If you don't know the original map, Its Chiron TL-34 from Halo PC. Or the "Janitors closet" as dubbed from Red vs Blue series. Back when I first picked up halo. I wrecked online play. and one of my 2 favorite maps was Chiron TL-34. Mainly because it was easy to get confused where you were or where you were going when you walked into a portal. Unless you played it as much as I have and memorized the map. So here is the origonal layout of Chrion: A total of 9 rooms interlinked with teleporters that, in game, can really mess you up if you are a run-n-gun type of fellow. Here is my map layout (in planning, I havn't forged it yet): My goal here is to have players constantly moving, and try not to have them camp in one area. However, the more I think about it, the less likely it is to happen -.- So tell me what you guys think, I'll be adding more rooms when I come up with the initial design of it. So far all the rooms have roughly equal lengths when you exit a portal and run to the other. In conclusion, I'm also looking for a Forge buddy. If anyone would be interested in helping me forge this, add Black Ninjinsu on X-box live! [Edit]: Due to limited portal placements (complete oversight in my part) The portal room was removed. Also expect some constant updating as i also need to go in and redesign the rooms. Fun times for me!
your only allowed 11 teleporters I believe, it's somewhere around there, but definitly less than 29 Cool looking rooms tho, try to rework it possibly? Good luck
I looked into forge, and its actually 12. Darn, that makes things a bit more complicated to design. even without the portal room I'm up to 13. Which would limit the amount of portals per room. Challenge accepted!
12 total teleporters with 12 different channels. If you want the portals to go somewhere you can have at most 6 pairs which is why Chiron remakes are pointless. I suppose you can reimagine the map with what you have.
A lot of people who had the intention of re-making this map came of with the idea of staking rooms on top of each other, allowing one teleporter to be used more than once. I'm not sure anyone has actually attempted it though.
You could try physically connecting some rooms and using teleporters for the rest. It might not be a perfect remake but, honestly, who cares? A good map that strays from the original is better than a bad map that doesn't.
You could add a large portion of the rooms together and separate them with fake walls or shield doors or something. like the image below, only less bad
No secret here, this is using Google Sketch-up with pre-made halo models. The actual models are not my work, but putting them together was. I am actually doing that sort of style as of now. If i were to use all 12 portals, I can effectively have 6 rooms each with 2 portals. This is make the map look small, but be a little bigger due to the number of rooms. However it will not be as random as I would like it to be. Also, I only took the ideal geometry of some of the rooms, and created my own twist on them, but I get the idea you are going for. Unfortunately, I have a really hefty project that requires most of my attention for school. So unless I have some free time to squeeze in to updating this, It will be slow. But fret not! You're ideas are welcomed and appreciated! Even if you tell me not to do it, It'll only make it happen more.
Actually if you arranged some of the rooms so the doors were actually just hallways with fake walls, you could reduce the necessary number of teleporters and make this possible. In regards to your use of sketchup. With the forge in reach it may be easier to just build the map rather than making a sketchup first.
That is a very interesting Idea! I'll be sure to give it some considerations depending on how the layout is going to be. I'm sure i can easily incorporate it to whatever I make ! As to your sketch-up comment, allow me to offer this a rebuttal: (I don't intend any offense) Your work flow may consist of making a map from scratch in forge world itself. However, mine is completely different entirely. The purpose i make a "Floor plan" before I go off and make the world is so that I can easily spew out room designs fast and easy. Where as I am slow and terrible at forge. The sketch-ups that I made took me no more than 30 seconds to build each room (from actually being in the program and using it). I kinda went back and forth form lucking Forge Hub to making a new room, I was being lazy about it XD. As we are different people our methods are different. This also allows me to go in and quickly change the floor plan and rebuild or edit a slight part of it quickly. Its about speed and efficiency for me. Once the sketch ups are done, I can go into forge, and quickly block everything out that I had already planned. After that then the ascetics come into play, then the layout of spawns and weapons afterwords. TL;DR: Its my workflow; I'm faster and better at making plans this way then from scratch in forge.
I agree with the others, where you can't use teleporters, use capture plates to create false barriers. Using these instead of shield doors will give your "teleporters" a more authentic feel, as you can't see the other side.