul and plays Reach.

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