UNSC Dragonfly

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Seanyboy2008, Mar 24, 2011.

  1. Seanyboy2008

    Seanyboy2008 Ancient
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    UNSC Dragonfly
    The Pride Of The UNSC Ground Attack Force

    The UNSC Dragonfly is a large, heavy battleship introduced into the UNSC navy in 2532 as a ground attack quad-VTOL ship built to withstand heavy fire and provide a combat outpost for an attack force and as an excellent ship for a full scale assault.

    When the UNSC ordered this new ship during the war with the Covenant, it was rumoured that a large attack force of around 100 Dragonfly's along with escorts could potentially take down a Covenant Cruiser. Although this was never tested.

    The UNSC Dragonfly is highly considered to be a more powerful ship than the Longsword due to it's hull being over half a metre thick and it's countless amount of weaponary, making this mean beast a very dangerous foe.

    The ship comprises of a rear-entrance similar to the Pelican except containing a hooking port at the back for a Falcon which can be driven in and both pilot and gunner can get out and enter the Dragonfly.


    As you walk inside, you will notice to your right is the small armoury containing a few DMR's and a grenade launcher. The teleporter takes you either to the roof where you can man the Rocket Hog Turrets or Machine Gun turrets, or to the front of the Dragonfly where two more machine gun turrets are. To the left is a small seating area for 8 passengers.

    As you continue further into the ship, you will see a large room. This is the Control Room. The four com-stations are where the communications devices can be controlled and engage the jamming system where enemy data can be stolen. There are also two Health Stations for those who have been injured in combat.

    If you continue going forwards you will come to the Flight Deck. The first noticeable object is the Admiral's chair. This would be a luxery chair for the Admiral and from where he can command the ship. In front of the Admiral's chair is the Admiral's Over-ride controls from where he can pilot the ship alone in case of emergency. The control panel on the left is the co-pilot, the one on the right is the Pilot.

    I have provided a gametype for this map which is Capture The Flag, but Assault is also compatible with this map along with Team Slayer. The CTF and Assault gametypes allow the bomb/flag carrier to man a Falcon turret which allows you to fly to the Dragonfly and plant the bomb/flag.

    Some people may call this vehicle the Elephant-of-the-skies, but please let me know what you think :)

    Here are some more pictures:

    This image shows the flight deck of the ship with me peering out ("Hellooo!") and one of the two machine gun turrets underneath which can be accessed by a teleporter on the other side.

    This image shows the Flight Deck with me on the Admiral's Chair to the right. The co-pilot's control panel on the left and the pilot's on the right. The centre is the Admiral's override.

    This image shows the Control Room. There are four communication desks where users can hack into the enemy signals and steal data and even jam their radar.

    This image shows the armoury in the background with the teleporter, and the seating area to the right. Do excuse the Warthog's wheels poking through the ceiling. The exit is in the middle. This image was taken from an angle as if the cameraman was sat in one of the seats.

    This image shows the attackers spawn area. There are three Falcon's but there are Covenant weapons as the main attack weapons. On each side of the hangar is a ramp that leads to the top in the centre of the base. This is where the Red team flag/bomb spawns.

    An image of one of the rocket pods activated... imagine what you could do with all FOUR activated!


    • I did get some influence of this ship from the C-21 Dragon from the 2009 film Avatar, but most of this was my own idea.
    • List of crewmembers:
    • - 1 Admiral
    • - 1 pilot
    • - 1 co-pilot
    • - 4 communications officers
    • - 8 gunners
    • - 8 passengers
    • - Total: 23 crew (+7 standing)
    • This ship is aptly named due to it's fairly large size along with it's four wings and the fact that it makes a sound similar to a dragon's roar when it is flying.
    • Measurements:
    • -10m height
    • -80m long (including tail)
    • -60m wide (including VTOL's)
    • Speed:
    • -70-80mph cruising speed (Travel Configuration)
    • -110-120mph Thruster Strength at 100% (Battle Configuration)
    • Weight:
    • -600 tonnes
    • It is rumoured by the UNSC that this ship can take down 6 Phantom's within six seconds due to it's heavy armament.
    • A fact pointed out by iixRetriButioNx is the fact that if you look at the ship from the back, it resembles an elephant with it's mouth open. This is fitting because the maker of the map and others highly consider the Dragonfly the 'Elephant of the skies'.
    • There is also a Stealth variant of the Dragonfly. This variant has only one rocket pod and the ability to cloak itself and with dimmer interior lights. This variant is used mainly in calmer combat and can hack into the enemy databases. The engines are also quieter, thus making the vehicle slower.
    • There is also a Space variant available. This variant is practically the same as the Battleship variant, except it is adapted for outer-space combat and has much more powerful thrusters, enabling speeds of up to 280-300mph.

    This is my first ever map post on Forge Hub. Please let me know what you think :)

    Credits also go to my good friend iixRetriButioNx for asking me to design him a "command ship" and for helping me with the ideas for this battleship :D

    #1 Seanyboy2008, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2011
  2. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    This is great! maybe you could move the roof up to fix that problem with the wheels sticking through from the warthog. Maybe you could put a gauss turret under the control room to look like a MAC gun. and it would look cool because it would have landing wheels poking through the bottom. Just a suggestion. I'll help you if you want with it, add my gt: mcneelyman
  3. terrance

    terrance Forerunner

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    Replace a couple of rocket hogs with gauss hogs and this will be perfect.
  4. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    I agree, this map would be better if it had gauss hogs.
  5. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    No. Never place a Gauss Hog on a map that hasn't been designed to combat their incredible power. They can easily put down a Falcon in about three shots, and are literally impossible to dodge. Rocket Hogs are actually semi-dodgeable if you have a good pilot, and add less of a "random" element to the map.

    I'll just quote one of my earlier posts to explain what I think of Gauss Hogs:

    #5 Hogframe, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  6. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    man, this is great looking. it reminds me of the large VTOL carrier in Avatar, not sure if thats intended or not but thats not a bad thing haha. while huge ships with a million rooms are fun and all, i think a simple, practice design can be more entertaining, while leaving you with a budget to do more stuff. the fact that its gametype compatible is awesome too, definite download.
  7. Apple s4uc3

    Apple s4uc3 Ancient
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    This looks like a very nice ship. Nothing is tilted and just looks perfect. Great view on the pics as well. Im going to download this and check it out. It looks like a prop you can use for a youtube vid. Dont worry I will give you a special thanks in the vid. Great work,
  8. Seanyboy2008

    Seanyboy2008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man :) and yeah as long as you credit me I'd be more than happy to let you use it :)

    Edited by merge:

    Hi there Lazer :D

    Coincidence really, it was only earlier today I downloaded your map 'Firefly' and I must say it is very impressive :) Quite a small ship but really nice effect :) Very sleek shape and like the small little crevice rooms with beds, looks real cozy :)

    Thanks for that compliment as well dude :) And I did in fact get some influence from the C-21 Dragon from Avatar, but most of it was from the top of my mind :)
    #8 Seanyboy2008, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  9. terrance

    terrance Forerunner

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    Yes, i know how overpowered the gauss hog is. But this map seems purely for aesthetics. I could never see this map working for actual gameplay.

    Btw, what has changed for version 3.5|
    #9 terrance, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2011
  10. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    hey, thanks man! yeah, a design will work best when it has purpose, if there's just space for the sake of space you'll loose the realistic effect.

    ah, yes, thats' the name. I really liked all the vehicle designs in avatar, the Dragon in particular, if i could own one i would live in it haha. yeah, i can see the inside is all original, its more of an exterior aesthetics thing. good map, look forward to seeing more of your stuff in the future.
    #10 Lazer X7, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  11. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    Lol Lazer everyone knows u and u have only posted 3 maps!

    THis is a great map! It's like a pelican, with hornet wings and sevres an elepants purpose! IT IS A PELORPHANT! No but it's great that it has multiple gametypes. I tried making something like this, and I threw up.
  12. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    i was watching avatar when i saw this map, and my jaw hit the floor... moreso when i heard them say the big bird things, (not the REALLY big orange and black one. the littler ones) were called banshees by the humans.
  13. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
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    ahem..! isnt this from avatar? just wondering...
  14. Seanyboy2008

    Seanyboy2008 Ancient
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    Response to all people who claim this is the C-21 Dragon from Avatar

    Okay, let's just get this straight guys, if you actually read the original post, you will read that I got some influence from the C-21 Dragon from Avatar, and if you guys don't know what 'influence' means, I'll be kind enough to give a definition. Basically I got some idea from it, but just because my ship shares one similarity in that it is a quad-rotor VTOL, doesn't mean I simply "copied" it. In fact my friend was the one who asked me to design him a mobile command base. Just to get this straight guys.
  15. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    This looks like that VTOL Avatar vehicle and an AC130 mixed together.

    I say, add the gauss hogs. That ship is already overpowered enough.

    Also, at Harris, do you know how to easily take down a gauss hog?

    Teamwork. Learn it. A well placed shot by a sniper or a banshee coming from behind while a decoy is in place can easily take down a Gauss Hog. Not to mention a Spartan Laser coming from a hidden position.

    I like having a challenge like the Gauss Hog on a map, it encourages teamwork and it increases fun.

    Hopefully you don't hate Gauss Hogs because you got head-shotted from the other side of the map with it, or because it deflected your spartan laser when you and it shot at the same time and still destroyed your teammate(s).
  16. Seanyboy2008

    Seanyboy2008 Ancient
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    Carter, please look at my above post.

    And about the Gauss Hogs, I never really did like them, and besides, this vehicle is heavy battleship and would only be used as a defence ship for the smaller ships, plus the rockets add more possibilities for a game, instead of the usual 'shoot and kill' the Gauss provides.
  17. iTzST0RM

    iTzST0RM Forerunner

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    This is awesome! There's a lot of good inspiration here! I need it lol
  18. Flyingman66

    Flyingman66 Forerunner

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    my map has a simalar name

    one of my maps is called "The Dragonfly" sorry if i copied Ur name didn't know someone else had a map with the same name :/ either ways it looks like a very detailed mini-ship map, love how u put so much detail into such a small ship.
  19. Blackendslayer

    Blackendslayer Forerunner

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    I like this map its vary cool but i have a question

    My question is how do you put the vehicles in the structures like the the rockets on the top?
  20. Seanyboy2008

    Seanyboy2008 Ancient
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    All you do, is place an object, for example, a bridge, and use the Co-ordinates tool to move it to default height. Then place a Warthog on top (Rocket's and Machine Gun work best) then place a bridge piece upside down on top of the Warthog, but make sure you use the Co-ordinates tool again. If you move the object too far down, the Warthog will be crushed and will explode. No worries though, it should respawn. Just move the bridge higher so it allows the turret to appear through the bridge piece and then you are done :) You can use the turret and can still get inside the car seats from the top of the bridge, and even from underneath, like inside the Dragonfly.

    If you get in the turret (Rocket Turret) and you fire, and the rockets explode in front of you, you maybe need to move the bridge piece down a little.

    Hope this helps :)

    By the way, thanks for the support from others, and I would like to announce that the Flagship of the Dragonfly fleet - The UNSC King Dragonfly is now finished and will be posted to my file share soon :)

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