The sights of Reach....from the OUTSIDE

Discussion in 'Reach Screenshots & Videos' started by Lethe Albion, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Lethe Albion

    Lethe Albion Forerunner

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    Well, I must admit I came upon this entire idea completely by accident. What happened was that I was experimenting with the idea of Reach's system of gravity and teleporter momentum. So, I made a giant vertical tunnel out of large walkways. At the bottom, I put a teleporter linked to a receiver at the top, facing directly downwards, with a spawn point at the top. The thing is, I didn't know at first that there literally is no vertical air resistance in Reach. So, as I'm flying down this tube, I start picking up speed, and I NEVER STOP SPEEDING UP. I thought this strange, but then had a brilliant idea. Using what I already knew about the transfer of momentum through teleporters, I set another teleporter at the top of the tower to spawn after 40 seconds of the match starting, on the same frequency as the other two, facing the opposite side of Forge World, at a 4 degree angle (this tower is built in the water next to Pinnacle island, by the way). So, needless to say, after accelerating to what was probably about several hundred miles an hour, I flew towards hemorrhage and collided with the map barriers on the top of the far side of the gorge. I was thrilled with this cool little trick, so I jumped in the tube again, while the second teleporter was still active. At this time, there was a 50/50 chance of coming out on the top of the tube, or flying outwards. So, after I went down about 6 or 7 times, I flew out the side, still going pretty fast, and collided with the top of the beach side of Hemorrhage's gorge. My dead body then carried all of the same momentum and flew far past the barriers and continued onwards for several hundred feet before I respawned. I thought that was pretty cool, so I wanted to watch it in theater mode. So I went in, and watched my body fly through the air. I paused it as I got past the barriers, cuz I wanted to look around the outside of Forge World. Then I had my most brilliant idea yet. I pressed the Y button. Now, detached from my body, and in spectator mode, I was now completely free to fly around and explore quite literally the entirety of Forge World. To explain entirely what I am talking about, here are a few pictures of the sights of Reach....from the OUTSIDE:

    Forge World:

    The whole picture (literally, from BEHIND the Halo):


    A closer look:


    From the top of the Forerunner structure:


    From the tip of the Mountaintop:


    That's all for Forge World. Here are a few from the other levels I "broke out of":



    Anchor 9:

    An overview:


    A view of Anchor 9 from INSIDE one of the Sabers:




    And finally, Tempest:

    From the snowy mountaintop:


    The flashing lightning towers in the distance:


    And our tiny liddle island:


    DISCLAIMER: For all those that are thinking about posting something like "ur such a ***, u hacker," might I remind you that I did this using only an Xbox 360 controller, an Xbox 360 and a copy of Halo: Reach. If you think that's hacking, then go suck your thumb and ride your tricycle for all I care.
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You get the same thing by shoving a teleporter out through the boundries and then going through it. Sure sometimes you die but then when you go into theatre mode you can fly around freely.

    See my thread "Some Skybox Shots" for a couple of pics I took while outisde of the new maps.

    Also, in theatre mode after a firefight game you can use an old H3 trick to get your camera outside those barriers.

    If you use one of the drop ships to slowly (very slowly) push the camera out, then you can move around freely. Works best if you place your camera between the ship and where it will leave the are then just step it forward by tapping the right trigger. let your camera be pushed out of the ship after each tap otherwise it will go right through and you won't be out of the map.

    Also be carefull because some of the maps have 2 barriers. So after you make it through one, leave the film paused while you check if there is another one.
  3. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    i was just about to say that the teleporter trick could get you out too, but you beat me to it.

    however, i would like to know what exactly you did now to do your apparent uber man cannon with the teleporters. i dont quite understand how you set it up to launch you.
  4. Lethe Albion

    Lethe Albion Forerunner

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    Drat.I was really hoping I was the first person to discover this. lol. Oh well.

    Well, like I said in my post, I had the two teleporters at the top and bottom of the tube, so that you would constantly be falling without ever slowing down. All of this momentum would constantly be building up, infinitely increasing. When I created a second receiver node on the same frequency, what that means is that now, whenever you pass through the bottom teleporter, you will either come out of the top, or be launched out the side, in the direction I set the other porter to face. So by settingthe spawn time to 40 and spawn_at_start to false, it made it so that it would appear after 40 seconds, thus opening a second gateway for the bottom teleporter. The thing about Reach is that the speed that you enter a teleporter with is the same as the speed you will come out of it with, only completely reoriented in whatever direction that porter is facing.
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I've done this before already. Its pretty cool though seeing what the maps look like from the outside.
  6. Lethe Albion

    Lethe Albion Forerunner

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    Yeah, really my only claim to fame here is my Gravity cannon, I guess. lol. You should try building one. Turns out you don't actually need walls. all you need is one sender node, two receiver nodes, and.......well.....that's it, actually. and then a whole lot of calibration
  7. Lethe Albion

    Lethe Albion Forerunner

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    Okay....this is weird.....that really nasty post just dissapeared.....oh well. I'm happy. :D
    #7 Lethe Albion, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    There's also the real low tech way of just banging against the barriers until you find a whole in them, you'd be surprised in how many holes in barriers there are.
  9. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea but where is the fun in that?


    Always more fun when you accidentally discover something. The teleporter thing is fun but I never got it to work as smoothly as you seem to have done. How did you get it to send you straight down out of the reciever? I always end up with all the speed from gravity pushing me straight out the side of it.
  10. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Oh this has been done for months, but it doesn't change how awesome it is. If you can get a big enough teleporter chain going, and the player is in a warthog, AND the warthog comes out of the teleporter at the top instead of flying away, you can break through the ceiling barriers and go much higher than in normal player mode.
  11. Lethe Albion

    Lethe Albion Forerunner

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    Yeah, I tried it in a mongoose, and it was pretty awesome. Except I never thought of facing it upwards, though. I would always just fly across Forge World and explode in a fiery mess.

    And Waylander, the way you get it to throw you downwards is by first jumping into the teleporter at a high speed and seeing which direction you come out. Memorize the direction, take a closer look at the teleporter, and make a mental note to which side you came out of the teleporter. Then, literally just change the way that part of the porter is facing and put it downwards. And at a decent enough height, too. Because if it's too high, for some reason you appear above it and fall through. And if it's too high, you end up appearing above it and getting knocked to the side by the ceiling barrier. I don't know why, though.

    So, that's basically it. As long as it's aimed the right way, you should be good. ;)
    #11 Lethe Albion, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  12. Skater

    Skater Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I'm actually very suprised there was that much detail in the saber and the frigates beyond boneyard.
  13. Lethe Albion

    Lethe Albion Forerunner

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    Yeah, That was probably the most shocking thing I've seen in this. Cuz I've done theater mode in Black Ops, and there is literally nothing beyond what anyone could normally see with their own eyes. Inside a helicopter: literally nothing. Submarine: same. In Reach though? The cockpit of a space ship that flies around outside the level that's hard to even notice anyways? FULLY detailed monitor and control array. Gotta love it :D
  14. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Better is if you push the recieving end of teleporter out of the map. Then you can fly across with that momentum as a Spartan.
  15. Lethe Albion

    Lethe Albion Forerunner

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    1 THAT is something I'd never thought of before. I must try this now. Hehehehe.....

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