Looks like Bungie are pulling out all of the stops, as they're releasing a bunch of fresh gametypes into matchmaking with the next update. Such as Speedpile, which is Stockpile where you pick up flags automatically, have no movement penalty and can still shoot. Power Slayer is also interesting, rewarding different types of kill with different "perks", as it were. Everything can be found in Bungie's Weekly Update So what are you guys going to do with this influx of new gametypes?
I think I might make a dedicated speedpile map. Don't know what that involves but im gonna give it a go. Also those new gametypes sound good.
Any! new gametypes are welcome in my books. But these are pretty cool would of never guessed "Power slayer"(hope we can adjust the 10seconds) but there gonna bring a lot more ideas into my and a lot of other peoples heads I can honestly say I'm excited to see what people make of these new gametypes.
Power slayer will be interesting. Speedflag sounds like the best IMO. I'm ready to see some of the unique ways these are used.
Power Slayer kind of sounds like Gun Game from Black Ops. Every kill you get, you get some type of upgrade. Except these only last 10 seconds? I can only wonder what these "perks" could be? Increased speed/jump height, more damage? Can't wait to play all of them and see what the communiy can come up with. It will be interesting.
I can quite realistically see one of the perks being a weapon change (just like the Juggernaut automatically gets a Gravity Hammer), so my money is on CoD fans being able to play Gun Game in Reach customs. Which is SWEET.
I actually already put together a gulch ball map a long time ago before I realized the limitations of stockpile. I guess I can just add the proper labels when Bungie releases the gametypes.
That would be slick! I'm betting money that its just status changes (movement, jumping) though. I wonder If you'll be able to expand the ten seconds the perk lasts for?
IMO, the speedpile looks like it will be the gametype people will build their majority of maps around. What would make me lol is if this is another one of bungie's April fools jokes, like chess... Lolol
im definitely looking forward to the ingenuity of the forge community shining brightly with these new gametype options. the possibilities that i can imagine based only on what theyve told us so far are still pretty great! dying to play them, dying even more to see what the community does with them.
I'm totally making a game where you start out super incredibly strong, and every kill you get makes you do less damage, up until you can only get kills with melees. This will be the ****. This, of course, is assuming that you can choose the duration of the effect of getting a kill to infinite (or at the very least something like five minutes)
Well I'm assuming when editing the perk traits you'll have the same list as Base Player Traits, so that would incorporate weapon changes. You could even program it to change your color depending on how you kill people, or give Snipers automatic waypoints when they get kills, etc. That would be an interesting gametype actually, everyone has good camo and focus rifles. Instant kill. Anyone who gets a kill has a waypoint placed over them and has their camo removed for 20 seconds. No motion trackers. Would be boss on something like Tempest.
but wouldnt that jst end up discouraging people from getting kills? But if it works well, its gonna be THE BSOI!
That reminds me of the leader traits from Halo 3. I wonder if the update will bring changes to other gametypes or just these new ones.
Cannot wait. Sppedflag is going straight into one of my maps. I just hope that you can auto pick up the flag.
I cannot wait for Power Slayer! That is definitely gonna be sweet. I'm gonna make a gametype where if you get headshots a lot you get a headshot weapon, and if you get melee kills a lot you get some sort of melee weapon.
I'd like it the other way around - if you get 4+ sniper headshots in a row or the same number of sword or shotgun kills, that weapon should be replaced with something completely opposite of it. It would be pretty funny to see people crying when their weapon-whoring, camping-ass ways are penalized. (Yes, I typed all this with an evil smile on my face)
LOL evil face > Yeah I mean either one could be fun IMO. I'm just super pumped for it. What I suggested is similar to COD (what I mean by that is getting rewarding for doing good) which people may or may not like.