CURRENT VIDEO: Adventures in MiningBros: Day 21 - YouTube Day 1: YouTube - Adventures in MiningBros: Day 1 (Pt.1) YouTube - Adventures in MiningBros: Day 1 (Pt.2)
I never played the Minecrafts online, please tell me how to do it! This is my most desperate hour. Help me, Bloo Jay. You're my only hope.
You click dat der multiplayer booten. Then you put in BUT before all of dat, you got'sta go to Mining Bros and apply! /redneck
GoO has a better server, and all of the FH people (Sarge, Shuman, Camo, BT, furry, etc) are more on that one.
BAHA. Better SERVER? Sorry to burst your bubble, but our hardware is WAY better. we have 40 slots, everything that GoO has, and More. I'm not trying to make GoO sound horrible, But our Server itself is better. People dislike Mining Bros because of Me, and thats because people break rules and I enforce them. I really don't understand why people don't get that. Now for something that is on topic, You're a derp, Homer. I had to tell you you used Cinematic mode, AND I WAS THE FRIEND THAT SAID IT CLASHED. Bwhahah! Edit: Put all your videos in the main post. I hate having to scroll around just to see if you have posted a new one.
Don't say your server is better or I'll have to type a long paragraph telling these fine people why I moved to GoO from being on MiningBros for around four months. Your hardware is better, nothing more.
On my screen there were a couple left humping homer. thats why. And i was going to punch you off but that failed EDIT: and i didn't see Mbotto's skin until i completely re-logged.
APRIL FOOLS. Of course, it was yesterday, but they haven't changed our names back. We switched names and everything.