Now as we all know, Forge World and Forge itself has some very noticeable problems, some even map ruining. But think about this, picture a separate Forge disc, entitled Forge Universe. You have an x amount of terrains and map canvas'. You are able to edit terrain, add water, all the Far Cry 2 editing abilities basically. You have Jungle areas, Desert areas, Snowy areas, Rainy areas, Oasis areas; basically most of the common terrains. But as a special edition, more likely to be used than others, you have a perfectly flat and open canvas consisting of all the areas, but without the terrain, you choose the terrain, you have all the assigned objects from the other areas, EVERYTHING! Now after you've used up about 8 boxes of "Kleenex", you are thinking, "Jesus Bungie, why didn't you do this?!" I thought this too when I had to scrap a map just because it looked beautiful, and had a **** ton of screen lag. But, fortunately I have revisited it, but anyways on that same notion, and on the last notion, all I have to say is, **** FRAME-RATE LAG! P.S. What do you guys think, should I add, subtract tell me and do you agree or disagree? Thanks and peace!
I know this but think positive my god, I'm going to get like 20 more negative comments but whatever. And its a "What If" question
You'd be surprised. I think there would be an enormous flood of maps out of it. But it's a moot point because it'll never happen, not in a console game and especially not in Halo.
Because having Forge on a separate disc would make the game run better... Video game maps are a lot more than just placing a load of boxes on an empty space and pouring terrain over it. If you really want to make totally unique Halo maps then go buy Halo PC and "acquire" a 3D modelling program (not to condone any illegal behaviour but a legitimate copy of a good modelling program can cost several grand) and Google some tutorials on map making. Even if you're not able to produce any good maps, you'll have a new appreciation for the maps we've got in Halo and the tools Bungie was able to give us because building a map from scratch (especially on your own) is hard work!
+r♥p I still remember how we started forging in Halo 3. Sure, Reach is laggy and the most maps are grey, but I still have more fun in reachs forge than in FarCry or any other mapeditor. Appreciate what we have, because we used to have a lot less and we got almost everything we once asked for.
Reach forge is fun because the limitations you've got can help act as both guidelines and challenges to overcome. When people see a blank canvas, I bet that a fair few will just look at it and think "No, this is too much. I cba" With Reach, starting a good map can be as easy as placing a few blocks together and seeing what interesting shapes you can form.
How many times will I hear it won't ever happen when Far Cry has it and its again, a What If question and nobody has thought of this before..... at least the whole scheme of areas and forge universe
Dude....EVERYONE has had this idea at one point or another. Where were you before Bungie announced forge world?
You see, this would be pointless. Far Cry's multiplayer died for one big reason: Map size. Making a map with pre loaded content already on the disk amounted to maps that were roughly 10 mb in size. Why do you think we don't need to download maps in Reach to play them? Because they're only edits. With what your proposing, all the data for map creating would be kept on a seperate disc. Now after you make a map in this forge disc, because the textures, models and items wouldn't be on the same disc as the one your playing on, the map size would be MUCH bigger. Now imagine you build a map. The entire party then has to wait 6 minutes inbetween each game to download the map. As unoriginal as your idea is, it is indeed one that has been brought up many times. Appreciate what we have. People had more fun with Halo 3's forge because it was so difficult and time consuming. The reason there were so many great maps in Halo 3 was because only people with patience and skill bothered to make them. And this is exactly why I loved Halo 3. In the end, just be glad with what you have, and make the most of it.