Cynical Intro: This underground sanctum was discoved by miners while excavating. Strange markings on the walls lead scientists to believe that this ancient structure was not built by man nor machine, but something else. Cynical is a symmetrical map that is designed to have many walkways and good lines of sight. Sightlines are what I'm trying to focus on most in my maps. There are four ladders on the main floor, 2 in red spawn and 2 in blue spawn. These ladders are for quick and easy access to the second level of the map. There is also a bridge that runs through the center of the map. Originally I didn't plan on making the bridge, but then decided it would make gameplay more interesting. Please be sure to download, comment and leave feedback. Thanks. Weapons: x2 DMR x2 Needler x2 Health Pack x1 Grenade Launcher (Respawn: 90) x1 Energy sword (Respawn: 90) x2 Needle Rifle Screenshots: Red spawn. (Same as blue) Bottom Middle. Top middle bridge.
This looks extremely well forged. I love the sword room with the small pool of water and the teleporter used around the base of the sword. Also, not sure if I am correct, but did I happen to notice two ladders? Do they work? Anyway, great forging and I will give this a dl and play through for sure
Thanks man, YES all ladders are FULLY-FUNCTIONAL. You can go up and down as many times as your little heart desires. ENJOY. and thanks again.
You can find out when you download the map This really isn't the place to have a conversation, seeing as you or I might be hit with a spam infraction. Please message me if there is anything else you would like to know. Thanks.
This map is the best one Ive seen from you so far...the best aesthetics by brings in the water, rocks, and the metallic objects together in a proffestional manner...the aesthetics also show a very halo 1 feel to it making this even more likable...the pathways are nice and show numerous ways and show even more aesthetics...the weapon choice is also very impressive...I will definalty download this one...keep up the good work...
Thank you for your support. I try really hard on my maps to make them at the top quality of aesthetic enjoyment, while also focusing on gameplay. I for some reason, which I cant figure out, make maps that have a Halo CE vibe to them, you should check out m other map "Pulse" it also has a major halo CE vibe to it. I have a lot to learn about forging so please leave some feedback.
Truely inovative. this is the kind of map i strive for. new ways to use old pieces. and working ladders..!? good job
This map could possibly be my map Cyanic's long lost fraternal twin! Or at least a distant cousin. I love this map! You did a great job using objects in this map, well forged. I like the walkway with the GL on it and the lighting was a good choice. I like this better than mine, damn you! The layout is great. I can't wait to give it a closer look.
Haha thanks bro. I have to be honest and say your map Cyanic was a huge inspiration for me to make this map, and I also have to say I like your map cyanic much better. But anyways, thanks for the comments.
I looked at this in Forge and it's very beautiful. Your usage of the pieces mixes so well, which is always a plus. I love the light stripe at the top of the map as well. My main gripe is LOS. You have lots of long hallways that aren't really broken up unless you sit around the sides. Even then, you can get shot from the other end. Also, I don't think a neutral grenade launcher is a good idea, but I'll have to play on it first to see.
Now I am not sure if you knew this but this map kind of has features from a map I saw in the final mission of Unreal Tournament 3 (too bad that game was more gameplay and less story). Anyway it is a great looking map. Like what you did to make the bars.
You make great points again. Yeah, when I had some games on this the LOS were kind of long on the top, but I couldn't figure out how to break them up neatly. Also, there were other pathways that allowed for a quick escape- LOS weren't that much of a problem. Why isn't neutral nade launcher a good idea? It's a power wep..Anyways, thanks for the comments guys.
Well because your map is so open, neutral grenade launcher may not be such a bad idea. The problem lies with maps with much more cover or intricate bases. Nobody will want to push unless the central weapon is powerful enough to break their 'camp-setup'. One way to fix LOS is to either add crates or drop downs on some of your paths. But since your side areas are open you don't need to worry too much about drop downs. Your best bet would simply be doubling up the 1x1 tall thins or adding crates there.
Yeah, I figured a grenade launcher would be a good weapon, because a rocket launcher would be overpowered. As for the LOS, I could maybe do a V2 with more areas to go and with the long LOS broken up a bit more. Thanks for the suggestions.
Very nice looking map! How do you get that greenish look in your map? Did you put a light somewhere? I will give it a download once I get home.
Like what it is meant for, being for looks and for fighting. Most of your maps(like this one) are CQB maps, though i am a fan of longer range maps, This map is nice. I've seen all and dled all of them. They are nice, hope you do not mind i am using a few of your Ideas on my map (South Bay) like the bars. Hope you don't mind, i will give you honor for it though.
Hey man, I downloaded and checked out your map. Youve got some pretty good ideas in there, like the ladders, and I like how youve used certain objects in ways you wouldnt normally think to use them. But just a few things Ive noticed about it that you may or may not want to revise. The bridge where the GL is located isnt properly aligned in the middle. One of the platforms is slightly lower and off to the side of the other one. And with the ramps with the rocks in them shown in the second and last pictures, one of them isnt the same angle as the rest. If you walk onto each of them, youre able to walk up without jumping, except one, which you slide down after a few steps. I dont know if youre as picky about these things as I am, but thought you might want to know so the symmetry is perfect ; ). (Im very picky when it comes to these things, by the way) And something mentioned by Goat before, the upper areas of your map are a little too open and long. Youve got the drop downs which make for a quick escape route, but if youre caught up there youve got little to nothing to hide behind. I dont know how this plays out when theres an actual game going on, but it seems like a bit of a killbox. If it were me, Id probably add some crates or door frames or something for a little more cover. Other than that, I really like the way youve structured your map. The flow is good, and I like the mixture of high, middle and low ground areas. Well done.
Love the tight closed areas of the map and the addition of one huge open part adds to interesting feel. The water you might want to add a green light under to give the sewage look, because thats what it looks like to me! This isn't my favorite of your maps, but I do enjoy the addition of the pipe walls blocking you from going down the river hole. Very good map and placement of everything is perfect! I'm still surprised none of your maps have been yet to reach the community maps! Keep up the good work!