3/29 Update Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rorak Kuroda, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Talk about everything here. This is a pretty big update, which is why I'm making a thread for it. So on the list there's....

    *Action Sack Updates:
    -Power Slayer (Which is completely editable :D)

    *MLG Updates:
    -Not actually sure yet, haven't checked it out, new maps I'm guessing?

    *Classic Playlist:
    -Gametype gives flaming oversheild and better Active Camo
    -All maps are remakes

    Anyways, discuss.
  2. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
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    I personally like the classic playlist. I love to see good remakes of classic maps and get to replay them
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    MLG is the update to v3 gametypes (removal of Ball, inclusion of Nexus Slayer and Element CTF + Slayer) with a few 'test' gametypes thrown in. These include Hill and a couple of gametypes on community maps Android (a slimmed down version of Ladnil's Genome) and Retroactive (Col Keller) unless I'm mistaken.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Classic slayer is the ****.
  5. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i played one round of Classic so far. my whole team quit, so it was 4 on 1 on Prophet. (midship) The map was cool and all, but it definitely was not fun. I got annoyed by it so i've been playing Action Sack the rest of the time. Action Sack is pretty ****ing great.
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Every game for me :S I don't think I'll ever play with randoms again...

    Side note, bricks were shat when I watched hockey goals shoot flaming skulls.
  7. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Hockey is pretty fun, my friend and I got 11 assassinations each in one game, lol. Power Slayer feels hokey and convoluted.

    Classics is great, though, I like it a lot. We had a bad situation where we were getting massively spawn raped in the inescapable base of Beaver Creek once, but overall good fun.
    #7 Indie Anthias, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  8. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Yes!! i was really surprised how fun hockey was, i thought it was going to suck.
  9. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Also I really love the Classic Playlist. It honestly does feel like Halo 3 with reach graphics.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I love the Classic playlist, but I only wish I could really agree with that last statement. With other weapons beefed up, DMR with bloom feels even more constricting at times, especially in close quarters. Also frags are just broken as, it pains me that I'll never see the true glory of H3 frags again. 4rd on my overall ToD list for a damn good reason, not because they were powerful, but because of the skill involved in the arc and the bounce, only Hysteria could touch my frag skills. Why Bungie felt it necessary to remove that element is beyond me.
  11. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Trollin' nubz with Mick on his own map, AWWWWEEE YEEEEAH
  12. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    Ive played 2 games of classic slayer so far, long rifles on hang em high and slayer on dreadnought,, hang em high has not aged well, because now with long range weapons beside the sniper, there is no where enough cover against dmr fire and the players who span on the high side have the advantage the whole game, the other game sucked due to my teamates quiting. allso, is there any halo 3 remakes? haloball xtreme is a cool Idea which was exicuted brilliant, but haloball without the xtreme is just boring.
    I have have not tried mlg yet but i will.

    EDIT: i now realize that they are recreate halo one exclusively whitch makes 0 sense to me because: 1 the new weapons screw it up, the dmr is a full blown juggernaut and will screw anyone else in the game over in an instant, 2 halo ce multiplayer has not aged well, what was fast paced and fun then is frantic and stupid now, and they did not even do it properly with sped up speed and unbalanced weapons. 3 I would have done it like this, there would be halo 1 slayer, on halo 1 maps, halo 2 slayer on halo 2 maps and halo 3 slayer on halo 3 maps. all halo one is just stupid
    #12 newbieninja2, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2011
  13. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    I honestly don't know why people ***** about bloom. It's hardly noticeable, semi-realistic (the faster you fire, the less accurate you will be) and it's been in every Halo game, whether you've noticed it or not. But that's a different story.

    I played some classic last night, and I must say it was pretty fun. Even though my team got owned on Dammy. Also, I like the trail of fire the overshield gives you, neat little effect.
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    The playlist could feel even better with some small tweaks to the gametype. The Speed needs to drop to 110-115% and the damage needs to come back down to 100%.
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    ive noticed a lot of Power Slayer games being crazy unbalanced...
    luckily i was on the winning team in most of these occurrences so i am not raging...
    but yea there were many games that ended 50-10.
    Usually because of someone beasting on a sword spree!

    I suppose it doesnt matter that much since its ActionSack and not a highly competitive gametype, but still, i'd be raging if i was on the other team.
  16. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    The classic playlist only feels truly like Halo 3 in terms of movement; many weapons, however, feel much stronger. Example: ARs are actually incredibly powerful now.

    Also, yes, I hate Power Slayer. It not only confuses me, but it makes it incredibly easy for players that have power weapons.
  17. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    yea, i noticed that AR spam is king in Classic as well.
  18. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Unfortunately it seems to make a map that was already very irritating (Derelict) nearly intolerable. Back in CE Derelict was so frustrating because teams would get up high and use the pistol to drill you before you could get to a teleporter. That was bad enough, but at least the pistol took a little aiming skill from a distance. Now the other team can just burst-fire ARs at you from anywhere and it's about as bad as being team-DMRed or something. I died multiple times just trying to get off the ground floor, or get to cover, and nobody was even that close to me.

    On less wide-open maps, I don't think it will be quite as bad. At least you can choose to be in places where it's impossible for four guys to fire at you simultaneously.
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I ***** about the inconsistency and flawed implementation, my desire for the option to turn it off is only to increase custom game options, I think having the vanilla game with a no-bloom DMR would be intensely OP.

    However, if you think it's barely noticeable then sorry but you're either just not paying that much attention or simply don't care and refuse to account for people who do. The difference between how a non-bloom DMR would function and the current one is massive, I'm genuinely surprised that you can't see that.

    As for the realism aspect, I really couldn't care less. If I wanted something gesturing more towards reality then I'd play CoD/Battlefield and the like. Realism doesn't necessarily = balanced or fun. Massive amounts of pain when you get shot is realistic, doesn't make it fun or balanced, hence me wanting to play Halo more than I want to go and fight in a real war. 'Realism' on its own remains the single worst argument touted around for justifying anything in Halo games, realism can add to the experience and it can detract from it, thus on its own it is neither a positive nor a negative entity, so not even worth mentioning.

    And in terms of it having been in previous Halo games. CE had spread on the Pistol, but only if you held the trigger down. If you think that holding the trigger down on a semi automatic weapon is the way to go then you don't deserve to have your shots hit anyway. In H2 there was no BR bloom, though crouching did reduce the spread which was there, pacing your shots didn't affect it at all. The same was true in H3 apart from, as I have heard from a couple of places, shooting a decent amount slower than the max RoF with the BR would yield a very slight decrease in spread. I personally can't corroborate this, though it's more than clear that even if it is true, it wasn't actually worth pacing shots on this basis. This is just another one of those misconstrued facts that people pick up without considering logically or taking the time to look in to, simply because it appears to support what they've already decided anyway, then proceed to tout it around.


    Agreed. It still doesn't sit quite right as a mental association between the fire and increased shields, in terms of split second instinctive reaction, but I'm sure that's something that'll come to me very quickly. Looks pretty damn cool, can't argue with that. However, I dunno if I prefer it to the old style of higher shields being visible, since it further negates any possible stealth approach. It's more of an attention grabber than the old system, which was just a simple indicator really.
  20. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I like the fire but I wish it was a new armor effect or something rather than an updated OS. Really don't see the point in that - what we had was already working just fine, and as a veteran of three previous Halo multiplayers, I'm usually looking for glimmering shields, not trails of fire. I'll get used to it though.

    Regarding bloom, I agree (as I so often seem to do) with Pegasi. It really didn't exist in anything like the current implementation in any previous Halo game. There was more shot spread with automatic weapons if you just held the trigger down, but that's not the same thing as current bloom. Most importantly, the pistol and later the BR were deadly accurate (for the most part) as long as you kept squeezing the trigger for each shot, regardless of how fast you fired; this rewarded people who could fire quickly and with accuracy. The DMR and current bloom *insist* on a little bit of pacing. I don't actually mind this too much, but it does make me miss the frantic shot-race that happened in CE, when it was all about how fast and accurately you could fire, even while both of you were strafing and jumping this way and that. The DMR bloom changes tactics very radically, especially at medium and long range. I wouldn't have imagined a situation in Halo CE where I might crouch down to start a firefight, or patiently, deliberately fire a couple FEWER shots than my opponent during heated combat. It's a weird new world and I have to remind myself of that with every gunfight, and often any time I change weapons (since the bloom is so different from one to another).

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