Couple questions for my first post.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Five Four Plus, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. Five Four Plus

    Five Four Plus Forerunner

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    Namaste, fellow forgers. I came across this site on a stoney journey to discover how "Atom" made it into Matchmaking, and I must say, you've got a pretty cool thing going on here. Anyways, I've got a couple questions about the forging process

    1. In my very limited exploration, I haven't seen a single map forged in the Coliseum on the site so far. Is this just considered amateurish or what? I know it's just a big box, but I'm working on an enclosed map, and so many maps here just seem to build big floating boxes out somewhere else in forgeworld any way.

    2. How do you test for framerate issues? I'm working on an enclosed map, but I've got a lot of cheese phased together and I'm worried it may be an issue.

    3. This one's gonna seem pretty stupid, I'm sure, but how do you download a map from the forum? What good is a map file on your CPU? Are you people flash-drivin' it to your box or am I missing something?

    4. In the map I'm working on, I've got a couple weapons phased to float against a wall, but when people are killed, they end up stuck in midair. I'm assuming these things are correlated, and am wondering if there's a solution.

    Any ways, I look forward to getting to know the community and would love to hear about opportunities to throw it down with you guys on some natty customs. Peace.[FONT=&quot]
    #1 Five Four Plus, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  2. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1) The Collisium is a big, gray, boring box. For the most part, it's used by forgers who don't have the time or creativity to design their own aesthetically pleasing map layouts. Maps in the collisium are usually hindered by the boring, box-like geomotry they're forced to use.

    2) Go into the map with an Assault Rifle set to Bottomless Clip. Just walk around the map and keep shooting it, and you'll pretty much simulate the amount of system strain a medium-sized party would put on the game. Additionally, you should test how badly it lags in splitscreen by, well, playing the map with a splitscreen partner.

    3) All you have to do is upload the map onto your Halo: Reach File Share. Bungie, being the nice people they are, allow you to view your virtual File Share on their website, Just find your profile, click on "File Share" (I've done this step for you) and find the map you want to link us to.

    4) Just don't set them to Fixed : /
  3. Five Four Plus

    Five Four Plus Forerunner

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    Cheers, Harris.

    I've chopped down my original post after considering your sig, ha ha. Frankly, I just wanted to try out posting images, as this is really the first message board I've ever participated in.

    As for question four here, I have them set to phased, not fixed, but I'm still having this problem.
  4. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    Phased/fixed weapons always do that. Don't bother with em.
  5. Five Four Plus

    Five Four Plus Forerunner

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    I see. Can I put it on phased, place them, then put them back to normal without selecting, or are they just going to fall to the ground when a game starts?
  6. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Stevo's Parapit was forged in there. A featured remake of Citadel was forged in there. Coliseum maps can be interesting if you make them interesting.
  7. FuzzyCheddar

    FuzzyCheddar Forerunner

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    I haven't tried this yet, but there might be a way to place the weapon as phased, move the wall it's mounted on slightly into the weapon (so it's technically stuck) and then switch the weapon to normal without grabbing it. Similarly to how you make kill balls drop from the sky. Not sure about the respawning of the weapon but it may work. I'll try it tomorrow. I love the way weapons look mounted on walls, but hate when they float after someone using them dies.
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nope... if you want a weapon to float, merge an energy shield into the wall so the invisible wall section of it pokes out of your placed wall, set the weapon physics to normal and place it on top... thus your weapon is placed.

    Also, as crypto said, I have a few maps made in the collesium, but thats because I hate natural geometry because it's unfair and unbalanced. I'd rather just have a flat floor to forge on.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As others have said, this is very much open to debate. As you (OP) point out, many end up forging in a box shape anyway, so why not save objects and have some of the work done for you if it fits the dimensions of what you want to achieve? On the other hand, since building outlines is pretty easy, and you have large objects like Coliseum Walls to work with anyway, you shouldn't feel forced to constrain yourself in the Coliseum if it doesn't fit your desired dimensions, but if it does then it's a sensible move.

    The only objective problem with it to my mind is that it's quite dark in there, giving maps built in there a different lighting and aesthetic than those built outside. Even if you build a completely enclosed box floating in the air outside it'll be a lot lighter when standing within it, since basic light levels aren't done by particle emitter light sources and instead seem to be just 'built in' to the positioning around Forge World (ie. the 'shadow' which makes the Coliseum darker doesn't seem to be dynamic, but instead Bungie just highlighted the area inside there and defined it as darker). This can either be seen as a positive or a negative, again if it helps your map in terms of complimenting the aesthetic you had in mind any way then it's actually of some benefit, though often enough people find it off-putting and can choose to build elsewhere at least partly for this reason.

    You may want to throw together a couple of test areas of your design, one inside the Coliseum and one constructed floating outside with your own custom build walls/floors etc. No need to test the whole thing, just a small area or two to see how you like the lighting in both areas in tandem with your map, which will help you decide which location you want to move forward with.

    People seem to have the other questions pretty covered, so I'll just finish with a welcome to our site.
    #9 Pegasi, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  10. Five Four Plus

    Five Four Plus Forerunner

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    Thanks very much, mon. Happy to be here, so to speak.

    Where is the invisible wall section of the energy shield? And is the portable covie shield what we're talking about here?
  11. Zathura

    Zathura Forerunner

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    Yes, he's talking about the portable shield. If you turn it flat on it's side, and place it in a wall so the bottom just disappears, there's a little invisible "shelf".

    Also...welcome. So far I'm enjoying these boards magnitudes greater than I think you'll feel the same way.

    Also, a shameless asked if there were any maps built in coloseum, I posted one of mine in, called "UNSC Training Facility". A boring name, but the map holds promise, I think. It's also set up for any gametype except invasion and race.

    Cheers, hope you enjoy yourself here.
    #11 Zathura, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011

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