
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Chron, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (Name subject to change)
    Ohai there everyone. Chron here with a map that I've been working on over the last few days. I've always liked the idea of incorporating Forge Worlds terrain into one of my maps so I decided to give it a shot by using the Quarry as my location. I'm hoping that the map is going to turn out well but I do have some worries at the moment. My main gripe with it is that it feels too linear to me. I'm pretty eager to finish a map that isn't a co-forge so I'll certainly be trying my best with this one. I will say now though, it won't be released until it plays the best that it can. Otherwise it will stay in the testing phase.

    1st April Update: I have decided to reduce the amount of 2x4's on the map. I have replaced the majority of 2x4's with Bridge Xlarge's Along with that, I have redone some areas and they are now built from 2x2 banks. The most major change however, is the addition of a new room. To see the most recent version in game, Click here

    View of the new room.
    Overview of the new room



    Possible GL spawn. Opinions on this would be great.

    I'm nowhere near finished. Towards completion of the forging phase, I will be adding in some natural objects and some aesthetics so it doesn't look too bland or boring.

    In case you missed it earlier, Download here to see my current progress. Criticism is always welcome.​
    #1 Chron, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2011
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I kind of wish you had given us some more up close shots, but I'm going to look at it in Forge anyways.

    I'll be back!
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I've been doing a lot of band stuff lately but when I get a little time to jump on the xbox I'd gladly help you out if you'd like. By the way, if you want to make a big preview thread with everyone one of our maps, 1 picture and a small description feel free. ;) I was goign to but like I said, I've been really busy lately and I've also been on a almost normal sleeping sceduel. Good job though man. Keep up the good work.
  4. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for downloading man! Sorry about the lack of pictures. I took more but they didn't show up on I'll take a few more and edit them in though. :)

    Sure thing man. As of now, this is my main Solo project that I'm focusing on so advice is always welcome. I'll get a few pics of our maps soon too and create a thread. :D

    Also, I'll probably be updating this thread with my progress as time goes on so expect the pictures and download link to be updated occasionally.

    EDIT: More pictures have been added to the OP
    #4 Chron, Mar 31, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011
  5. MrCheesy

    MrCheesy Forerunner

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    I quite like it so far. Though, I definitely see what you mean by it feeling too linear. That's because you have large portions of the map with only two entrances, forcing players to travel through the whole space. Which isn't very fun. Especially if all your opponents are on the other side.

    My suggestion is to make that left bubble into a room (the "bubble" to the left that is intended to be a non playable area) with four entrances. One stemming from where the rocket spawns, another just past the hallway next to the rocket spawn (the place where you have two 2x4s, another after the tunnel shorts entrance and finally one that would overlook the grassy patch in that room. This 'entrance' however should not actually be an entrance as such. Merely a gap that provides a nice spot to shoot the "grass people". A gap that is too high to merely jump up it from the grass, but perhaps you could have a "secret" jump to get up there instead. This would make that bubble quite a focal point though. Not sure if you want that.

    A good rule of thumb is to have at least three ways to enter and exit a room. This helps to prevent camping and prevents the map feeling "linear" as you have multiple ways to move through the map.

    Just my two cents though.
    #5 MrCheesy, Mar 31, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011
  6. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Was this at all inspired be Gemini in Halo 2?

    Because I'm getting a major Gemini vibe from these pictures, I would love if you took some inspiration from there!
  7. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the ideas on the map. I turned the bubble into a playable area earlier today and I like how it's turned out. If you ever get the chance, download and tell me what you think of it.

    I never got the chance to play Halo 2 multiplayer all that much. So no. However I am looking for some inspiration so I might take a look at some pictures of it later on.

    I've updated the thread to reflect the most recent changes so far. Changes include:
    -Reduction in the amount of 2x4 blocks. Replace by bridge XL's and Brace larges.
    -Rebuilt two areas with 2x2 banks.
    -Addition of a new area. Towards the left side of the map.

    Thanks for the comments guys. Keep 'em comin'!
  8. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    I had a browse around this map the other day it looks really cool. And I did promise I would leave feedback, so here it is.

    I have a few comments to make:

    1. I don't like the area where the grenade launcher spawns, The rocks seem very out of place in a map that essentially looks like its supposed to be inside. They make that area look a little untidy and they seem to have been placed to take up some room which otherwise might have remained empty.

    2. Your 2x2 bank floor is very bumpy. Its a cool idea, but it will need to be flattened out before it will start to complement the map any more. I sugggest you use the edit coordiantes feature to make sure that they are all lined up flat, and it should also help you line up the corners a bit better.

    3. I really like the dorrways you have created. Even though something similar has been done before, you have added your own little twist to it by using only the smaller tunnel pieces.

    4. I'm not sure about the placement of the rocket launcher either. The area it's in is very open, and although this add a bit of risk when trying to obtain it, it also seems too close to the grenade launcher. And I'm not keen on the rocks underneath the rockets either.

    5. I really like the stairs that lead up to the rocket spawn, but they just seem a bit wasted as they don't really go anywhere, and thiss makes them seem a bit out of place on the map.

    6. I do like the little balcony area that overlooks the lower courtyard, it adds more flow to the map, as the lines of sight it creates make the courtyard seem much more open.

    Overall, I really like some of the ideas you have used, but other areas seem a little out of place. With a little improvement and a few more of your unique touches (giggity) here and there, this could become an amazing map.
  9. Chron

    Chron Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the in-depth feedback Sky! Allow me to respond >:)
    1. I kinda agree on this to be honest, what I have is only temporary but I was trying to give the map a natural feel, which doesn't seem to be working :L I will more than like redo this area (among others) and find something that fits better.

    2. I did use the coordinates feature >.<. Several objects do move slightly after forge sessions though. I'll take a look at it.

    3. Thanks <3

    4. I also agree with this. This area was the starting point for the map and I'm beginning to dislike it more and more. As mentioned earlier, I was hoping to incorporate a natural feel to the map but it doesn't seem to be working out too well.

    5. Agreed

    6. I also like that area. It wasn't a part of the map originally, but I added it in after some advice in the previous comments. I'm still trying to find a way to incorporate more routes to the map as well.

    I'm going to redesign certain areas of the map tonight. I'll hopefully draw out a decent overview and I'll get to work on it the next time I get on the Xbox. Thanks for all the comments guys. If you have any advice on the map then feel free to share. :)

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