Forge DLC??

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Young Zeppelin, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Young Zeppelin

    Young Zeppelin Forerunner

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    Obviously the forge world has soo much to use already and people are still coming up with new ideas. but i'd love to see some new peices added to forge world. Like Alien structure/building blocks, plant life, different types of building blocks like cylinders or pyramids, or more scenery items. There's lots of times where i'd like to have trees or bushes on a level where i didnt have to build the level around the landscape I dunno just a thought. anybody else got some ideas or if this would even be nessecary?
  2. Wienermelon

    Wienermelon Forerunner

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    I agree, but I doubt they'll patch good ol' Forgeworld. I hope in the next map pack, they do exactly what you suggested.

    I also think they should let you alter the weather, and change the ground to
    Those kinda things, y'know?
  3. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I doubt anything like this would ever happen, but I'd be nice. I would much rather have them release a new "forge world" in an upcoming map pack that fixes all the framerate issues. Tempest is good, but it's no Forge World.
  4. Young Zeppelin

    Young Zeppelin Forerunner

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    yeah different elements such as snow or rain or desert would just be awesome. you could really put a unique touch to your levels. and yeah the frame rate issue sucks :(
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    For starters, if they were to do that that it would HAVE to be a global patch to make sure that everyone with the new objects could play and that there would be nobody without it (it would be incompatible.) I don't see them doing this cus they couldn't make money lol.

    I would want a new forge world... a COVVY forge world! :D
  6. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    This. Or one that has snow. :D
  7. Young Zeppelin

    Young Zeppelin Forerunner

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    Yeah i didnt think of the dlc incompatibility they could just make it a free update but that would never happen lol but yes even a different forge world thats covvy themed would be awesome... I would pay for that!!
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I would pay the ten dollars for a full pack for a covvy/snow forge world!
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'd pay the ten dollars for a full pack for a forge canvas built with performance put above all else. Muted textures and no gratuitous flair added to objects, don't care what theme aesthetic, and minimal terrain to the map itself, anything to enable as complex designs as possible without framerate problems kicking in. I kid you not, I would gladly pay 800MSP for that even though I probably wouldn't forge much on it, the stuff other people would produce would make it worth having.
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Yeah I agree with that. The possibilities, if we had this engine with Halo: 2 graphics (the golden age of the balance of aesthetics VS simplicity, when things looked like a game and not like real life) are nearly endless IMO. I had my fairs share of H:1 modded maps, and some of them were mind-blowing in comparison to what we can do today. The limitations that we have are simply too much. I really hope that 343i includes a Forge System totally free of the fears of lag and OLN. I know its crazy to ask for, but I really have no need to go near the budget limit now and I rarely did in Halo: 3. The only thing standing in the way of some truly outstanding community content is the unfathomable polygon count on these objects lol, and the stupendous detail put into them. Its nice, but I would rather have a good playing game than a good looking one.
  11. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    We'll never be totally free of lag, you only have to scope in cross map on Condemned during some opening rushes to see that. Maybe the textures and objects on that map are quite intensive, idk, but the performance problems really do seem to be rooted in the demands that Reach puts on the system itself. As long as we get the freedom to build complex designs and only suffer framerate issues comparable or close to those present on Bungie made maps then I'll be happy as can be. The majority of default maps have no real trouble with it.

    I have to say, I think there's something to be said for having a better model of 360 as well. I notice more framerate issues on my beat up old Arcade than on my friends lovely new Slim, it's one of the reasons I want to upgrade at some point when money allows. I should try playing Condemned on his more often and see if those same cross map issues arise. As for your last sentence, that totally embodies how I feel about it. I wish Bungie agreed and had taken such an attitude when designing FW, it's style over substance, not nearly to an outrageous level, but just enough to thwart things that could be truly wonderful.
    #11 Pegasi, Mar 22, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
  12. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Are the frame rate issues refurring to how one would (in my case) fire their magnum while forging in forgeworld to experience at 2-5 second sound lag.
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Wow, I've never had that. When I mentioned it I was talking about the framerate drops that you experience occasionally on most forgeworld maps if things get really crazy, the game just feels a little more 'juddery' as the number of frames per second drops temporarily. It happens most commonly in places like zooming in from one Sniper platform to the other on Asylum, or on user made forge maps with too many objects visible on screen at once.

    But yeah, I've never had sound lag issues either in forge or customs.
  14. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Hmmm... I don't understand it either. It doesn't usually happen unless I have been forging for a while and then I decide to walk around my map (see if it matches the feel I want) and shoot a few holes in the wall. :(

  15. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Speaking of sound lag, I have the exact same thing (though with DMR).
  16. Young Zeppelin

    Young Zeppelin Forerunner

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    yeah the sound lag is a new thing to me. thats messed :p
  17. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    To be honest, I'd be happy if they re-released Forge World but with simple shapes for blocks, rather than the more complicated ones we've been given just because Bungie wanted to remake some of their old maps and say "Oooh look, you can take our remakes apart and give them your own little twist!", it's a shame that they didn't tell us that as a result of them making these blocks, it's more awkward to make anything else.
  18. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    They could make money still, have a global patch that places all the content on your xbox, but disables you from forging with it until you pay. Yaaaaaaaaay

    That being said-- not going to happen.
  19. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    I upgraded my 360 from a core model to a slim after I had purchased Reach. The frame rate has improved, however the increase it isn't anything too significant. If you're running wireless in your home, the slim helps outs loads with connection lag considering the built in wireless receiver is faster than any adapter you could plug in.

    YouTube - Mirror's Edge CHROMA 3 stars
    Minimalistic would be nice. Possibly allow the option to change the block's entire color based on color/team object options.
  20. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    I would happily pay for a new forge world. Ideally with a sandtrap-esque skin to it. Id also happily settle for a smaller playspace but better performance.

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