What would you want in a second Forgeworld?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Talons013, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    Now I know this will never happen but if there was to be a second forgeworld, what would you want in it? State your opinion with the following topics as a guideline...

    Geometry - like the giant forgeworld that we have now? Or maybe, almost a linear path, crossing different landscapes? Perhaps inside? maybe not? What? too many question marks? Sue me?

    Terrain - What we have now is grass. lots and lots of grass, with some sand but nobody cares about that sand. So how about something new(?). What I personally want is either snow, rocky mountains, or alot more sand. (sandbox extreme!)

    Objects - MOAR MOVEABLE OBJECTS ARE A MUST! That and less forruner stuff. Face it, the glass kills your connection and makes lag all that more possible :/ Besides, I want some Human objects in my forge pallet.

    Budget - Meh, Bungie did okay here. My only concern is that decoration objects cost 50 each! This needs to be changed.

    Inside/Outside - Yes there is the arena but It just dosen't fit into the feel of most maps. So an inside area with no fancy lights on the side or glass walls with rocks behind them would be a nice touch.

    These are just my suggestions and ideas on the subjects that I think are the most crucial to forgeworld and the theoretical forgeworld v2. Why don't you come up with your own and share them with all of us. I'm sure you can do it. ;)
  2. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    If it came to a Forge World v2 as it pertains to Geometry, I'd prefer no Forge World but a bunch of small maps that each have the capability of forging with a wide array of items. That way, suggestions like a snow map and a sand map aren't that far off because they're not connected. Or, if it needs to be one world, do it like Sandbox where they were connected but could be disconnected if necessary or wanted. What I find most important though is making everything on the vertical grid exactly the same height, I don't want to have to go into edit coordinates every time my wall isn't where it's supposed to be vertically.

    Definitely switch up the terrain. But like I said, it's hard to switch up the terrain on a connected map, unless you're going straight up and hit a mountain that's cold and a lake that's warm on the bottom, it's just not going to happen realistically to have multiple terrains on one map imo.

    I don't mind the forerunner objects, but there are enough of them, I think they should add some things that can really give a cool rustic feel for people who are looking to recreate maps that have like wood builds or something, Idk. In addition, I think they should make ALL objects color coordinated so that the colors have an effect on every map that you change the colors on so that you can make really cool looking maps even more so than you can right now.

    Add another 2500 and group all of the walls and building blocks together and make it so you can build 250 of those of any type, also bring down the cost for decorations, I agree, it seems odd, or split the costs so that some cost more and others cost less cuz some are like tiny and some are gigantic.

    I don't really care too much about inside outside so long as there is a nice, square, flat surface somewhere on the map that isn't enclosed so that we don't have to build them for ourselves, it's a waste of my coliseum walls and it's annoying.

    That's all I got.
  3. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Keep in mind, most of the decorative objects are either large, glass, light sources, or some combination of the three, so they are usually more taxing than regular objects.

    Anyway, a new style for the objects would be nice, even if it couldn't be mixed with the current set. Other than that, I'm not too picky. Forge is already far more enjoyable than most editors available.
  4. deathstar542

    deathstar542 Forerunner
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    I would really love it if there were more lights available. I would love it if they added new wooden objects and brought back ALL of the Halo 3 objects so that fun gametypes such as "Jenga" and "Fatkid" would be possible again. Even though it sounds kind of extreme, I think it would be pretty epic if they added target locators, SCARABS, and if you could spawn covenant. Making custom Firefight maps would be AMAZING!!! As for terrain, I think they need some snow, a really big forest of trees(such as the ones outside of Forge world on top of the cliffs), and underground mines and caves and such ^.^ My MAJOR request though, is that they bring back the Chopper. That was such an amazing vehicle :'(
  5. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    In my FW2, I would want a desert, but a real one, not what they call sandbox. In a real desert, you have more than sand dunes (unless you count the Sahara), you have mesas, mountains, highlands, shrublands; you have wooded areas and rivers and grassy plains; you have canyons and rock outcroppings, and it is rarely flat. A true desert with a large mountain in the middle would be awesome, especially because desert mountains get snow, so you could build smaller maps with snow at the top. Overall, same generall size as forge world but with more of a central feel so that you can blend several areas.
    Forge pieces should mix between stone, metal, and wooden styles, and glass should be minimized in some pieces to avoid seeing parts fused together.
    Budget should be higher, let us worry about framerate and lag, we know that we need to not have it and can adjust.
    An inside room could go in a large bunker under the sand or mountain with multiple blockable entrances.
    They should totally make a new FW in the next map pack, too bad bungie doesn't have control.
  6. cannibalghoul

    cannibalghoul Forerunner

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    For the forge pieces:
    -Lower-polygon building blocks with simplistic textures- but multiple variants of these.
    -Simplistic, triangular building blocks with flat variants
    -Extra-thin objects, such as simplistic bars, cables, support beams, etc
    -Destructable objects such as glass windows, grating, doors, palettes, covenant antennae, and perhaps those covenant grav-lift towers
    -more natural objects, including trees
    -Object lights should be optional, or removed completely

    For the actual map:
    -A big, empty expanse about the size of sandtrap (including the minefield)
    -Some kind of pit or chasm without a visible bottom
    -A large cavern at least the size of the Coliseum
  7. Uh, I would like every single suggestion here, but did someone forget... Geometry/Terrain Editing? Probably too much to ask.
  8. Celestialassassin

    Celestialassassin Forerunner

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    For forge pieces, I would like pieces with fewer lines. Merging the current blocks is very messy, compared to the more simple blocks of Halo 3. I would also like to place anti-gravity zones.

    For the map, I believe that islands are the best way to go. This would be a convenient way to add different types of terrain. One island could be volcanic. Another island could sit lower in the water and have swamps. Yet another could have a forest. Lowering of removing the kill barrier in water would add more landscapes. The possibilities are endless.

    It would also be interesting if parts of the map had dynamic effects. It would be fun to forge around geysers, rivers, and fog.
  9. FuzzyCheddar

    FuzzyCheddar Forerunner

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    My main complaint about forge is the lack of certain objects that SHOULD be available. Especially in Forge World, where the creativity is meant to happen...

    A couple that I can think of off the top of my head are civilian trucks and pallets.

    I agree about the budget. I don't quite understand why there is even a limit, or at least why there is one as low as it is for someone who loves to use decorative pieces such as myself.

    Also, I'd like for the pieces that are meant to be put together actually fit together without an annoying little bump, or the ability to move using coordinates in the decimals. (Aesthetically the designs on things such as coliseum walls could be symmetrical, so they fit together when put side by side.)
  10. CptMugwash

    CptMugwash Forerunner

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    We all can dream, although some kind of add on like a map pack could work I guess. I would like a hamster ball, now that could be really fun, you'd exit and enter it like a vehicle and move by running, sprinting would make you go really fast but once you get going there's no stopping unless you hit something again and again to slow you down, it could also float and would be indestructable unless you hijack it or something.
    More serious suggestions, we want a shrubbery! yeah more trees, some bushes aswell, I'd also like a kind of jungle area with vines, maybe textured stone walls with an overgrown look. Why not throw in a texture brush so you can texture the ground to your liking, e.g. snow, sand, rocky, grass, dirt/mud, etc.

    I noticed someone said fog, could be done using radial and top and bottom heights, perhaps if it's not too much a strain on one's system more weathering, like thunder and lightning and torrential rain, a blustry blizzard, etc.

    Why not a universe? like ForgeWorld but different 'worlds' one could be mountainous and snowy with caves, a frozen lake, etc, another could be a volcanic wasteland complete with a forgeable volcano, you get the idea.

    Also to be able to select/highlight a group of objects and be able to move them all together instead of painstakingly doing it one by one, aswell as an undo button.

    I've gone on a bit too much, sorry :(
    I'm aware that most of these things will never happen but it's fun! :D
  11. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I think it might be cool if the items have an unsc look to it this time arouond. also the return of civilian vehicles would be much welcomed.
  12. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    - a large flat area
    - more very large pieces to create terrain
    - more basic shapes with less z-fighting causing textures
    - civilian vehicles
    - broken vehicles
  13. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Absolutely 100% agree with an undo button and the ability to highlight multiple objects. Especially when your structure turns out to be too high, or if it turns out your structure is going to be underwater and it's too difficult to forge without being able to see down there so you build it above and then have to individually move each piece down. It sucks.

    Those two ideas, sir, are the absolute only things I would beg for in a Forgeworld update or Forgeworld II
  14. WacMan7

    WacMan7 Forerunner

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    I want snow.

    And I NEED Covenant building pieces and UNSC building pieces. Forerunners are great and all but for an invasion map I want to have to assault a covenant base!

    The Covenant pieces are the biggest thing for me but it should be in addition to the forerunner stuff (as it can make pretty convincing UNSC work). Like if they were to do to Spire what they did to get the pieces we have now (like the ones that are direct pulls form Blood Gulch and such) Basically: Tear down the Spire and give me all the fragments.

    Lastly natural bits, Dessert, Snow, Grass, and Rock shapes so I can make landscapes.

    An adjustable water level wouldn't make me cry...
  15. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Woah Woah Woah! if we had covenant pieces, just imaging the polygon count from all of the organic pieces!

    And an Undo button!
    You guys are all asking for completely unreasonable things!
    Its like asking for a Super Model to screw from your mom on your birthday!

    The most we'll probably ever get for Forge is maybe a couple new pieces on a different level.
  16. MementoMori34

    MementoMori34 Forerunner

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    I would love more maps like Forge World, but not necessarily a Forge World v2. I'd like to have the following maps:

    * A human-city map, with forge pieces similar to Foundry's palette. It could include a section that is similar to Headlong like they did with Hemorrhage in FW.

    * A Covenant-themed map. I'm not sure where it could take place; as big as a Covenant ship is, it's just a lot of rooms connected to each other. Maybe on like a Covenant space dock kind of thing with a giant shield door going around it to keep the gravity normal? Kinda like on Zealot. Could include a space to recreate Midship or Gemini.

    * A Snow-themed map, with Forerunner objects and a mountain to build on/around. It could include places for maps like Sidewinder and Snowbound.

    * A Desert-themed map. Basically like Sandbox, but on a much larger scale. The Forge pieces could have the same aesthetic style as the palette on Sandbox, and could include a spot for Sandtrap and maybe Epitaph as well.

    These maps wouldn't need to be big as Forge World. As awesome as Forge World is, it all looks the same. Just rocks and grass. I'd rather have much smaller maps with different aesthetics.
  17. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Seeing as covenant stuff tends to lack the glass that covers every piece on forge world, framerate might actually improve.
  18. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Sounds like it would be fun for infection gametypes as well as infected invasion (yes it exist. no I didn't make it) gametype. :)
  19. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    I dunno, I want more mountainy areas. And **** yes snow.
    The objects? How about replace glass with ice, make everything UNSC, and of course more lights.
    Possibly make a large flat area, and a mountainy area. Also and ICE CRYPT! Because the coliseum is way to small, I want the sandbox one made out of ice.
    Add a Elephant. Nuff said.
  20. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    I am very(x9000+) happy with the replys to this thread. Everyone here has come up with fantastic ideas and have described them decently to the point where I can picture them in my head. They have expanded my wants and I wish 343 would care to look into this.

    Keep the Ideas coming! :D WHOOOOO!!!!

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