Battlefield 3 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Glasgow, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    You guys are geeked out about firing a rocket at a building?


    Anyways, I'm skeptical at best about this game since DICE pretty much blows sack. Bland environments, wonky controls, terrible plot line, terrible vehicle controls, bad visual art style. It's like the player is semi-color blind.

    The multiplayer won't be better than COD's, so don't get your hopes up fellas. There hasn't been a great battlefield game since Battlefield 2041 and that's because they deviated slightly from standard war sim games.
  4. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    dont be such a downer!

    you do like games dont you?
    yeah it wont meet your standards but it'll improve on the previous.
    you're doing a shuman and you need to breathe
  5. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Yeah, and perhaps the massive level of destruction that follows afterward. You know, either one.

    Well, considering I already like BFBC2's multiplayer more than COD's, I don't mind getting my hopes up.
  6. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Yea I like games, not interactive cut scenes. I like to play them, not watch some dudes talk to 'hype' the situation.

    And honeslty QKT, you're the biggest cynic next to Shuman that I know on the site.

    Yea, part of a billboard falling and smoke was a **** ton of destruction.
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I don't see how people can really be so cynical when it comes to games. People always rag on the hype trains that these kinds of games create, are skeptical to begin with, and judge games before even playing them. I always look at games hoping they will be great and place faith in the developers, and I am very seldom displeased with what's offered.

    From the trailers, BF3 looks ****ing awesome, and DICE proved their worth to me with Bad Company 2.
  9. Security

    Security Ancient
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    The most destruction from any game I've seen.

    Did you even see the trailer? The whole building shook, pieces were crumbling off. It looks amazing.
    #30 Security, Apr 2, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2011
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Looks. Looks. Looks. The building destruction looked pretty cool, but that alone shouldn't sell a game. There needs to be this part where you actually get to play it.

    The entire sequence, I was thinking, man these soldiers are ****ing dumbasses. Seriously, no military outfit in the world would be dumb enough to cross an exposed roof while under fire from a sniper.

    "But rusty look how cool that experience looks; it's so badass how we just crossed that roof and went all like **** YOU sniper and shot them with a rocket"

    Well, there's no saving you if that's how you feel. Personally, I've grown to like scripted sequences interspersed with minimal interaction less and less. I enjoyed it in MW2's ending, but that's all that comes to mind. I would like just a little bit of depth to the game. Not, here's your script soldier, now stick to it.

    Moments like those are only badass when I choose to do it. Seriously, in that whole sequence the player is offered no choice. Why can't I choose between the rocket or a sniper rifle?

    The rocket would alert enemies to our presence, but be hella cool to use or I could use a sniper to be a little sneakier.

    I bet in that sequence in the game, you can't die. I bet once you rise out of prone position to fire the rocket, that you could just not fire it and nothing would happen. You'd just sit there until you fire the rocket. I'm almost willing to bet, you also can't miss either. That's what saddens me the most. There isn't any depth.

    Especially not now.

    Here's to another CoD clone.
    #31 rusty eagle, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2011

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    yeah 7 minutes of singleplayer is enough to say its another CoD clone
    the MP will be better than CoDs because BFs MP always has been
  12. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    how could you miss? its a building vs a rocket.
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I'm saying that you could purposefully shoot other than where the game directs you to shoot, where that opening is. Let's say you shot the sign instead of the building. I'm betting that the sequence would continue without an hitch, except that by shooting the sign instead of the building it would not kill the enemy sniper.
  14. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Rusty, Real gameplay /= Fun
    Games are designed to be fun, realistic settings are fun, realistic situations is ****ing dire.

    So buildings falling down realisticly, graphics looking realisticly and OTT gameplay makes for a fun game.

    I mean, what other game lets you attach C4 to a UAV and fly that **** into a building. It's what sets battlefield away from other games..
  15. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    What Rusty was proposing doesn't remove the element of fun. It doesn't change any feelings or emotions from the game. What Rusty was proposing that games stop taking you for a ****ing moron and give you back your free-will. More and more are high-concept games turning out like high-concept films. I now associate any COD campaign to be a 3hr movie, i wait until i have the time, grab some food and do it all in one go. It's not until i finish it that i sit and analyse my actions. That is ****ing stupid.

    Games should go back to the basics, there are two ways to handle immersion, one is through spectacle and intuition, which often lacks depth and even coherence. That is what Battlefield 3 is doing, and it sucks. The other is to give the player choice, whether that be through different weapons, routes, strategies or morality.

    It really disappoints me that Dice, who were once known for games like BF1942 and BF2, were allowed to be financially demented by EA, and now only care for high-concept bullshit with a 10 hour play-time. You can see from the quality of their engine (that they have just spend AGES working on) that they more than possess the skill to make a great game. It's as if they choose not to.
  16. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    hey, we're watching a trailer. most people with sight are morons.
  17. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    What I was saying is in that sequence, there was hardly any game play. There was a lot of engaging cinematics, but very little interaction on the part of the player.

    Ironically, you bring up the exact sort of thing that the game needs more of: depth. Although the UAV + C4 combo is imbalanced, it was a lot to use and play with, because it was something discovered by the player.

    I remember toying with C4 a lot and one day I asked one of my friends to fly the UAV directly at the objective to blow it up. We didn't know if it would work, but we tried it out and actually became a successful tactic.

    A typical situation would run like this

    Me: Alex, you wanna fly the UAV?

    Alex: (Chuckling) Yea man, let me know when you're set up

    Me: (A few short moments later) Alright, it's ready to go, bombs away!

    Alex: They're shooting at me, hang on, flying in low

    Me: (tensing up) C'mon...c'mon...

    Alex: Get ready!

    Me: I'm ready. Now?

    Alex: One sec. Now!


    Me: I killed two guys!?

    Alex: Yea, I flew in right on it and there were these two guys just staring at me like wtf is thing doing here?

    Me: (Laugher)

    That's what I remember most about BFBC 2. We'd go into games and just fly around in the UAV or drive ATVs rigged with C4. We got to choose how we played. After a while, that sort of strategy became to easy and the excitement wore off, but it was highly enjoyable while it lasted.

    Now, I watch a sequence like that, where I'm forced to interact exactly how the developer's wanted me too and it's blantant. Of course, when you design a game you're designing an experience, but truly great developers make it seem as if the player is controlling the experience. The player drives the experience, not the game.


    Couldn't say it any better myself.
  18. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    I guess I was reading wrong then, 'cause I agree with you. It may just be better worded that way now :p

    I agree, restriction is not a desirable perk of a game, but if it creates a cinematic like experience (Keeping in mind, we are playing for entertainment value, and cinematic sequences are the best way to create that) then I'm all for it. If you think a game should be free roam, go play Far Cry 2. :p
  19. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    What. The. ****.

    Cinematic sequences are the best way to entertain someone!!!!!!!!?????????

    Disregarding games for a moment, again, what the ****. For some reason my mind immediately jumped to slip n' slides, but I don't think that's the kind of entertainment you're referring to.

    So, what about plays, musicals, comedy acts, magic shows, and any other hybrid form of passive entertainment.

    Getting back to gaming, seriously wtf!? Games are special as a medium because they allow the player to interact with them and that's what should be explored. Depth of play and the interactions we experience.

    To me it sounds like you play for the cut scenes and if so, why bother playing the game if the game part of the game isn't compelling to play.

    Likewise, if you want cinematic sequences watch a ****ING MOVIE.

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