Temptation - Are you willing to risk it? Originally this was never meant to be a slayer map but a race map. But early in production we basically took what was built and we crafted it into a Competitive map. The map its self is an asymmetric map with blue base being massively different from red but both having disadvantages. What connects the bases are 2 caves with one having a grenade launcher within it while the other two have an AR and the other 2 DMR’s. Map supports a range of objective and slayer game types so those who hate objective will still love this map and vice versa. Story time! Just before the forerunners were destroyed they built these weather stations to record weather patterns in their local area. The power needed to run them was vast and so relied on a self sustained power source. Luckily they thought of using Electromagnetic storms to create the power for them and so harness it to power these huge structures. However a couple of days before this plan was put in action the UNSC Union of National Super Constructions was building a power station next to a water fall to harness its eco friendly power, once hearing the news that their Company had decided to use Electromagnetic storms instead they decided to demonstrate against them. The strike went on for years with the workers living of the power plant for power to run their microwaves utilities and the company leaders benefiting of their storms to become rich and powerful until one day the union leaders lead an attack on the main complex killing several guards and CEO’s. Board member s was quick to react and create a bio weapon to destroy them called “the flood”. Once released it killed all of the workers and solved their problems, unfortunately it spread to the local cities and eventually started to take over the planet. The Board had no choice to destroy the planet but were stopped by other forerunner companies who wanted to use these creatures for testing. After 10 years of testing on them they decided to sell flood spores as pets. With 60% of forerunner families having one the spores finally attacked them killing most of the forerunner race. Without any hope left they destroyed all sentient life in the galaxy and will be forever known as “the guys who killed everything because they sold flood spores as pets. The end! Blue Base in all its glory Blue Base rope ladder Side view of Blue Base with bridge and sniper resting on its piller. Blue Cave leading to Red Base View of the middle of the map with Red Bases sniper spawn bieng in the main structure. Closer shot of the middle of the map with Grenade Launcher cave in the far backround Most of Red Base with thier main base in view as well needler spawn in the backround Red Base in all of its glory Cry me a river Leading the charge Not in the back! Thanks for everyone who play tested the map. If thier are any flaws please msg me as im sure thier will be a problem or two. Final thanks to Katanga (aka Mark) because i love forging but i can never get into the mood of doing one unless someone starts it with me in game. Weapons: 1 AR's 6 DMR's 1 Grenade Launcher 2 Sniper Rifles 4x Frags 2 Needler's Co-Forge Katanga Ajc 27
Good map AJ im happy with the playtests we carried out. I'm also happy i found a few annoying hidey-holes that you have now patched =[. Nice map!
Well AJ, you've done an incredible job with Temptation. Originally, I had no hope for this map, but you managed to craft it into something which is not only playable, but very enjoyable. Well have to get more of our co-forges on here.
Lovin' the rope ladders. This map looks creative and simple to understand. The layout looks clean and most improtantly the bases look well-forged. I'd like to get some games on this map asap. Good work man. This looks like a fun map to play on.
LOL i just used a rope ladder in my newest map simplicity. You should check it out its pretty fun to play!
ok all the aesthetics on this map come from tempest its self...most the objects used for the main sturctures were either blocks or buildings with random objects placed in places that were pointlessto make an attempt to add aesthetics...you should add more original with the objects and create your own structures instead of using pre-made ones...also could you list the weapons on the map?
Anime Halo, your last comment makes very little sense, it is like you want AJ to create objects out of his mind like a jedi from star wars. Maybe you should reword your post differently. Secondly, the aesthetics are great even though they are all from tempest. Sometimes a little originality makes a map look awesome.
Anime Halo > i agree with matty. youre post does make very little sense and i dowt you have actually played the map. this also goes for all the other maps that you have posted on. Plz refrane from doing this again and actually download it and play it before you judge.
looks like a neat straight foreward map. the only problem i see though is the fact that its basically a downsized version of tempest with a couple small buildings added to it. Tempest is a hard map to forge on and this is pretty good for making a map on it. bungie kinda let me down when i learned that this was meant to be a forge map, because of all of the death zones and small space. i was expecting another forgeworld or something. rating for this map: a high 7.5
Just to mention to everyone that ive updated the map. Unfortunatly thier was a problem with two of the death boundries but they should be fixed now. any more problems just tell me
ok...Im going to try this again...if this doesnt make sense I give up...this map does look nice but its aesthetic value for the most part is coming from the default tempest buildings...not what you placed...you could fix this by varying the objects you used and replace most the pre-made structures on the map...by doing this the map would have more aesthetics and you would have more money to place more objects because you would gain money from the pre-made buildings...also I would agree that this is just tempest cut in half...now the gameplay I never spoke of so I dont understand why you are asking me if Ive played the map...youve been offended by something I never stated...but you said you were confused so I guess its ok...all I was asking was what are the weapons on the map...