Invasion: ONI Invasion has been brought to one of the tightest maps in Halo: Reach, the Sword Base. Both the Elites and the Spartans can prepare for an epic battle without vehicle combat this time around. This is the first version of Invasion: ONI, I will probably add some more respawn zones in the future versions. The map has been playtested with just 2 players. Now, let's talk about the Elite objectives: 1. Annihilate the down level of the Sword Base (territories) 2. Destroy the Spartan blockades (assault) 3. Steal the UNSC data and bring it to the highest point of the map (CTF) And the Spartans, of course, have to stop the Elites. Important notes: - There is no vehicle combat at all, what gives a whole new Invasion experience. - The Blue Gravity Lift is blocked from the start on. - The ''Invasion: Breakpoint'' gametype should also work on this. Now onto some pictures: Game Nights: I'm planning to host a custom game sometime to test the map.
I really like your creativity with this i can't picture it being a full blown invasion map, but it does have the opportunity for a smaller group of people to have a similar experience
Thanks for the comment Of course it's not the perfect invasion experience but it's still fun to play. Maps like Anchor 9, Boardwalk and Highlands also could make decent invasion maps.
Finnally somebody that agrees with me. I and The Krush SL already made an Invasion map on Boardwalk called Invasion: Cityscape. I also made Invasion: Powerplant that can be found in my File Share. Guess on what Map it's made on...
I'll be sure to check it out man. Oh and coming soon: ''Invasion: Anchor'' Stay tuned. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Anyone else?