No dude, shut up. Unless you were hookin' up 4 Xbox controllers and testing out the map with 4 other people, with the same hookup as you, then just shut up. Newsflash: PLAYING SPLIT-SCREEN CAUSES LAG ALSO. Newsflash II: MATCHMAKING MAPS HAVE TO SUPPORT SPLIT SCREEN Newsflash III: YOU DIDN'T PLAY THAT CONSTRUCT REMAKE IN SPLIT-SCREEN SO JUST SHUT THE HELL UP
Just played my first game in the Classic playlist. It rocks. Tsb, if you're reading this then I'm really torn on 110% damage. On the one hand, the AR is OOOOOPPPPPP, kill time on that thing isn't far off CoD, I kid you not. However, the fact that it makes the NR a 6sk feels soooooooooo good. It's the first time I've consistently taken an NR over a DMR since I got the hang of bloom, and it's hella fun, I can tell you.
This playlist is the fire. It's even got my little sister back on the Halo hype and she hasn't played since Halo PC! How many of these maps were made by FH members? Congratulations to any and all of them!
So.... -Camo is better. You can walk full speed without being seen. -OS leaves a fire trail -The remakes are pretty sweet, I play Prophet, Rat Trap, and Eclipse. Rat Trap was fun, lockout was fun, prophet was soooo hectic, but alright. -120 speed is iffy, but kindof necessary. Yeah, I love it.
110% damage is too chaotic with grenades and such. Plasma pistol takes out shields with like 3 quick shots. Shadow went positive using only a PP. 120% speed is a hair too much. Needs 110-115%. I know they can do it. If they can make you leave a trail of fire, you can walk at 115% speed. Other than that, this playlist is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Needs more maps, and some default maps.
Let them know what you don't like about the Classic Playlist here and hope we see some results to make this playlist the best it can be! : Optimatch : The Halo: Reach Team Classic Playlist Thread
I like the settings, kinda hard to get over a nerfed melee system, the modifications (OS, Camo, etc) are good. I really dislike playing on cramped maps like Elongation and open maps like Derelict and I am losing my temper while playing the playlist because it seems as if everyone AFKs and quits... I have just gotten out of 5 games and there was only 1 where the team actually played together. My last game of the night is when my entire team quit on me (again...) and I quit once more after getting spawn trapped in a 1v4; I didn't want to eventually go on probation for the amount of times that this has happened to me (and I hope the people I play with get more than just a probation). I have learned to never play this playlist without a team of friends...
I LOVE this playlist. I am not a Reach hater at all - in fact I play it every day with default settings and loadouts, and mostly enjoy myself - but getting the chance to play something that feels so close to the Halos of old (especially CE) is just wild. I've only been able to put in a few games so far but they were all fun - except Derelict, but I hated that map to begin with. The other remakes I've seen (Damnation and Elongation) were solid with good forging as far as I could tell. Looking forward to seeing some of the others. I only wish it was a little easier to tell from the names what they are - sometimes I wasn't sure what I was voting for. That's interesting. I can't think of a reason this playlist would be more prone to that than any other. Just to report my own experiences, I'm 3-4 games in and haven't had a single quit-out or AFK on either team yet. And just on Saturday I was complaining to my girlfriend that I played something like 12 games in a row (in big team and team slayer) where people quit off of my team every single game. In other words I don't know if your unfortunate experiences so far mean too much. People already quit too much in Reach (Bungie has yet to find the proper way to really discourage this).
Remember to burst fire your AR; it's the closest thing we've got to a BR! Some maps are a little more prone for grenade spamming I find, Elongation and Beaver Creek saw a lot of nades when I played them. I think some of the older maps have lost some luster, like High 'em High is a bit to campy without an objective. I hope in time this becomes a playlist with both Slayer and Objective games, because some of these map remakes are screaming for some CTF action.
That's very true to the original gameplay on those maps though. You may hate it but if you want a "classic" experience, fleeing the hailstorm of nades behind the bases in Battle/Beaver Creek is all the way classic. Same thing with the corridors and smaller rooms in Chill Out and every square inch of Rat Race. CTF on Damnation > everything. In other words, totally seconded.
Hell yeah. Hopefully people will start Forging remakes from the ground up made to cherish these settings. I'd love to see TURF and other small Halo 2 & Halo 3 remakes. Lockout felt a little small to me at first. Now it's pretty fun, and it looks amazing. Also, the shading in Warlock/Magus is probably the best out of all the maps. I never see Dark Side/Light Side in forge world maps, but this map gets it done amazing. Props to the creator. Usually I think Warlock/Wizard as a bland map, but it plays well here. Rat Race? Amazing. Damnation is GREAT, it was confusing at first, but I love it. I love using the Needle Rifle on this map, it was also my first game in the Classic playlist so it's always going to have a special place in my heart LOL. Hang Em High is awesome here, people complain that Classic Rifles ruins the game especially on this map, but I don't have any complaints. My only real complaints, are probably lack of maps. But I haven't even played Longest or Midship yet, so I shouldn't be talking. But adding a few Halo 2 & 3 maps would probably make people cry with joy. COME ON FORGEHUB YOU CAN IT. BUILD REMAKES FROM THE GROUND UP FOR THESE SETTINGS.
Yeah this is pretty much all I do now. My complaints: -Spawning with 2 frags is ridiculous. Spawn with 1 frag and 1 plasma, and only two of each type of grenade on the map. -More maps needed. Not only because the current rotation is really limited, but because some of the current remakes are really under par IMO. Prolonged is so bad. Frightmare's Longest remake should be in there instead. Prophet is a joke, every single game ends up being a spawn killing fiesta with one team doubling up the other. The spawns themselves are really bad as well, more than once I've had 2-3 members of the team spawn in the top of one of the bases with me while I'm helping teamshoot some other guy. Something's really off about Rat Trap as well. It's an excellent, on-the-money remake from what I can tell, but for whatever reason the gameplay just isn't good, in my experience. I went on a DL'ing spree yesterday and came across some great remakes of Prisoner, Gemini, Danger Canyon, Turf, Gephyrophobia (little big for 4v4 but it was still amazing), even an Epitaph remake that might play even better than the H3 version, since on this one you can actually make callouts. These need to be put in ASAP, with the three I mentioned before taken out. -Classic Rifles is awful on any map not named Eclipse.
For a true Halo Classic experience, it should be 4 frags. Maybe it's just me but I never liked the original, so the fact that the remake plays like butt is not surprising. It's just big wide corridors with no cover (unless you stay close to, and duck back and forth around, a corner). Every battle is a barrage of grenades followed by a barrage of bullets. I always did terrible on that map in CE and I predictably did terrible on it the one time I've played it in Reach so far. For my money, I'd much rather have a map with a little more cover and some means of occasionally surprising people, getting the drop on them, or fleeing from combat when it seems like you're doomed. Lockout/Guardian/Prisoner and a bunch of others were always perfect for this. Rat Race though... ewww.