Halo Reach The Daily/Weekly Challenge Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MaxSterling, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    meh... finish about 4 games of Firefight Limited and you'll get the same amount of cR.
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    The Challenges arn't only for credits in my eyes, it's the experiences with friends. I've had some super, fun/funny times doing some of these Weeklys.
  3. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Yes It can be fun/funny even during normal matchmaking say there is a challenge:"Kill 20 people using a jet pack during matchmaking" all though that day everyone is using jetpacks makes for weird games.
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Just wanted to say that the current weekly is a cakewalk if you use a good walkthrough. It took me ten minutes with the save & quit glitch, and I bet now that I know what I'm doing, I could run it in five without dying.
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I did it in 6 minutes without dying on my first attempt without warming up.
  6. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I tried it twice with my friends, and we had no problems. For 10 seconds or so. The game started skipping strangely. It wasn't lag, just weird skip.

    I'll probably do it on my own anyway.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You may as well, this one is just as easy without friends as with them.
  8. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    Anyone up for this weekly (TOTS Laso)? I have 2 people waiting in the lobby. GT: Jackal Stew
  9. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just finished it solo. Hardest parts: The start, just getting past that initial battle. And just after destroying the last gun, before you get on the falcon.
    ****ing headache causers.
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yeah agreed.

    Also, just finished in co-op with an AFK teammate. My connection dropped out afterwards, and I may have to get it again -_-

    Had an epic double assassination on two elites at the end also <3
  11. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Me and shadow did it in an Hour and 9 minutes. Wasn't too bad.
  12. cannibalghoul

    cannibalghoul Forerunner

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    That wraith battle after the last gun was pretty damn frustrating, just because the Revenant is so useless. Might be worth it to try jacking the weaker wraith, since it seems to get stuck pretty often.

    I used MythicTyrant's strategy for the first battle, made it really easy. You just run around the edge of the cliff, hide behind a rock, and then fire your grenade launcher at the fuel rod turrets while still in cover.
  13. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I got it in an hour and thirty.

    I ****ing helped shad0w and Vorpal the first time they got it, we got there in like 50 minutes. Right at the end I lag out, and they both finish and log offline before I get back on FOUR minutes later -_-
  14. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Shadow claims it took more like 3 hours with the two of you. I don't know who I believe.
  15. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    No thats just cus I kept killing him in the Falcon. If you ignore all the time that I wasted, it was less than an hour :p
  16. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Took me about 30mins to do this weekly solo(A lot easier since I realized I didn't have to use blind this time), Any LASO challenge can be done pretty quick by searching "*Missions Name* LASO" and it will show you shortcuts you probably wouldn't of thought of.

    Just in case ever have to do it again. First battle you can run/sneak across edge of cliff to your left and get to where warthog gets droped then your pelican comes and kills most of them and get in the warthog and run.
    After destroying the last gun use either revenant out range all weak things then use either plasma launcher or warthog(at a distance they wont shoot at warthog) on hunters and use plasma launcher on wraith or just slowly kill it at range with any vehicle and try and do as much damage as you can when marines spawn there good distraction.
  17. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Just finished it with two other dudes. Took us 3 hours 8 minutes.

    Edited by merge:

    Wats the easiest way to get points mountain?
    #317 cluckinho, Mar 30, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2011
  18. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Current weekly is interesting.

    Did it last night as soon as it came up with the one mate who was still online at 10pm.

    Don't know how long it took us but it was easier than some of the other ones. More so considering my mate found us a shortcut that took us from just past the cargo port right to the landing pad. By passing all the uphill battles and stuff in between.

    The last part would have been hard but he managed to get into the room where you activate the guns with no one else in there so I just had to be quick to turn the guns on and then stay alive long enough for him to hit that button.

    Edited by merge:

    I do them mostly for the challenge of actually doing them. Once you've beaten the game on legendary it's pretty easy.

    Doing these challenges allows you to either do it the hard way by repeatedly hammering yourself against damn near invulnerable foes and fighting tooth and nail for every inch gained, or finding secret cunning ways around the fights.
    #318 Waylander, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  19. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    This, I normally do campaign on legendary all skulls on except blind and black eye with these weekly's I'm forced to do black eye which otherwise I wouldn't of done and made myself better at campaign.

    Also I'm determined to keep doing the weekly's till I miss one I've lost my top 100 spots in Halocharts so it's my only claim to fame now.
    #319 WWWilliam, Apr 19, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2011
  20. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Well I actually did this one because my girlfriend wanted to achieve it. Took us all day because she's a kamikazee player and for some reason always came near me and got in my line of fire the entire game.

    Some tips...

    Everything from Boardwalk up to the Cargo Port... pretty much a cakewalk. Conserve pistol/dmr ammo and use plasma pistols to kill all grunts and skirmishers. Use Pistols for brute headshots.

    Cargo Port... Use plasma pistol for the 4-5 grunts. Headshot 3 brutes + yellow brute. 2 brutes on left balcony also headshot. Split up and have one of you go left balcony one right balcony and finish off two jackals. Before activating button, grab machine gun turret and drop it off at the left door that opens releasing marines and civilians. Gather as much ammo/grenades for final battle. On left side where 2 brutes were, there is another level above it only accessible by a double jump off someone's head. Perch one player up there to fire down and distract the AI. 2nd player activates switch and enters the room where the door opened (hopefully with at least a pistol and shotgun and the machine gun turret from outside). All brutes will try to throw grenades at the player up above. Machine gun turret any brute you can from the room. Hopefully you have armor lock in case they throw grenades into that room. Use pistol to cap any brutes and grunts. Shotgun and armor lock anyone that runs into the room with you. Using this technique, we won the final battle easily.

    Bullfrogs... easy part. Grab DMRs and pick off everyone from a distance. Clear out the jackals and grunts from the catwalks. Then take care of the brutes. Up above on the left side is a pipe that I used to stand on and fire at the final 3 brutes and grunts. My girfriend went up high on top of the area the brutes hung out... behind the crates.

    New Alexandria landing pad... first thing you do is take out the 2 jackal snipers with focus rifles. They'll cut you to pieces. Use DMRs to cut apart the brutes with headshots. Save any sniper ammo and the rocket launcher for the landing pad area. Before the landing pad is a Brute Hero with a fuel rod gun. A couple of the brutes below had concussion rifles. I waited for the Brute Hero to be near a ledge and used the concussion rifle to blast him off the side. headshot the brutes on the balcony of the landing pad building. Grunts and jackals are easy pickings for plasma pistols and ARs. At the landing pad... pick off the grunts. Headshot most of the brutes. One person go on the upper balcony and go to the back to take out the two turrets with a grenade on each. That will trigger a dropship with a Hammer Brute and a couple jackals. Pick off the brutes by having each player on different sides of the building. Hopefully you can manage to sticky grenade most of the brutes. Otherwise use the sniper rifle from the front entrance. Last man standing will most likely be the Brute Hero with a FRG... alone on the landing pad. Hopefully you still have the Rocket Launcher and some Fuel Rod gun ammo from a grunt on the bridge before the landing pad. Wait until the brute is at the back of the landing pad, and have you both jetpack and bomb the Brute Hero... sending him over the edge. Before entering into the falcons, I suggest damaging yourself enough to grab a health pack and regenerate your shield. You'll most definitely take on fire while in the Falcon and most likely die without shields.

    Beachhead... DMR the grunt off the ghost. Take the ghost around back and take out the two wraiths. Clear out missile pad one and capture it. When that's done, have one player go on the grass ledges of the main building and pick off brutes at missile pad 2. Clearing this and activating missile pad 2 will cause two drop ships to appear. Guy on grass ledges of main building can just quickly run to the roof and jetpack into the window of the area with the final button and that will end it.

    Edited by merge:

    Anyone completed this weekly yet... LASO on New Alexandria?

    Couple of recommendations...
    1.) On the building with Reflection, you can get a falcon into the first part and wipe out everything clearing the way to the elevator leading to Reflection. Shuffle any decent ammo into the elevator before going up.
    2.) On Reflection, shuffle all ammo into the small room with the objective. You're gonna get swarmed with flying bugs. Also get a drop shield. That way you're constantly healed and have plenty of ammo. Use this as your fallback position.
    3.) After clearing the hospital, activate the Club Errera Easter Egg... both buttons. First one will get rid of the hunters and the club will be filled with brutes and grunts... all of which will attack you with brute shots and FRGs. 2nd button on top of the club will change the song, but this time only the brutes with brute shots will attack you after you activate the switch. Grunts won't do anything and there are only 4 brutes. 1 DJ and 3 bartenders. Button one is behind the hospital... about 1690 clicks straight east of the club at an altitude of 360. 2nd button is on top of the club under a ramp.

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