Just wondering, who hangs around here nowadays, and what have you been doing lately? me, i've been full with school (Won state Academic Decathalon for my division!) but i'm the graphics editor for my yearbook which keeps me busy, and i've been doing some t-shirt designs... i got a screenprinting setup for my birthday so i hope to make a shirt or two!
Not many people, man. Nobody (with power) had any real drawing (ba dum ch) to the GnA after Aaron left, so it's just kind of slid down hill with people moving on.
I still read like, every post here lol. I just am not good enough to offer much in terms of discussion.
Moi... I'm new btw but I barely started making sigs and posting them here. I love this part of FH second best to the maps section. I wish there were more people here. I think this section should get more attention in the main page.
Agreed. But I wouldn't want TOO many people... the maps section is pretty out of hand if you as me... (not to get off topic or anything)
We used to get more attention when we would do things here for the benefit of the forgehub community, for instance when there was a contest to make the new(ish) themes and banners. Problem is now, our best artists don't post much anymore, and our rookies aren't always getting the feedback they need, so have trouble getting to become one of the best artists. Given that, there is no real reason for the community to really bring spotlight to us, as we don't do enough. Funny thing is that this is the only area of FH I visit nowadays since I stopped playing halo...
Hey! KK! Well, I stopped being active this fall in the GnA (after almost 3 years), after I fought and fought and fought for what this forum deserved. However, due to artists leaving, mods who were in charge not doing their jobs as leaders, and not enough coverage up top for any real new influx of members to keep it going. This great place is on the verge of death. I may try making yet... another... comeback, but to be honest, I just got tired of holding this world on my shoulders. I need some asprin bro.
Wouldnt it be good if the mods put this up where more people saw it? Like idk next to the maps section or something like that, or maybe hold graphic contests in the main page, so that ths not lost, because it's a great place to submit work and be critiqued... and i know lately I've been posting work here and barely anyone replies besides orlando(thx a ton) and erico, who are the most active members now. This goes to the mods and whoever has power here to put this section more in the spotlight so more people come see the work.
Well there is the slight issue that we haven't had a contest in months... Also, the subforums are organized by category; the maps section is in the reach category, this is in the miscellaneous category, so putting them together would break formatting. You said that I and Erico are the most active members, but I only reply to people's work at the moment really (and even in that I have been getting lax in doing...). That leaves more or less you and Erico as the posting people(sigs wise, others post different types sporadically), and thats not enough to bring more people. That said, in the past I have found the shops and the contest draw people in, so if we could get those kick started we may get SOME people. Personally, with school work I would find it hard to find the time to get the work done that would result from participating in a shop, but I think Xterminator or Erico could set one up for themselves to both get some practice and pull people in (if they have time of course).
KK where have to been! I have been worried sick about you good sir. You need to talk with me more on MSN. Im lurking more then anything, but i'm still drawing mostly and trying to do some SAI work.
Well, right now I'm making things for those who request them in the shops section. I've also gotten personal requests which keeps me busy. I'd be willing to set a shop up once I have the time. Although I'm thinkin' the soonest would be summer vacation :/