I like this map, its really reminiscent of previous Halo games, which seems to make the gameplay more enjoyable. I like your idea of core carrier traits as I have discovered by reading this thread - I've never seen that idea before. However, your custom gametype link doesn't work! Please fix this? It would be nice if I could play the map with the recommended gametype.
Thanks! I actually updated the core carrier traits so that rather than having 2x overshields the core carrier has a bumped up damage resistance. I need to re link the custom gametype because I uploaded the new one last night. I'll message you when I get it up because atm I am at school.
This thread is going screwy! Awesome map though, I tested it and it worked perfectly. It was engaging and I forgot I was playing a 'Beta' version of it. Great stuff!
Yeah I know right! Also thanks for your comment but what do you mean by "beta" version. THREAD UPDATE: So like I just made this awesome video for my map, uploaded to youtube and then found out the music track has copyright so it disabled ALL THE AUDIO FROM THE VIDEO!! Thats 5 hours of editing down the drain...
Great idea for a map. I like it just seems a little easy to camp in is all in some areas. Other than that 9/10
Nice remake of Data Hive. I was amazed at the attention detail. Very cool. The game played very well, tons of fun with friends. A few camping problems but its ok camping happens with every map. Great job.
I tested and tweaked the map a lot to make sure that there werent too many cmaping spots, and if there were they would be vulnerable to attack. Ah ok yer I remember those first few early games where the Elites were massively OP and you detonate a bomb in the second phase! Thanks! I did pay attention to aesthetics and it seems I succeeded! And its great to hear that the game you played on it was fun and balanced!
crypto.. shurrup and finish making the video already. If it's audio gets disabled... complain about it to youtube and you get your audio re-instated until youtube investigates. The fact you've edited the song, and it has different audio over the top means its a different track and it comes under fair use. Long story short, upload it again and tell youtube to **** off
Map looks sweet, going to play it later. I have a question though, how do you get those blue 'shield-looking-things' (In the picture on the front page, there's two of them surrounding these 2x2 blocks). How do you get those to show up in games?
I like the map. The only problem is that in any other gametype besides invasion (slayer included) the shields (gates) remain online. This could propably be fixed if the shields were adjusted to game specific. Now I know it is an invasion specific map. But still I thought that you might like to know.
Those are the hill markers for the first phase. Yeah but nothing else has been setup on this map. You wouldn't go and play a game of HaloBall on Stevo's TOADZ map would you?
Wonderfully forged map. Played a 6v6 on it and everyone was impressed. Two slight drawbacks: There was a problem with spawning outside the map and falling to one's death on the 2nd phase. I'd also like to see a movement option that doesn't involve dropping blindly down into the holes as it could be a little frustrating to bushwacked for the 7th time as you drop down. Overall great invasion map though.
Well... I would love to either player a slayer game or an infection game in the map. But that is about it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Do you mean assassinated?
Not necessarily assassinated. Sometimes it was a grenade planted at your feet as you landed, sometimes a couple of guys DMRing you to death almost before your feet had hit the ground.
If I had enough money I would have placed some shield doors. Generally though in my tests there werent many problems with that. As soon as you drop down you are behind cover.